I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1636 I'm Not A Dog Lick

Chapter 1636 I'm Not A Dog Lick
"This... such a short time, where can we find a more powerful alchemist?"

Everyone in the Zhan family looked desperate. This master Yun is already the most powerful alchemist in the Yanlan Empire. If he wants to find a more powerful alchemist, he has to go to other empires to find him, but this time it doesn’t stop. One day, he even asked others to take action. It is impossible to find a more advanced alchemist tonight.

"Master Yun, is there really nothing we can do?" The people from the Zhan family looked at him expectantly, and now he seemed to have become a life-saving straw, "Master Yun, if you can save the old man, any request is up to you." , as long as our family can do it, we will never shake our heads."

"It's not a question of asking or not." Master Yun also wanted to help, "I really don't have the ability. If it was my teacher, maybe the old man still has a chance. All I can do is to help the old man Just extend it for a day or two."

Master Yun's face showed a trace of heartache, and he took out a delicate small bottle from his body, "This is what my teacher left me before he passed away. No matter how severe the injury is, it can extend the life of the dying person for two days. Lifespan, this is what Master Yun uses to save his life."

Saving people is the most important thing now, no matter how good something is, if it is not used for ideas, it will be a waste of money.

With a flick of his fingers, the elixir immediately fell into Mr. Zhan's mouth.

After a few minutes, everyone felt that the surrounding heat was weakening, as if it was slowly retracting towards the old man's body.

Mr. Zhan also seemed to be returning to the light, and his body functions began to gradually recover, but he was still in a coma.

"This elixir is used to stimulate the last life potential in the human body. There is only so much I can do. You must find someone who has the ability to heal at the end of the night after tomorrow."

"Thank you, master!" Although it was only two days, it undoubtedly helped them gain valuable time.

Although Master Yun is the most powerful in the entire Yanlan Empire, it doesn't mean that there aren't any masters who happen to pass by or stop for a while, it depends on the old man's fortune.

"Come here, send Master Yun back first, Master Yun, no matter whether we can save the old man this time, our Zhan family will definitely offer a generous gift."

Master Yun waved his hand, "You should find someone first!"


The matter of the Zhan family immediately got the attention of the royal family, but after a while, the reward order spread throughout the Yanlan Empire, but this method is undoubtedly just waiting for a chance, and the probability of a turnaround is too small.

At this moment, Zhan Qing suddenly thought of someone.

Although the two broke up unhappy today, Zhan Qing remembered very clearly what he said before he left. He said that Mr. Zhan would die soon. At that time, Zhan Qing even thought he was cursing his grandfather, but now it seems , he seems to be really capable.

"Father, I have something to tell you." Zhan Qing immediately told the story about Zhang Mengyu, and also said about the magic weapon. At this time, he dared not hide anything.

"You mean, the person brought by the third princess has already predicted that something will happen to your grandfather?"

"Yes, when your grandfather is weaker, I never thought that he was really right. He also said that he has a way. Do you really believe it?"

"Whether it's believable or not, at this time, you can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor," Zhan Xun said, "You immediately find someone to invite this master!"

"But I don't know where this master is." Zhan Qing slapped his head, "Yes, since he was brought by the third princess, the third princess must have a way to find him. I'll go find the third princess!"

Regardless of the fact that it is already late at night, every minute and every second is precious to the Zhan family.

Fortunately, Qingyun Pavilion is not far from their Zhan family, but when they got there, Zhan Qing felt a little uneasy. After all, he vented part of his emotions on the princess today, and he didn't know if she would be angry.

But fortunately, the third princess did not reject him because of his recklessness today.

"Third Princess, Zhan Qing was a little rude today, and you are still willing to see me, which really makes me a little ashamed." Zhan Qing immediately expressed his apology.

"Brother Zhan, you don't have to be so polite. If you come to me at this time, it must be because something happened to Grandpa Zhan?"

In fact, after Zhang Menglong went back, the three princesses have been very contradictory.

She was afraid that Zhang Mengyu's prediction was wrong, so she had no reason to see him again.

But if Zhang Mengyu's prediction is correct, it means that something happened to Mr. Zhan, which she didn't want to see.

But now it seems that the latter is more likely.

"Yes," Zhan Qing said, "Not long ago, the fire poison on Grandpa's body broke out. Master Yun had no choice but to prolong Grandpa's life for two days. In these two days, we must find someone who can heal Grandpa. Man, didn't that master say he has a way? Three princesses, can you find him?"

"Master Yun can't do anything?" The third princess was also very worried, "I don't know where the master lives, but the master gave me something before he left."

The third princess took out the jade pendant that Zhang Mengyu had given him, and he immediately instilled his spirit into it. At this time, the jade pendant also began to glow red.

"Master said, if you come to me, let me activate this jade pendant to inform him. It seems that he really expected it." At this moment, in Lan Xin's heart, Zhang Mengyu's sense of mystery increased Quite a few points.

He not only predicted the deterioration of Mr. Zhan's condition, but even predicted that Zhan Qing would come to him today, which showed that he was very confident in his own judgment.

I just don't know if Zhang Mengyu will really come, let alone if he can come before the old man can't hold on anymore.


ancient home.

Zhang Mengyu was refining some pills that would be used after the injection of the blood potion. At this moment, he suddenly sensed that Lan Xin was calling him.

"Hahaha, I knew it," Zhang Menglong put away a pill and stretched.

【Dean, don't you just rush over there? Isn't this just in your prediction. 】

"Damn, if he chased me away, I'll just go. If he wants me to go, I'll just go. Am I the kind of person who comes and goes when he's called? I'm not a dog licker!" Zhang Mengyu said.

According to his estimate, even if the old man Zhan's illness broke out, the Yanlan Empire has no way to save him, but it should be possible to continue his life for a period of time. The person who should be anxious now is the Zhan family, not Zhang Mengyu. .

He needs to have a face!
"I haven't watched the latest Gongdou drama on Earth that Yiyi sent me just now. I don't have time to save people tonight. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning!" Zhang Menglong threw the jade pendant aside , and then took out the device and started watching the movie.

(End of this chapter)

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