I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1637 It is difficult for me to do things for you with such sincerity

Chapter 1637 It is difficult for me to do things for you with such sincerity
"Hahahaha, this person is such an idiot, how did he survive the tenth episode in the Qing court drama?"

"The current special effects water bottle is up. Why is the actor's acting skills getting worse and worse? I'm really speechless. Civilization has developed so much, and some things have retreated. I can only say that it is relying on defense?"


Zhang Mengyu commented while watching the latest TV series, but on Zhan Family's side, they were already anxious like ants on a hot pot.

They waited for Zhang Menglong all night, but no one came to Qingyun Pavilion, as if the jade pendant was completely useless.

"Third Princess, did the master really say that he would come?" The next morning, Zhan Qing never closed his eyes, and even Lan Xin stayed up all night with him.

Just now, news came from the Lord of the Yanlan Empire that the bounty has been released all night, but so far no one has the ability to heal the old Zhan family.

In fact, I am the royal family and I am not willing to use too much energy to do this. After all, the heroism of the old man of the Zhan family is no longer as good as before. He is no longer the invincible hero of the past, and it is not even of great benefit to the Yanlan Empire.

This is not to say that the ruler of the Yanlan Empire is ruthless. If a country wants to survive, it often has to consider a lot of things. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with Siu Mei being more realistic, isn't it?
"The master said that as long as I activate this jade pendant, he will come to me. If the master is unwilling to save the old man, there is no need for him to play tricks on us in this way. Maybe it is for some reason I was delayed on the road, it is also possible that the place where the master lives is far away, and it may not be possible to make it back in a while, Brother Zhan, please stay safe and don't be impatient."

In fact, Lan Xin was also very anxious, but in her anxiety, she still had some expectations for Zhang Mengyu's appearance.

It was almost dawn, and the entire Qingyun Pavilion began to have guests slowly, and the hall became very lively, but this kind of excitement made Zhan Qing's heart become more and more anxious.

His grandfather only has so little time left, and he has already wasted a whole night. If this goes on, he can't see any hope, and he can't do anything while sitting in this place. This has to make him hate his own incompetence.

And even if Zhang Mengyu really appeared at this time, do you think he can really help Mr. Zhan?He could see that the fire poison on the old man had reached a breaking point, but there might not be a way to save people. If so, even if he appeared, it would be useless.

"This guy surnamed Zhang is just teasing me!" It was almost noon, and Zhan Qing was in no mood to wait any longer. He slapped the table and stood up suddenly, causing many guests around him to tremble. .

You know, people from the Zhan family are notoriously violent. They won't do things that bully others, but this doesn't mean that they have a good personality.

I don't know who was able to find the young master of the Zhan family. He is the most tempered son in the entire capital. Of course, his strength is also hard to find an opponent.

And at this time, at the entrance of Qingyun Pavilion, Zhang's hazy figure finally appeared, and he was still dressed in the same robe and hood.

"Master Zhang, you are finally here!" Lan Xin hurriedly stood up and greeted her.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm actually supposed to come last night, but a TV series was updated. I'm busy watching it and I have time to come over. Is there anything the three princesses can do for me?"

"Watching TV shows?" Although this is a world that focuses on cultivation, it doesn't mean that the technology and culture of this world is very backward. Of course they know what TV shows are.

Zhang Menglong made them wait here all night, and he actually watched TV series at home?
Is the life of his old Zhan family less important than a few episodes of broken TV series?

And he actually asked the third princess why she was looking for him. Didn't this fucking ask knowingly?Instead of asking him to treat Mr. Zhan, can you still ask him to come over in the middle of the night for a heart-to-heart talk or exercise?
There are people in the way of angering people, but Zhang Menglong chose the most murderous one. In his heart, the hatred for Zhang Menglong suddenly increased a bit.

"Master Zhang, you said yesterday that if something happens to Grandpa Zhan, let me move this jade pendant. As you said last night, Grandpa Zhan's fire poison suddenly broke out, and now his life is only It’s less than two days, and I still hope you can save someone.”

"If you want me to save someone, let them beg me themselves, Third Princess, don't be such a bad person." Zhang Menglong glanced at the sunshine outside, "Look, the weather is really nice today, why don't we go outside? Have a drink, my treat!"

Zhang Mengyu's implication is that if you want to save old man Zhan, let the Zhan family come to beg him to save him. What is it for her to beg yourself?
Zhan Qing, who was standing not far away, suddenly had an expression on his face as if he had eaten shit, but now he seemed to have no better choice than believing that Zhang Mengyu had this ability.

"If you can't save my grandpa, I will kill you!" Zhan Qing reluctantly walked to Zhang Mengyu's side, "Master Zhang, it was Zhan Qing who offended me yesterday, and now my grandfather is in danger. Generous and magnanimous, regardless of past suspicions, saved my grandfather's life."

"Third Princess, I haven't had breakfast yet. Do you have anything delicious here?" Zhang Menglong didn't even look at Zhan Qing, and was still chatting with Lan Xin on his own.

Whether it's Lan Xin or Zhan Qing's expressions are a little ugly, Zhang Menglong doesn't give Zhan Qing any face at all, this kind of deliberate ignorance is like a slap in the face.

"Master Zhang, Big Brother Zhanqing has been waiting for you in Qingyun Pavilion all night, why don't you help out, we Yanlan Empire and Zhanjia will definitely give you enough rewards."

"Forget it!" Zhang Mengyu said, "For the sake of the third princess, it's not impossible to do this favor!"

Zhang Meng looked at Zhan Qing, "Master Zhan, I wonder if you brought what I want?"

Zhan Qing was taken aback.

"The spirit of the onyx dragon, I went to the Zhan family to exchange for the spirit of the onyx dragon. It's only been a day, Master Zhan won't forget it, right?"

"This..." The old man's life is certainly important, but the importance of the agate dragon's soul to the entire family is also self-evident. To take out this soul, Zhan Qing can't make the decision alone!

"Master Zhang, it is easy to discuss about Jingpo, I want you to save my grandfather!"

"It's easy to discuss? So it doesn't have to be given?" Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Then we have nothing to talk about, and we still can't see the spirit of the agate dragon. I won't save people. With the sincerity of Mr. Zhan, It's hard for me to help you!"

(End of this chapter)

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