I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1638 Threaten me, right?

Chapter 1638 Threaten me, right?

"It's impossible!" Zhan Qing said.

Let's not talk about whether Zhang Mengyu can save the old man Zhan. If he got something and can't save people, how about a hammer?Even killing him won't help.

Furthermore, Mr. Zhan regards the spirit of the agate dragon as more important than his own life. In his opinion, the future prosperity of the Zhan family is more important. He has lived for so long, and his life is considered to be a powerful one. Just die.

If Mr. Zhan knew that they saved him with the spirit of agate, he would probably be so angry that he would be seriously ill even if he was saved.
But now the decision rests with the other members of the Zhan family, and it depends on whether they want to change or not.

"It seems that Mr. Zhan still has a lot of worries!" Zhang Menglong stretched his waist, "Mr. Zhan can think about it again, but I don't know if I will come next time or not. After all, I am quite busy."

Zhang Menglong looked at the third princess again, "Third princess, I will give you a very profitable project. You can open a milk tea shop. I will provide the formula and raw materials, and you will be in charge of the market. With the means and my technology, our branches will definitely be able to open all over the continent!"

Zhang Mengyu is not in a hurry at all, but now Zhan Qing is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Although he personally doesn't believe that Zhang Mengyu has this ability, what if?
If he cut off the old man's last hope because of his whim, let alone he became a sinner of the entire Zhan family, he himself would blame himself for his guilt for the rest of his life.

"Master, give me some more time. The spirit of the Onyx Dragon is related to the rise and fall of our entire family. I can't make the decision alone. I need to discuss it with my family."

Of course Zhang Mengyu knew that he had no way to make decisions, so he was not in a hurry, "Okay, but next time, I don't want others to come to me for bargaining. The only thing I want is the soul of the agate dragon. I just shot it, if you make cakes with me, I'm sorry, I can't eat it!"

After Zhang Mengyu said this, he walked into the teahouse of Qingyun Pavilion on his own, "The third princess, why don't we continue to talk about the milk tea shop? I'll tell you that it's a big deal..."

Zhan Qing stood there dumbfounded, Zhang Mengyu made it very clear, if he wants to make a move, his grandfather is fine, but first he has to take out the spirit of the onyx dragon, and he is willing to make a move when it is in his hands. Otherwise, talk about it!

The matter is of great importance, he must immediately return to the family to bring this news back!

In the Zhan Family, everyone gathered in the lobby, almost a day had passed, and the old man was running out of time, almost everyone was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

"Father, I'm back!" Zhan Qing pushed open the door and walked in.

"How, did the master find it?"

The current Zhan family has no other options, and Zhang Mengyu has even become their only life-saving straw.

They don't know what Zhang Mengyu's origin is, let alone whether he has this ability, but so far, he is the only one who dares to say that he can save the old man of the Zhan family.

"I found it," Zhan Qing said with a wry smile, "but his condition is very clear, that is, he must get the soul of the onyx dragon before he is willing to make a move."

"What? He wants the spirit of the onyx dragon? This thing is now the root of our family!"

"He's like a lion. The old man regards this thing as more important than his own life. How can we hand over the essence?"

"At worst, tie him back and force him to save people."

"Are you crazy? If he really has this ability, he is at least a ninth-rank or even a holy-rank alchemist. Such a person, our entire Yanlan Empire may not be able to offend. You are trying to destroy our entire family?"

"Then what should we do? Are we really handing over the spirit of the Onyx Dragon?"

"Do you want to watch the old man go?"


The direct members of the Zhan family have their own opinions, because the different views are almost on the verge of conflict.

"Enough!" Zhan Xun's body burst out with a force close to the level of spiritual cultivation, which immediately made everyone quiet, "It's still noisy at this time, if the old man finds out, he will be so angry with you Can't vomit blood!

"Brother, now you are the head of the family, you make the decision!"

"Go get the spirit of the onyx dragon!" Zhan Xun thought for a moment, then said slowly.

"Big brother!"

"What if he takes things and can't save people?"

"What are you afraid of? As long as he is still in the Yanlan Empire, our Zhan family will definitely be able to find him. If the old man is cured, that's all. Never die!"

"Well, I don't believe he can slip away from our noses with something alone."

"I'm going to meet that master myself!"

"Let me tell you, our milk tea is the original flavor, pure plant formula, drinking it will never make you fat, our milk tea"

Zhang Menglong talked with the third princess, but Lan Xin hardly listened to a word, half of her energy is now on the old man of the Zhan family.

"Master Zhang, Mr. Zhan."

"Hey, don't worry, they are still thinking about it, which means that the old man still has time. When they can't help it, they will naturally come to me."

"Master, are you really sure?"

"That's necessary," Zhang Meng said confidently, "If I can't be cured, I can wash my hair upside down and spin, a little bit of fire poison, it's not a big problem. They missed the time themselves, and that's not my fault."

"They're here!" Finally at this time, people from the Zhan family walked into the tea room, and Zhan Xun even brought a few brothers with him.

Behind him, Zhan Qing was holding a square box, which seemed to contain something very precious.

"Uncle Zhanxun is here!" The third princess stood up excitedly, "Uncle Zhanxun, we are here!"

"Here comes brother!" Zhang Meng looked at Zhan Qing with a smile.

"Third Princess," Zhan Xun nodded towards Lan Xin, and then his eyes fell on Zhang Mengyu, "Such a weak body? He doesn't even have the realm of divine breath, why would he dare to say such a thing?"

"May I ask if Your Majesty is Master Zhang?" Although his heart was full of doubts, Zhan Xun still remained polite.

"Master, don't dare, just call me Zhang Shuai, brought something here?" Zhang Menglong's eyes had already fallen on the box containing the agate dragon essence, and he even felt the power that was about to come out.

"Master, hello our sincerity, now I'm here with my sincerity," Zhan Xun took the box from Zhan Qing's hand, and the moment the box was opened, a sound of dragon chant resounded throughout Qingyun Pavilion, It even made some guests dizzy.

I saw that it was like a crystal ball, and there was a green thing in it, like a shrunken agate dragon doll, that was the soul essence of the agate dragon!
As if it still had life, it frantically hit the inner wall of the crystal ball.

"We can give the things to the master," Zhan Xun said, "but I hope the master can do his best to help the old man, otherwise our Zhan family is not a vegetarian!"

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Mengyu's expression changed immediately, "Are you threatening me? Okay, take it back! The whole continent is so big, I don't believe that only you Zhanjia can get this god-level Dragon Clan Essence!"

(End of this chapter)

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