I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1630 80 million in hand

"It's a mistake!" Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "I'm still a little anxious, and I still have to work slowly and carefully!"

"Master, what does this mean?" Qing Kong looked at Lan Xin and asked.

"I don't know, but it sounds like the master made some mistakes!"

"Misplay? Do you call this a misplay?" Qingkong wanted to yell out, this is a holy weapon!To put it mildly, this must be the number one artifact of the entire Yanlan Empire and even several other empires around it!

Such a thing seems to be a failure for this master?Sure enough, excellent people have unbelievably high demands on themselves!
"It's troublesome!" At this time, Lan Xin not only did not have any excitement, but was full of anxiety.

The birth of a holy product is something that is not allowed by the laws of this world, and the power of the world will inevitably send thunder and punishment to destroy it.

Although the Qingyun Pavilion is extremely strong, even ordinary super life forms need a lot of effort to destroy, but there is still a gap in the distance from wanting to guard against the thunder punishment caused by the power of this world.

"I just do it, I don't even care about the things!" Zhang Mengyu spread his hands and started to smash them.

"Master, leave this lightning penalty to me!"

This Qing Kong is a powerful super life form, he still has some confidence to resist this thunder punishment!

Although the refining room is located underground, it can be directly connected to the outside world.

Qingkong jumped straight towards the exit and came into the sky. The sky was already covered with dense black clouds. The people around Qingyun Pavilion seemed to feel this oppressive atmosphere and seemed a little restless.

"Look, why suddenly there are dark clouds in the sky."

"This seems like a thunderbolt!"

"Thunder punishment? How could there be thunder punishment in this kind of place? This is in the capital."

"Thunder Punishment. Then it means that there are medicines or weapons that are higher than holy grades, and they are here in Qingyun Pavilion!"

In an instant, the entire Qingyun Pavilion became restless.

This level of weapons or pills has never appeared in the entire history of the Yanlan Empire. This is definitely a major event that is enough to cause a sensation in the whole country.

Who actually has the ability to refine such a thing?According to most people's understanding, Yanlan Empire has never seen such a big man.

"Look, someone has gone up! Are you going to face thunder and punishment?"

"That seems to be the guardian of our Yanlan Empire!"

"Yes! That's right, it's him!"

Everyone looked up at the figure in the sky, their eyes full of admiration and worship. The importance of a guardian to a country is self-evident. If any one is missing, it will be great for the country blow.

"Is he okay?" Zhang Mengyu asked, pointing to the sky.

"Don't worry, sir, Uncle Qingkong is the number one former in our Yanlan Empire, he must be fine!" Although the thunder punishment is terrifying, a super life body should be able to carry it down, at most it just suffers some injuries, but I believe Compared with this sacred weapon, anyone would be willing to take two hits.

The dull thunder sounded in the sky soon, and the cheers and exclamations of the onlookers could be heard from time to time. After all, most people had never seen such a thing as thunder punishment.

After about half an hour, a figure emitting black smoke finally descended slowly from the sky.

"Damn it, this thunder punishment is really cruel!" Qing Kong's hair was burned by the high-temperature thunder, and there were shocking burns on his body, but he seemed to be in high spirits, which was a little serious It's just a flesh wound.

"This is for you, it's a gift!" Zhang Mengyu threw two pills over.

The pupils of Qing Kong and Lan Xin visibly dilated to the naked eye, what's going on?Is he still an alchemist?Isn't this too bad?

Qing Kong swallowed the elixir, and the wound on his body began to heal at an incredible speed...

"Take it!" Zhang Mengyu threw the Fang Tianji in his hand, which was still flowing with two streams of energy, and Qing Kong took it over, gently stroking it as if looking at a beautiful woman.

He poured the energy in his body into it, and a fusion of ice and fire appeared on the Heavenly Halberd. These two mutually exclusive forces combined together, the power that can be exerted is not as simple as one plus one.

"Are you satisfied?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Satisfied! So satisfied!" Qingkong felt that he had made a lot of money. The bottom line in his heart was a semi-holy artifact that could hold one of the energies, but he did not expect that Zhang Mengyu not only endowed it with two attributes, but even The quality has been upgraded to the holy grade, and at this moment he feels that he has less money.

For a holy weapon, even 100 billion Shenjing is already the price of cabbage, and he was even a little worried about whether Zhang Mengyu would increase the price temporarily, but he was already throwing away the money if he took out the money.

"It's as much as the agreed amount!" Zhang Mengyu saw his embarrassment and guessed what he was worried about.

"Master, this is the reward we agreed on!" Lan Xin also immediately handed him the crystal card that stored 80 billion divine crystals, "Master, this other one is our VIP card for Qingyun Pavilion. You can get [-]% off any purchase here!"

"Thank you!" Zhang Mengyu was not polite, why not if you can get a discount?
"Master, thank you for your kindness. Although you didn't overcharge me, I owe you a favor. In the future, if you encounter any problems in the Yanlan Empire, just come to me!"

"Then I won't be polite!" Zhang Menglong probably will stay in the Yanlan Empire for a while, so naturally he will not refuse such a request.

"Master, if you have time in the evening, you might as well come to my Qing family for a seat. I, Qing, will definitely entertain you well." Qing Kong issued an invitation. If they can make friends with such a master, their Qing family's status in the Yanlan Empire will definitely rise in a straight line. .

"No way," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "I'm going to buy some things, and I have to go back before dark."

"Master, tell me intuitively what you need, and I will arrange for people to prepare it for you as quickly as possible."

"That's great!" Zhang Menglong immediately made a list of the things he needed. This Qingyun Pavilion has gathered a large number of treasures and materials from the entire country and even several nearby countries, and basically everything Zhang Menglong needs can be found. After finding it, within half an hour, everything was in his hands.

"Thank you, then I'll take my leave!"

Zhang Meng put away her things and left Qingyun Pavilion.

Lan Xin and Qingkong looked at Zhang Mengyu's back without moving.

"Girl Lan Xin, do you think this master is from our Yanlan Empire?"

"Even if not, there should be friends here."

"Tut tsk tsk, have you taken a fancy to him?" Qingkong joked, "I can guarantee that if you can win this master, people from all over the country will not dare to fart, and will definitely support you with all their strength. Your marriage contract is A scrap of paper!"

"Uncle Qing, you are making fun of me again!" Lan Xin said coquettishly, "This time I helped you solve such a big problem, our previous agreement..."

"Don't worry, if you want to cancel the engagement, I will be the first to stand by your side!"

After finishing speaking, Qing Kong sighed, "I am an old bone, that guy from the Gu family is not easy to mess with, you really created a problem for your Uncle Qing..."

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