Chapter 999 rnm, off track

"Kill it?"

Zhang Mengyu's proposal immediately lifted the spirits of the students of Super Seminary.

Yes, since the opening of this out-of-bounds battlefield, their seventh universe has been in a defensive situation where they are forced to be beaten. They have attacked your crystal several times, but you guys are good. You have never even seen their highland towers. How aggrieved?

Even a wooden man has a temper and is always beaten passively. Is this something a big man can bear?If you punch me once, then I have to stab you twice?

"Great idea! I'll sign up!"

"Okay, let's go, I'm really interested in the 37 universe and the 38 universe, count me in."

"Is it far away? My instant noodles are almost cooked. If it's too far away, the noodles will be mushy when I come back."

"Eat noodles, eat noodles! Why do you only have noodles in your mind? Let's try something from other universes, isn't it delicious?"

"There are girls from other universes!"

"Hey hey, let's go!"

Zhang Mengyu turned on the communicator, "Captain, it's me!"

"Hazy, what's the matter, are you all not injured?"

"We're all fine," Zhang Mengyu said, "These salted fish and rotten eggs won't hurt us."

"It's fine, then come back quickly. This time is a rare victory for us. You have stunned them. Not only our 192 battle order, but also the offensives of several nearby legions have stopped."

"Such an exaggeration?" Zhang Menglong didn't expect that they would have such an impact on the battlefield.

"Hahaha, I guess they were scared silly by your combat power, because of the increased front-line combat power configuration in our seventh universe, before they figure out the situation, they may not dare to attack at will. We can rest for at least a dozen or 20 Damn, it's enough for us to rest up and wait for the newcomers to come in."

"That's very good."

"Come back quickly, we have prepared a celebration banquet, and the surrounding teams have come to ask about your affairs just now, this time we will hold a celebration banquet!"

"You guys eat first, we won't be coming back for now," Zhang Mengyu said.

"Not coming back? What are you doing?"

"Captain, I want to ask, where is the satellite base city of Universe 37 and Universe 38? How long will it take us to get there?"

"What do you mean?" Sinos's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that these people are crazy to kill and now they want to kill them in their lair?

"Everyone planned to exercise a little bit today, but these people are too hard-boiled. We retreated before our bodies warmed up. We plan to go to see them," Zhang Mengyu said, "It's a war, Naturally, I want to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and I plan to go to their lair to show off my military prestige."

"Are you crazy?" Sinos trembled nervously, "This is not a joke. Since the war started on the battlefield, we have never launched a counterattack. We only know the location of their base city, but what about the other side's fortifications? We don’t know how the firepower is, what the battle configuration is, and you are simply throwing yourself into the trap.”

"Just know the location," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "we just go to their satellite base city to see, we won't go to their legion city, at most there are a few seventh-level life forms, if we can't beat them, we Come right back."

"This won't work! You are the legion leader who wants to meet. If something happens to you, how can I explain to the legion leader?"

"Don't worry, we won't have any accidents," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "you start the fire and cook first, maybe we can catch up with the heat when we come back, if we take their old nest in one pot, maybe we can pack some of their specialties return."

"Packing their specialties" Sinon was dumbfounded, how confident are they in their own strength?

But if you think about it carefully, the strongest line of defense in their 192 battle order is the seventh-level life form. Even if the opponent is stronger than them, it is not much stronger.

It is indeed difficult for Zhang Mengyu and others to deal with eighth-level life forms, but if they are seventh-level life forms, they should still be able to run if they can't beat them.

And he knew that he couldn't persuade these freaks at all!

"Then you must be careful. If you can't do it, come back. They won't dare to chase after here."

"Okay, captain, send me the map information."

After a while, Zhang Mengyu and others received the information sent. From this direction, the spacecraft can fly for more than an hour.

Zhang Mengyu took out his Stargazer from the storage space of the Super Seminary, "Brothers, copy guys, let's go!"

Beyond more than 5 astronomical units, there is a continuous military base. Behind this military base are the worlds of universe 37 and universe 38.

Their arrangement is similar to that of the 7th universe, with thousands of small base cities surrounding a large base city, and one of their legions is stationed in each large base city.

731 Legion 911 small base city, where a force from universe 37 is stationed. They don't have a small combat team like the seventh universe, and the entire force is commanded by a seventh-level peak life form.

In this base city, there are nearly 10 billion fifth-level lifeforms, 17 sixth-level lifeforms, and seventh-level lifeforms. In addition to the highest command, there are 192 adjutants. The attack on the [-] combat sequence just now came from them. force.

In the combat command room, a man wrapped in metal armor with only his eyes left was staring at his subordinates. He was Peter Hume, one of the base's 17 lieutenants, and he was in command of the combat plan this time.

"In less than 5 minutes, 171 million fifth-level fighters, 2721 sixth-level fighters, and 49282 Horno monsters were lost. What is going on?"

Logically speaking, the vitality of the seventh universe should not have recovered yet, only some stragglers are left, and it is impossible to resist their attacks.

"Master Peter Hume, we don't know, but according to the news brought back by those surviving fighters, a group of very powerful fighters suddenly appeared in the seventh universe, and they alone can defend the impact of a formation."

"Did their seventh-level fighters go to the battlefield in person?" Peter Hume asked. Generally speaking, life forms above the seventh-level will only take action in some large-scale battles, and generally they will only fight with the seventh-level fighters among them. It is impossible to personally participate in this kind of ordinary siege battle.

"No, according to our detectors, those fighters are only fifth-level fighters of the seventh universe, and we don't know why their combat effectiveness is so terrifying."

"Investigate this matter immediately!" Peter Hume said, "If they are all such fighters, then we will give a fart!"

The 912 small base city peripheral detection force is conducting daily inspections, and the significance of their existence is to detect attacks from other universes at the first time and report the situation to the base.

The 37th universe and the 38th universe are the powerful parties. In fact, very few people from other universes take the initiative to attack them, so most of the time, these patrols are very idle, and they just chat and talk nonsense every day.

"It's really weird, the 911 troops were withdrawn so quickly today!"

"I heard that they are going to the Seventh Universe today."

"The seventh universe? I remember that there was a large-scale battle just organized in the 20 or so universe days. Several of their legions were disabled by us. It seems that they don't even have the strength to defend now."

"I've heard it looks like we're beaten this time."

"Defeated? How could it be so fast? With their remaining troops"

"Dididi, a strong energy source appears!" Suddenly, the instrument sounded an alarm.

"what happened?"

"There is an enemy attack!"

"Who? Universe 4 or Universe 12?"

"I haven't seen this type of spaceship before. It's just one. Is it a friendly army?"

"Don't be in a hurry to call the police, ask for clarification before speaking."

"This is the 37 small base city of Universe 912, please indicate your identity and purpose!" They immediately broadcast a report to the spacecraft.

But then there was a messy voice in the communication.

"Ah? 912 base city? Isn't this the 911 base city?"

"Mum, did you miss the start?"

(End of this chapter)

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