I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1640 Do You Know Something?

Chapter 1640 Do You Know Something?

The guardian families of the Yanlan Empire have always been united with one another. Although there were some small frictions and competitions in private, they have never said such words in such a public scene.

The resoluteness of Qing Kong's attitude made everyone in the Zhan family feel extremely surprised.

"Isn't that someone from the Zhan family? Why are so many of them here!"

"Even the current Patriarch of the Zhan family is here, who can find them?"

"I'll go! That's Mr. Qingkong! The guardian of our Yanlan Empire, how did they match up?"

"There is also the third princess! These big figures are not usually seen. What happened today? Why did they all come to this Qingyun Pavilion? And who is that person? It looks so embarrassing! "

When I opened the Onyx Dragon Essence Box just now, it attracted the attention of many people, and now there are two strong breaths of spiritual cultivation level, which makes everyone even more curious. Such a lively event is very rare of.

"Brother, you came early, what happened here?"

"You haven't heard, right? Something has happened to the old Zhan family. Master Yun is helpless. The young man wearing a mask over there seems to have a way to save old Zhan. This Zhan family seems to be here to rob someone."

"The people from the Zhan family seemed to be trying to use force just now, and then Mr. Qingkong appeared. He seemed to be on the side of this young man. We didn't know the details, so we didn't dare to approach him, okay? .”

"What kind of person is this, who can attract so many people who let go and almost fight, is he really a master!"

There were more and more people around, and even people outside ran in to watch the excitement after hearing about it.

"Do you still want to do it?" Qing Kong looked at Zhan Xun and asked, "I want to see if you have made any progress over the years!"

Of course Zhan Xun didn't dare to make a move, even if given a hundred guts!

Even if he dares, he is not Qing Kong's opponent. The gap between half-step spiritual cultivation and Qing Kong's three-level spiritual cultivation can make the sky and the ground not even the slightest qualification to fight.

"Don't fight, right? If you don't fight, get out!"

In his heart, Qing Kong actually hoped that the old man of the Zhan family would come back to life, but he did not dare to risk the world to intercede for the Zhan family. Zhang Mengyu is obviously angry now, whoever persuades the other to die, okay?He didn't touch this brow.

Moreover, it is obviously impossible for a person like Zhang Mengyu to have nothing to do to play with the people of the Zhan family. Since he is willing to appear here to meet them, it naturally means that he is willing to help the old man of the Zhan family cure the fire poison.

It's just because these little bastards really don't know how to be rude to him, as long as they position themselves correctly, Zhang Mengyu should still be willing to make a move, so Qing Kong is not particularly anxious.

"Mr. Qingkong, please make a special trip!" Zhang Menglong picked up the cup in his hand and raised it towards Qingkong.

"What's the trouble?" Qing Kong drank the wine in his hand, it's my honor to help Master.

Qingkong wished for a little more time to contact a master like Zhang Mengyu.

"This is what I mean," Zhang Menglong handed over a brocade box.

"What is this?" Qing Kong opened the box, and there was a blue pill in the box, its surface was dotted with light spots like a starry sky, and there was even a faint line of mist around it, like a planet The halo of the elixir is like, the aura emanating from this elixir actually makes Qing Kong feel refreshed!

"What a beautiful elixir!" Lan Xin was quite surprised when she saw this elixir, she had never seen such a thing like a work of art, so no one would be willing to swallow it.

"I have nothing to do and play together," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I feel that there seems to be some imbalance between the two forces in Mr. Qingkong's body, which more or less hurt some of your meridians, which is not good for your cultivation. Things, this thing should help you!"

"This... this thing is too precious!" Of course, Qing Kong knew that he had such a problem.

It is of course a good thing to have two kinds of divine veins in your body, but at the same time, if you don't practice properly, it will undoubtedly be a ticking time bomb for your body.

When he was young, Qingkong cultivation caused some very negative effects on his body because of his eagerness for success. Although it has not aggravated over the years, it is precisely because of this reason that his realm has stagnated at the peak of the third rank of divine cultivation. for a long time.

Not only that, these two forces will occasionally explode. Of course, it is not so serious compared to the old man of the Zhan family. It is just that there will be some reactions occasionally, such as cold and hot. When it is really important, this sequelae is undoubtedly fatal.

He has approached many people, including Master Yun who works in the Yanlan Empire, but without exception, everyone can do nothing about his old illness. At least the seventh-rank pill can help him alleviate these symptoms. For a radical cure, at least rank nine is required!
Just now he just inhaled the fragrance of the elixir twice, and he already felt that the faint burning sensation and coldness on his body were all suppressed.

Last time he had already suspected that Zhang Menglong was an alchemist, and now his identity could almost be confirmed.

At least the elixir of the ninth grade or above can be refined casually. If it is carefully refined, wouldn't it be possible to make a holy elixir?

hell!How could someone have two identities as a holy alchemist and a holy weapon refiner at such a young age? What kind of monster is this!
"It's nothing precious," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Let's get one size for one size. If you will be my bodyguard for a day today, I will definitely have to pay, but talking about money, it hurts too much!"

Qingkong's hands tremble a little, can money buy this thing?At the beginning, he hung 20 billion divine crystals, and no one cared about this task. He didn't expect that today he just came here for a formality, and he actually fulfilled his long-cherished wish for many years!

Happiness comes too suddenly, right?

Compared with Qingkong, the current Zhan family is already walking on thin ice. If they still doubt Zhang Menglong's ability, it is not doubting Zhang Menglong, it is questioning Qingkong. If Zhang Menglong doesn't have that kind of ability, Qingkong is willing to leave On the opposite side of their Zhan family?

Unless he's out of his mind?
"Father, this... Master..."

"I'm afraid this person is really capable!" Zhan Xun said, "Otherwise, how could Qing Kong be so respectful to him? The thing about holy weapons is also true in all likelihood!"

"Hiss~ Such a young holy refiner..."

"Then what do we do now?"

"What else can we do? Hurry up and see if there is anything valuable in our Zhan family! They can obviously walk away, and they are still drinking tea at that place, which is obviously a step down for our Zhan family. If you can’t understand it, then you are too ignorant! Can you understand something?”

(End of this chapter)

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