I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1634 He Will Come To Me Tomorrow At The Latest

Chapter 1634 He Will Come To Me Tomorrow At The Latest

"What's the meaning of Master's words?" Although Zhang Mengyu's words were not very serious, she could still understand the meaning of the word "eat banquet", "You mean Master Zhan is dying soon?"

She lowered her voice, not wanting to be heard by others, but in Zhan Qing's eyes, this scene was more or less flirtatious. If this person was not brought by the third princess, he would probably have lost his temper by now up.

"Well," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "The person who treated him used a certain method to suppress the fire poison in the old man's body, but there was no way to excrete it from the body. This method treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Once the fire poison If the power is condensed to a certain level, it is a time bomb."

Zhang Mengyu could feel that the fire poison on his body was about to explode. Of course, this also depended on the old man's physical fitness. If he had a good rest and his resistance did not decline, he might last for three to five months.

But if the body's resistance decreases once you catch a cold or something, it might be gone tonight.

"Hey, the third princess!" Seeing the third princess coming, Mr. Zhan immediately burst into laughter.

In fact, he likes the third princess very much, and hopes that she can marry into the Zhan family and be his daughter-in-law, but it's a pity that she was married to the Gu family by his fingertips back then.

The third princess also came to ask him for help, but was rejected by the old man, because in his eyes, the entire Yanlan Empire is the most important, whether it is the happiness of the third princess or the happiness of his descendants, it must be put behind .

If he supported the third princess to regret the marriage, the Gu family would not dare. When the time comes, their guardian families will fall apart, and the power of the Yanlan Empire will be damaged, so no matter how much he likes Lan Xin, he is not willing to let her mess around.

The current Mr. Zhan still looks like a normal person. Only when the fire poison breaks out will he fall into a relatively poor state, and he doesn't need anyone to take care of him in his daily life.

"Grandpa Zhan, how is your health recently?"

"What else can I do, isn't it the same old way, I can't live, I can't die," it seems that Mr. Zhan has seen through life and death, and his mentality is still very good.

In the middle of speaking, the old man's face suddenly changed. It was as if a furnace had appeared inside his body, and a magma-like color appeared under his skin.

"Where is the person? Where is the old man's medicine? Didn't you take it on time today?" Zhan Qing suddenly became extremely irritable.

A servant immediately rushed over and gave the old man what looked like a pill.

After swallowing the pill, the light on the master's body gradually faded, and his breathing returned to calm.

"What's going on? That's how you guys do things?" Zhan Qing was on the verge of breaking out, and if he didn't take the medicine in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Don't blame them," the old man waved his hand. "I was in a good mood today and wanted to go out for a walk. I just ran here by myself. They just didn't find me."

"Get out!" Zhan Qing glared at the servant, "The next time this kind of thing happens again, you have to be mentally prepared for the consequences."

The old man took a deep breath, "It seems like I can't walk anymore in this state."

Although the injury was suppressed, the touch just now made his body very weak, "Qing'er, you can go shopping with the princess."

"Yes, Grandpa." Zhan Qing asked his servants to quickly help the master back to his room to rest.

He brought Lan Xin and Zhang Mengyu to the garden, at this moment Zhan Qing remembered to ask Lan Xin the purpose of this trip.

"That's how it is. In fact, it's not that I want to find Uncle Zhan Xun, it's that the master has something to ask for." Lan Xin said.

"Oh? Master needs the help of our Zhan family?" Zhan Qing's tone suddenly became a little sour. What kind of master, even need their help, isn't he a craftsman who can refine holy weapons?Don't have this ability?
"This is Mr. Zhanqing," Zhang Mengyu also said straight to the point, "I need a dragon spirit, above the level of spiritual cultivation, I heard that you have an agate dragon spirit here, so I want to share with you Make a deal."

"You want the spirit of the agate dragon?" Zhan Qing's expression changed, "It must have been said by the princess? Master, you should know that this thing was bought by my grandfather in exchange for his life. Impossible!"

The essence of this agate dragon has a very powerful effect. It can emit an invisible dragon power, which is very beneficial to their family's cultivation. Moreover, when they practice in this environment, they can also carry this kind of dragon in their body. Wei, this kind of dragon power combined with their strength talent, is not even weaker than some warriors with two divine veins.

"I believe there is no voice in this world that can't be made, it's just a matter of how much you can pay." Zhang Meng said with a smile.

"Then I don't know what extra price the master can offer?" Zhan Qing looked at Zhang Mengyu with folded arms.

"I can cure the old man's disease, and it's the kind of eradication!" Zhang Mengyu directly stated his conditions.

Zhan Qing showed a little surprise, isn't this a craftsman?How can he still save people?

"I just took a look at the old man's body. According to his original body, he can last another three to five months, but just now the fire poison broke out again and hurt his body. I'm afraid it will be difficult to last three to five days."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Hearing Zhang Mengyu's words, Zhan Qing flew into a rage, obviously cursing his grandfather!
Although the fire poison just broke out, this is not the first time, at most it would be good to have a rest, how could it be possible that the person will be gone in three to five days?
And not long ago, the pharmacist just came to check the old man's body. He said that the fire poison on the old man's body is very well controlled, as long as he takes the medicine on time, it will not be a problem if he persists for decades or hundreds of years.

By that time, it is estimated that Zhan Xun has already broken through, and the whole family will have no worries.

"I'm not talking nonsense," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Your grandfather's fire poison is already very serious. It's like hiding a bomb that will explode when he doesn't know when. The attack just now is equivalent to igniting it." The fuse is on."

"Enough!" Zhan Qing guessed that this was just Zhang Mengyu's rhetoric for wanting to get the Onyx Dragon Essence. This essence is extremely important to their family, and it is absolutely impossible to give it to others easily.

"I still have something to do, I'm sorry Zhanmou excuse me," Zhan Qing said, "Princess, you can take your friends with you!"

"This..." Lan Xin didn't expect Zhan Qing to be so angry.

"Master, what should we do?" Lan Xin asked.

"It's okay, tomorrow at the latest, he will definitely come to me," Zhang Mengyu handed her a jade pendant, "If he changes his mind, the princess can instill a trace of divine energy, and I will come to Qingyun Pavilion, today Thank you princess for your hospitality and guidance."

"Forget it, that's the only way to go," Lan Xin shook her head, but she was still a little worried about Mr. Zhan. After all, he was the pillar of the Yanlan Empire. If he really disappeared, it would definitely be a sad news.

It's just that Zhang Menglong really has a way?
And what he just said, is it true?

(End of this chapter)

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