I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1605 The Second Coming of the Demon Race

Chapter 1605 The Second Coming of the Demon Race
"So much nonsense? Do you still want to eat today's meal? We brought you here to reminisce about the past?" Zhang Mengyu looked at the conversation between the Demon Emperor and the Demon Dragon, somewhat impatiently.

"Lord Demon Emperor, I'm sorry!" Demon Dragon finished his last sentence, opened his mouth and walked towards the Demon Emperor with a mouthful of black flames.

The Demon Emperor also knows that the Demon Dragon who accompanied him for countless years has been completely instigated by human beings, and now the Demon Dragon is no longer his partner, but his enemy!

"The dog-eat-dog show is coming!" Zhang Menglong dragged Drake and the human fighters here to hide in the distance.

"Hahaha, hit! Kill him!"

"Damn Demon Emperor, killing so many of us human beings, it's too cheap to just kill him!"


The magic dragon obviously didn't hold anything back, after all, the contract established with Drakel made it impossible for any thoughts to escape Drakel's control, as long as it had any idea of ​​fishing, Drakell would feel it immediately.

Being obliterated is a small matter, but if you can't eat delicious food, that is the worst thing!

Thinking of this, what kind of friendship, what is fighting side by side, what is the same clan, was directly left behind by the devil dragon, and it directly launched a fierce attack on the devil emperor.

It slashes across the sky like a flexible meteor, and every dive can tear off a piece of flesh from the Demon Emperor's body. Ordinary humans are not so easy to kill the Demon Emperor, but this kind of Demon Race time There is a way to kill the opponent, that is to use the "Paratrooper One" on the body to directly devour the opponent!

You know, after this period of cultivation, coupled with Zhang Mengyu's generous help, the physical fitness of this magic dragon has almost returned to the peak level before being sealed!

If it recovers slowly according to its own ability, it may take hundreds of years. This is Zhang Mengyu's ability!
The flesh and blood energy torn from the Demon Emperor's body was directly devoured by the Demon Dragon. Under the ebb and flow of battles, the Demon Emperor was beaten and retreated steadily, and his body size shrank by almost two-thirds, never to be seen again. The arrogance and arrogance just now were gone.

"Are you really going to kill me?" The Demon Emperor knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the current Demon Dragon. Even if both sides were at their peak, the Demon Dragon would be stronger than him. It's time to play the emotional card.

“Braised pork knuckles!”

"Lobster in scallion oil!"

"There is also snail powder at noon today!"

When the magic dragon hesitated slightly, Drakeer and Zhang Mengyu had already started discussing what to eat for lunch today. At this moment, it directly eliminated the distracting thoughts in its mind and strengthened its gaze.

"You..." The Demon Emperor looked at the Demon Dragon, "Master Demon Venerable will not let a traitor like you go! In this case, you can be buried with me!"

At this time, a black flame suddenly burned on the Demon Emperor's body, and a strange texture appeared indistinctly from his body. Zhang Mengyu noticed that there were similar marks on the Demon Dragon's body, as if it was a Symbol of demons.

"What is he going to do!" Zhang Mengyu suddenly had a bad premonition.

"He's burning his own life!" Drakell said.

Along with getting along with the magic dragon, Drakell also learned a lot about the demons. When they are in desperate situation, they will burn their lives in exchange for power. This kind of burning is uncontrollable, that is to say, once burned Once you get up, there is no way to stop, and the final outcome is naturally death.

But as far as he knew, the people of the Demon Race cherished their own lives very much, or it was not too much to say that they were very greedy for life and afraid of death. If they could make such a choice, it would be almost like jumping a wall in a hurry.

"No, why do I feel a little strange?" Zhang Mengyu said, "If it were you, what would you do after burning your life?"

"Of course it is to kill all my enemies," Drakell replied without thinking.

"Yeah, why didn't he do it?" Drakell also suddenly realized this, the aura of the Demon Emperor had almost reached about one-third of the peak period, but so far, nothing happened, as if he Just to vent my emotions.

"His strength seems to be decreasing!" Zhang Mengyu heard, "Is the stamina of these demons so poor?"

"It shouldn't be," Drakell said, "This is very strange. As far as I know, the demons have burned their lives for a long time, and they can fight like a killing machine for hours or even a day without sleep. How many seconds?"

At this time, Drakell received a notice from other areas.

"Lord Human Sovereign, what happened, the seal of the Demon Sovereign has begun to loosen, and this formation is about to collapse!"

"My lord, something seems to be attacking the seal from within. We suspect that the demon emperor has awakened. It seems that the seal won't last long!"

"Lord Human Sovereign, the demon general suddenly woke up at the seal site of No. 91 and broke the seal. We have already started fighting with the demon emperor. There are even seventy-year-old demon generals here?"

"Hold on, everyone hold on!" Drakell's forehead was covered with sweat.

How is this going?Why do these demon emperors start to break the seal at the same time as if they had agreed, but where did they come from, and why are they so unified!
Even if Zhang Mengyu and the demon dragon have the ability to kill the demon emperor, but these seals are all over the world, one by one, how can they kill these demon emperors one by one in a short time? ?

"It was your hands and feet?" Zhang's dim eyes finally locked on the Demon Emperor.

"Hahaha, you guys finally found out," the Demon Emperor said with a ferocious smile, "Since you guys have driven me to a dead end, I'd be happy to cause you some trouble before I die, and I've shared the power to burn life with The other sealed companions, before my life is exhausted, their strength can be greatly restored, this already unstable seal, it is impossible to restrict them any more!"

"Although I am doomed to fall, I will become the hero of the entire demon clan. When our demon clan wipes out you humans, my monument will be built on this earth hahaha!"

"Come on!" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Even if you stinky fish and rotten shrimps come out, I can kill you one by one, it's just a little more time, what's there to be proud of!"

"Humans, I admit that our previous invasion was a bit careless, but this time we will not make such a stupid mistake again. This time we will directly open the gate of the demons and let all the demons attack. You will personally conquer, and when the time comes, you humans will only end in destruction!"

The power of the Demon Emperor has almost burned to the limit. In the black flames, his body began to become translucent, and finally disappeared completely, but his goal has also been achieved. The Demon Emperor who has recovered a little power has broken Seal, the demons are coming again!
(End of this chapter)

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