I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1604 But they provide food and accommodation

Chapter 1604 But they provide food and accommodation

Before the Demon Emperor had time to make any movements, a large amount of unknown liquid shot onto his cheeks.

He wiped it with his hands instinctively. The unknown liquid made him very puzzled. He didn't know why these humans used this strange way to deal with him. Could it be some special weapon?

"Humans, are you cleansing the emperor?" The Demon Emperor looked at the humans in front of him and gave a ferocious smile, "I never imagined that humans in this era are so weak. Compared with your ancestors, you are far behind! "

The Demon Emperor could see through the level of life of that nine-level perfect creature at a glance, but it was obvious that the sense of oppression it gave him was far less than that of the nine-level perfect creature of that era, and even the gap was vastly different.

Although he had just broken the seal, his strength was still close to that of a super life form. Dealing with this kind of untrue level nine perfect creature was like playing games.

But in the next second, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The unknown liquid just shot on his face actually began to seep into his body, and merged into the microscopic structure of his body, and began to destroy his body crazily!

A sharp pain came from his body, and he felt that his body was melting and collapsing, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

"What did you spray on me?" The Demon Emperor gritted his teeth and said, "You despicable and cunning humans, what did you do to me?"

"Hahaha!" The nine-level perfect creature immediately straightened up, "Demon Emperor, I don't think so. Since you have the idea of ​​destroying us humans, you should have the consciousness to be expelled by us humans. It's just to welcome your gift, how do you feel?"

Feeling the loss of power from his body, the Demon Emperor also seemed a little panicked, his body also began to shrink, from tens of meters at the beginning to less than ten meters now, and his aura also dropped to only level nine The level of the pinnacle of perfect creatures.

But the Demon Emperor is the Demon Emperor after all, even if they are extremely weak, these people cannot handle them.

"Have you notified His Majesty the Emperor?"

"My lord, I have already notified that the Human Sovereign is heading towards this place."

"Okay," the ninth-level perfect creature immediately felt relieved. Since the Human Sovereign is already on his way, it's enough to wait until he arrives.

All the human warriors took out their weapons, and it was not so easy for them to delay the Demon Emperor.

"Damn you!" The Demon Emperor casually grabbed it, and a raging black flame burned in his hand, and a black long sword actually condensed out of this flame.

There are two kinds of body products of the demons, one is metabolites, that is, the black mist, and the other is excrement, which is the long sword he is holding tightly in his hand now.

When the excrement of "Paratrooper No. [-]" solidifies, it will become an extremely solid substance, which is even ten times stronger than a human Dao-level weapon, and because it has the same root as the body, they It is more handy to use.

As the long sword slashed down, a powerful sword energy directly swept across a distance of several thousand meters, and black flames spread wherever it passed.

Several human fighters who hadn't time to dodge were directly ignited by the black fire, and their lives were directly sucked dry in the screams.

"Be careful, don't be swept away by his sword energy!" The nine-level perfect creature shouted, "Our purpose is not to kill him, but to contain it!"

"Contain the emperor? Hahaha, do you have the ability?"

Another burst of sword energy criss-crossed, and dozens of human warriors fell down.

Every slash of the Demon Emperor is not only extremely powerful, but also has this black flame bonus, no one can stop it at all. Only at this time did they realize the huge gap between themselves and the Demon Emperor.

"Bastard! It would be great if I could have a few teleportation charms!" He looked at the sky, but how could support come so quickly?

You know, the dark forest is far from here, even if you travel at the fastest speed, it is impossible to get there in less than an hour. The entire main world is really too big.

In just a few rounds, human beings have suffered a lot from the Internet, and the rest of the people gathered together. The Demon Emperor has already walked towards them with a smirk. He really likes to see the fear of human beings, taste the fear, and let him get An unprecedented pleasure.

"Humans, humans in that era can only seal us, but now you are weaker than them, and your demise is your destiny," the Demon Emperor raised the sword in his hand, and this time, he wanted to kill all these boring bugs Clean, he has to release his other companions!

"It was because we underestimated you last time, but this time, we will never make the same mistake again," the Demon Emperor laughed, "This time, we will open the door to the Demon Realm, and the Demon Lord will definitely conquer by himself. This century of yours will become the second home of our demons!"

"Afterwards, there is the God Realm, which is the place we most yearn for, and you are just a step for us to get there."

"He still wants to open the gate of the Demon Realm?" The level nine perfect creature had a solemn look on its face.

Just the arrival of these demon troops, they are already unable to resist, if the gate of the demon world opens, then countless demons pour in, they absolutely have no chance of winning.

And the "devil lord" he just mentioned, if he guessed correctly, it should be the leader of the demon clan, what kind of existence would that be.

"Okay, you can go to die!" The Demon Emperor raised the long sword in his hand and dropped it.

However, the sword light did not chop down. They looked towards the long sword, and saw Zhang Menglong and Drakell standing in front of them. Zhang Menglong was wearing a pair of silver gloves in his hands. With these hands, catch the blade!

"How is it possible?" The Demon Emperor looked at Zhang Mengyu in surprise.

"100% bare-handed white-edged gloves, understand?" These are gloves made by Zhang Mengyu to resist the special physiological results of the demons. Not only can they restrain the power swallowed by "Air Force One", they even have extremely high defense.

"So what if you have a lot of people here? Ants are always ants!"

The Demon Emperor sneered, and once again chopped down the sword in his hand.

However, at this moment, a black figure passed by and slammed into the Demon Emperor's body, dragging it to slide for tens of kilometers on the ground, and then slammed into a mountain range.

"What?" The Demon Emperor's body was a little messed up by this impact.

Of course, when he saw the creature in front of him, he actually showed a joyful expression.

Isn't this the mount that accompanied him on the battlefield?

"Kampa, you have already broken the seal?" The Demon Emperor looked at the dragon in front of him. Coincidentally, this dragon was the mount that the only Demon Emperor used to have!
But I don't know why, he actually launched an attack on himself just now, and even the eyes in front of him, when looking at him, are not as firm and loyal as before.

The two humans who just appeared flew over, and one of the teenagers touched the dragon's head, pointed at the devil emperor and said, "Kill him!"

"You surrendered to humans?" The Demon Emperor's expression was full of disbelief.

"Lord Demon Emperor, I'm sorry," Demon Dragon said, "I don't want to betray you either, but they are free of food and shelter!"

(End of this chapter)

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