I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1635 Unless there is a more advanced alchemist

Chapter 1635 Unless there is a more advanced alchemist
The core area of ​​Zhanjia, this is a high tower, named Dragon Soul Tower by Zhanjia.

Although the current warriors have withdrawn from the ranks of guardians, the strength of their family has not weakened too much. On the contrary, the overall quality has even improved to a considerable extent!
In this Dragon Soul Pagoda, each floor has an extremely powerful oppression. To practice here, you need to bear the burden of this oppression on your body, and even avoid being affected by this force on your mind. Practice has great benefits.

The effect of cultivating here is even several times stronger than that of the best practice field in the Yanlan Empire, and the effect can be improved with each level, which is suitable for people of different strength levels.

Just relying on this tower, the members of the entire Zhan family in the realm of divine breath are almost a level higher than those of other families, so their family has always been very prosperous.

The core of this Dragon Soul Pagoda is naturally the spirit of the agate dragon that the old man of the Zhan family obtained back then. This beast had the strength of the sixth level of spiritual cultivation before his death, and with the powerful talent of the dragon clan, even humans of the eighth level of spiritual cultivation Not necessarily able to deal with.

Trend In the entire Yanlan Empire, the strongest people are only in the third realm of spiritual cultivation. Relying on themselves, even if there are ten people, they are no match for this beast.

But it seems that its production has just been completed, its strength has plummeted, and it needs a lot of flesh and blood energy at this time, so it has killed a lot in the Yanlan Empire, which makes those guardians have to take action.

It was also because of the drastic drop in the beast's strength that they had the opportunity to injure it and kill it.

In Zhan Qing's room.

"Master, I'm back." A close friend came to Zhan Qing's side.

"How about it, what is the origin of this surname Zhang? When did such a master craftsman appear in our empire?"

"Master, we hardly found any information about him. He seemed to have appeared in our Yanlan Empire out of thin air. He had no registration information for accommodation, and no information for entry and exit. I also entrusted the refiner of our Yanlan Empire The Artifact Masters Union helped to inquire about this person surnamed Zhang, and there is no registration information for him, so he probably has not registered with the Artifact Masters Union."

"Hmph, there is a problem indeed!" But almost any craftsman will register with the craftsman's trade union. Great preferential treatment, for example, in all trading places, there is a certain percentage of discounts, etc., and many times you will enjoy some privileges and the like.

As for the refiner who can refine holy weapons, he is simply a big shot in the entire continent. Even in a high kingdom, the king should treat him with courtesy. In a kingdom of their level, such a person is As long as you show your identity, you can walk sideways.

If he really has such an identity, he only needs to find the king, and he can even let the king put pressure on him.

To be more exaggerated, he can even call a group of strong men to break into their family directly to negotiate terms, and even come to rob them!

But he didn't, which shows that he doesn't actually have any very deep confidence.

This makes people doubt his real identity very much.

"Although there is no good news, it's okay to have this harvest." In Zhan Qing's mind, Zhang Menglong's threat was eliminated a lot at once.

"By the way, young master, the master is out today."

"Oh? I'll go and see!"

Zhan Qing got up quickly. You know, his father Zhan Xun has been cultivating in the Dragon Soul Pagoda for more than ten years. Could it be a breakthrough?


"Father!" Zhan Qing knocked on the door of Zhan Xun's room, "I heard that you are out of customs, did you have any breakthrough?"

Zhan Xun is a very burly man. It seems that because he has just finished his training in the Dragon Soul Tower, his body is filled with dragon power, as if a dragon god is standing in front of him.

"How can there be such a breakthrough in the realm of spiritual cultivation." Zhan Xun smiled wryly, "Breakthrough within a hundred years is already good news. The realm of spiritual cultivation is too mysterious and requires years of comprehension and continuous accumulation. It’s still a long way off.”

"Father, you are too humble. Compared with this generation of other guardian families, you are already the strongest."

"It's all thanks to the Dragon Soul Pagoda. If your grandfather hadn't killed the agate dragon with all his might, how could our Zhan family have obtained such a treasure?"

"By the way, how is your grandfather?" Zhan Xun asked.

"They are all damned slaves. Grandpa's fire poison broke out today. If he hadn't swallowed the medicine in time, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"The old man has a very temper. Sometimes those people can't see him. It's not strange. You send a few more people to guard the old man. Try not to let him find out."


At this moment, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from outside the room, and the knock on the door instantly interrupted the conversation between their father and son.

"Come in." Zhan Xun said.

The face of the visitor was very ugly, and he was in a hurry, "Patriarch, young master, something happened to the old Patriarch!"

"What?" Zhan Xun's father and son stood up immediately, "Didn't grandpa take the medicine at noon today? How could it still have an attack? The time of the fire poison attack has always been very punctual."

"It's different this time," the servant said in a panic, "When the old Patriarch's fire poison attacked before, it was all in his body. This time, the fire poison on his body spread out, and the whole house was directly set alight. Now we don't know what to do with it."

"Where's the medicine? Have you taken it?"

"I ate it, but I couldn't suppress it at all. This time, maybe..."

"Shut up!" Zhan Qing immediately stopped the servant's mouth, "Go and see first!"


The few people quickly felt the residence of the old man of the Zhan family, and the other children also flocked after hearing the news.

At this moment, the originally gorgeous house has turned into a piece of scorched earth, and even the whole area is filled with a fiery fire poison. This fire poison is not an ordinary flame, but a kind of poisonous high-temperature steam. Ten meters away from the old man The space on the left and right became distorted, and all the clothes on his body were burned and disappeared.

"Where's Master Yun?" Sensing that the old man was still alive, Zhan Xun heaved a sigh of relief, but the situation is obviously very bad now, if he can't control the fire poison in time, with the old man's current body, he can't last long at all!
"Here we come!" Zhan Xun's younger brother's son hurried over with an old man in white.

This old man is called Yun Xiang, and he is the most famous alchemist in their Yanlan Empire. Now he works under the royal family. He also saved the old man of the Zhan family by himself, and he has been his health consultant all these years. Refining a life-sustaining pill for him.

"Master Yun, what is going on here?"

That Master Yun also had a dignified expression, "Too bad, the fire poison seed must have gotten out of control, and the speed is faster than I thought!"

In fact, Master Yun was not unaware that this method of forcible suppression would plant a time bomb in Mr. Zhan's body, but at that time the situation was urgent, and he had no other way.

"According to this situation, the old man's fire poison has occurred at least 10 times. Is it so difficult to get him to take the medicine on time?" Master Yun also had a hint of blame in his words.

Zhan Xun is actually very clear, of course they are looking at the old man closely, but the old man likes to be quiet after being injured, and often runs to places where people can't find him for no reason. .

So far, there have been thirteen or fourteen episodes.

"Master, now is not the time to talk about this, what else can you do?"

"No," Yun Xiang shook his head, "I said it back then, my method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and now it is beyond my ability, unless you can find a more advanced pharmacist than me, otherwise he won't be able to survive tonight……"

(End of this chapter)

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