I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1000 I got lost and came to ask for a meal

Chapter 1000 I got lost and came to ask for a meal
"What's going on?" The soldiers of the patrolling troop heard the voice from the opposite side, why did it sound like they were arguing?And it seems that there are still many people on the spacecraft.

"Damn, I told you to drive it hard, you guys actually sneaked into the game and ran to the 912 troops!"

"We have turned on the automatic navigation mode, and I don't know that other troops are coming!"

"Speechless, you f-cking entered the wrong coordinates. Fortunately, it was only a wrong entry. Otherwise, God knows where it will take us!"

"912 Base City? That should be pretty close to 911, right?"

"It doesn't matter, it's coming, let's talk about it after beating!"

"Why don't you have a meal first? I'm hungry, we'll go to 911 after we eat."

"Okay, agree!"

After a lot of noise, the other side finally returned to calm.

"This is the base city of 912. Once again, please indicate your identity and purpose, otherwise we will launch an indiscriminate self-defense attack with an enemy attack!"

"Fuck, they said they want to masturbate? They are so open, I like it so much!"

"What the hell, can you listen to the whole thing, what he said is a self-defense attack!"

"Shut up! Shame on another universe, let me tell you!" Zhang Menglong kicked those people away.

"Here is the Seventh Universe! 1004 Legion 192 battle sequence um. Flying Tiger Special Forces!"

"The Seventh Universe? They say they are the Seventh Universe!" The moment they heard it clearly, the hairs of those patrolling stood on end.

"How did they come here?"

The Seventh Universe is a well-known shrinking turtle. Since their world entered this outer battlefield, they have not made any offensive behavior except for defense.

In fact, it's not that they don't like attacking and counterattacking, but that their military strength is already quite difficult for passive defense, and they don't have any extra strength to counterattack.

So far, all of their base cities have never seen the shadow of spaceships or warriors from the seventh universe. This is the first time their aircraft have appeared here in tens of millions of years.

Their friendly forces 911 had just been repulsed by Universe [-], and now the spacecraft of Universe [-] appeared here, although it sounds like they drove in the wrong place, but what are they trying to do?Taking advantage of the victory to pursue?But it's not like it at all!

If it was a pursuit of victory, they would have to send a large army over, not to mention hundreds of millions of people, if there were no tens of millions of people, would that count as a counterattack?
But there is only one spaceship in front of them, and it doesn't look like a battleship, but more like their transport ship or the personal car of some generals.

"Please explain your purpose of coming!" Since the other party does not seem to be fighting, maybe they have other reasons for coming. As members of the patrol team, they must first find out the purpose of the other party before they can give a more authentic and reliable report.

"What, we are planning to hunt down your 911 troops, and shoot your 911 city by the way, but it seems that we accidentally went to the wrong place."

The patrol ship was silent for a while, and the eyes of the soldiers under the armor of the patrol troops were a little confused.

Is there something wrong with the brains of these people in the seventh universe?

But the two units are allies and friendly forces. Strictly speaking, they both belong to the same regiment command. Unit 911 and Unit 912 can even be regarded as the same unit!
You said in front of us that you were chasing and killing our friendly troops, and even went to their base city to shoot a cannon. Do you think we don't exist?Our 912 troops don't want to lose face?
Before the patrolling troops of Unit 912 could reply, Zhang's hazy voice sounded again.

"Several benefactors, we have been chasing for several hours, and it is almost time for dinner. The so-called visitors are all guests. It is fate that we can meet in this vast battlefield. We are lost and want to come to you for a meal. Is it okay to eat?"

"Eat you paralyzed!" If these people were from Earth, they would probably be cursing their mothers in their hearts. Labor and management are at war with you. What kind of operation do you go directly to our base camp to cook?Are you looking down on us?
After a moment of stupefaction, they immediately took a correct measure, which was to attack!

"The seventh spaceship appeared around the base, the target is unknown, launch an attack immediately!" When they made the decision to attack, they immediately returned the news to their base city.

"Damn it, do it if you disagree?" Zhang Mengyu immediately activated the defense system on the Stargazer.

"Boom!" The Stargazer is currently the top private spacecraft in the universe. In terms of security, it is even stronger than the battleships of the fifth-level peak civilization. This attack hit the particle shield of the spacecraft, which only caused Got some bumps.

"The attack is invalid, return immediately and prepare for battle!"

What they were driving was just a cruiser, and their combat effectiveness was only ordinary. Seeing that this attack had no effect, they immediately chose to return.

"Chasing!" Zhang Mengyu gave an order, and the Stargazer immediately chased after them.

"Dean, I saw their base city!"

"Fuck! So many weapons?"

"We're just a spaceship, as for?"

When the base city of Unit 912 appeared in their field of vision, the defense system of their base immediately attacked them.

Beam cannons hit the particle shield one after another. Although they couldn't break through the Stargazer's defense system, they made the spaceship vibrate violently.

"President stop! I'm motion sick!"

"Put me down, this is not a bus to kindergarten!"


"This is spicy chicken!" Zhang Mengyu immediately put away the Stargazer. After all, it is only a private spaceship. If you continue to move forward, the power of the attack may exceed its limit. Zhang Mengyu doesn't want it to be useless How long does it take for this thing to be scrapped.

The first line of defense in the 912 base city was ready for battle as soon as it received the news. Tens of thousands of soldiers were ready for battle, and all the thermal weapons were fully charged.

"Their spaceship disappeared? Could it be put into the space storage device?"

"Impossible, it should be some kind of optical camouflage or dimensional camouflage."

"No, the energy response has also disappeared!"

"A small number of life forms reacted, a total of 667! The life form level is the peak of level five, and it is the fifth level fighter of the opponent of the seventh universe!"

"Five-level fighters? Hundreds of fifth-level fighters dare to chase and kill the 911 troops, and dare to attack our 912 base city? Are they stupid from the Seventh Universe?"

"Hahahaha, beam cannons can solve this kind of fifth-level fighter!"

"Lock the area and blast them to pieces!"

Hundreds of beam cannons aimed directly at the location where Zhang Mengyu and the others landed and began to strike fiercely. In an instant, dust and flames covered an area of ​​several kilometers.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done, don't waste energy, it's not easy for us to find some energy crystals here."

"That's right, with such an intensive attack, even a sixth-level life form is left with nothing but scum."

"No, the reaction of the living body has not disappeared! They are not dead yet!"

"how is this possible?"

A burst of loud footsteps came from the smoke, and then a blue energy giant came out from the thick fog. It held a sword in its left hand and a shield in its right hand. Those beam cannons had no effect on it at all.

"Hey Wang Kai, it's amazing, you can even summon a full body Susanoo?"

"So awesome, so awesome!" Wang Kai controlled the energy giant holding a huge shield and continued to move forward while shouting, "Nimma, we just got lost and came here for a meal, there's no need for this!"

(End of this chapter)

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