I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1629 How is it a holy product

"Master, this is the highest-standard refining room in our Qingyun Pavilion. If you want to rent this place, you will need 1000 divine crystals a day!"

"Well, it's not bad!" Zhang Meng looked at the environment of the refining room with satisfaction. It is very spacious and the air circulation is very smooth. The most important thing is that they found a natural lava pipe here, allowing this The room is filled with a rich flame element.

"Master, all the materials are ready, please start. Uncle Qingkong and I will protect the law for you."

"This woman is not a fan, is she?" Zhang Mengyu muttered in her heart, she was clearly here to monitor herself, and she insisted on calling it a guardian.

"If this Gu Xiao boy marries the third princess, he will definitely have no family status in the future, and he will be more or less a swindler." Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "If you have the opportunity, you must train it well. A good person will send Buddha to the end Send it west?"

Zhang Mengyu didn't continue to pay attention to them anymore, he walked to the edge of the pile of materials, these materials are very high-grade, just those auxiliary materials may not be able to forge a pretty good weapon.

Zhang Menglong glanced at the so-called fragment of the magic weapon. It is a fragment, but it is very large, and it looks like it has been broken from the blade of an axe. The length of the ax should be more than 20 meters!
This piece of metal is indeed extremely strong, at least Zhang Mengyu has never seen a material stronger than this kind of metal in his original human world, and I am afraid that it should be quite rare in this God Realm.

I don't know who forged it into that axe, and I don't know how much intense fighting such a thing needs to break apart.

Zhang Mengyu is very curious, but now is obviously not the time to study these things, he will have plenty of time to study these things slowly in the future.

"Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan!"

Zhang Mengyu spread out a hand, and a golden flame suddenly began to burn.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of Lan Xin and Qing Kong. The high temperature of the flame made them both feel a little suffocated. Moreover, there was a supreme aura of emperor in the flame, which was repeatedly the flame of their Yanlan Empire. It was as if the lord of the country had descended in front of them in person, this wonderful feeling was simply indescribable!
Under the strong flame, that piece of metal actually began to gradually melt!
Qingkong almost shouted excitedly, because so far, no one has done this step to melt this metal, which shows that this mysterious man in a gray robe is definitely capable!

An extreme thing like a strange fire is really overkill for melting a piece of metal. In less than half an hour, the whole piece of metal was completely melted, and the impurities in it were also wiped out under the burning of the strange fire. The whole pool of liquid metal was unexpectedly melted at this time. Shows a kind of dark red!

"I don't know how the master will make it have two completely different attributes!" Lan Xin looked at Zhang Menglong's young hands. This is definitely not a very old craftsman. On the contrary, he is even very young. I'm afraid they are not necessarily older than her!

"Girl, have you noticed this master..."

Qing Kong obviously also noticed Zhang Mengyu's youthfulness, "I can feel that this master is very young, and I can't even see through his life level. It seems that there is some treasure covering his breath, which is comparable to yours. That fiancé is much better!"

Lan Xin didn't say a word, because what he said was indeed the truth. Compared with that trash of Gu Xiao, this master of unknown origin was as dazzling as the sun in the sky, and there was no point in comparing the two.

"Afterwards, you may be able to make friends with this master," Qingkong joked, "Maybe he hasn't married a wife and had children yet! Hahahaha!"

"Uncle Qingkong, you are making fun of me!" Although Lan Xin said so, her heart inevitably fluctuated. No one can reject an outstanding young man, but at this time, she is more interested in the gray-robed youth in front of her. kind of admiration.

At this time, the temperature of the entire refining room plummeted, half of which was still at a manic high temperature, and for the other half, the water vapor in the air condensed into fine snowflakes and floated down in mid-air, as if it was a combination of ice and fire. sky.

"This white flame..." Zhang Menglong's white ancient spirit cold fire was reflected in Qing Kong's eyes, and the low temperature was emitted from this flame.

Such a cold flame, the two of them have never seen or heard in this life, and such two completely opposite forces appearing on one person at the same time, this is undoubtedly even more incredible, this person can survive intact, what is this? What fairy?
At this moment, Zhang Mengyu flipped his wrist slightly, and the two flames actually condensed into the shape of two hammers. After the puddle of metal liquid was quenched, Zhang Mengyu also added other auxiliary materials. Under the forging of the hammer, it began to slowly take shape.

Since Qing Kong is good at using Fang Tian's painted halberd, Zhang Menglong is naturally more inclined to forge a similar weapon for him!

Two forces, one cold and one hot, are intertwined. The two-layer blade of Fang Tian's painting halberd is endowed with two completely different forces, and its halberd body also has the ability to conduct two kinds of energy, cold and hot.

And so far, less than two hours have passed!
"If this master can win over our Yanlan Empire, he will definitely be able to train a large number of excellent craftsmen!" Lan Xin has actually dabbled in some knowledge of crafts.

Don't look at it as smashing with a hammer, but the power, angle, sequence, etc. used each time are very particular, and there are basically some fixed ways.

And Zhang Meng's lowering the hammer is so mysterious that she can't comprehend it at all. This is definitely a more advanced refining technique!
The tinkling sound continued until the evening, Fang Tian's painted halberd had been fully formed, and at this time, Zhang Menglong actually summoned a new kind of flame!
This flame is blue like the sea. When other flames burn, they have the pattern of flames. When they burn, they are like ripples on the surface of water!

The half-finished Fang Tianhalberd passed through the flames, and with a crisp sound, dark red patterns slowly appeared on the Fangtianhalberd. This pattern was filled with an incomparably mysterious aura. This was actually smashed out with a hammer!

At this moment, there seems to be a force coming from the sky. This is a vision of heaven and earth caused by a high-level weapon when it is completed. Under normal circumstances, no matter whether it is a pill or a weapon, it will only be released when it reaches the holy grade or above. There will be such a vision!
The quality of this Heavenly Halberd has actually reached this level!

You know, the weapon knowledge used by Qingkong is only ninth grade, and there is still a big distance from the half-step holy grade, and the semi-sacred grade and the holy grade are worlds apart!
At least in their Yanlan Empire, no crafter in history has ever forged a holy weapon!
But at this time, they actually heard a regretful voice from under the gray robe.

"Oh, it's flawed, how can it be a holy product?"

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