I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1641 Taking a shit is more laborious than this

Chapter 1641 Taking a shit is more laborious than this
Zhang Menglong chatted with Qing Kong all afternoon in the teahouse, and he also heard some things about this world from Qing Kong.

However, the passages leading to various worlds are very secret, or Qingkong has not been qualified to access this level so far, so Zhang Mengyu did not get any very useful information.

However, he told Zhang Mengyu that there are many top organizations in this world, and these organizations absorb talented people from all over the world every year to take them back for training. It is said that there are really strong people who have surpassed the spiritual realm in those places.

If Zhang Menglong has the opportunity to go to those forces, there is probably nothing in the whole continent that he cannot promise.

Of course, there is no way to find these forces by themselves, because no one knows where they are. For these secular empires and dynasties, their existence is like a legend.

It's true that Qingkong still suspects that the piece of weapon fragment he obtained came from the wreckage left by some fierce wars in that level of power, and only at that level can it be possible to have such a powerful weapon!

After hearing these words, Zhang Menglong was immediately full of curiosity about those forces, and he didn't know how powerful it was that made Qingkong feel that it was a legendary existence.

No, he is right. If he wants to know higher-level things, he must join a higher-level force. If there is a chance, he would like to participate in the so-called talent selection.

"Hey, they're here!" Qing Kong suddenly saw the Zhan family who hurriedly returned to Qingyun Pavilion. They obviously lost the arrogance and arrogance just now, and some only had that kind of humbleness and cautiousness left.

Now the only one who can know the old man of the Zhan family is Zhang Mengyu. They have no other choice but to choose to trust Zhang Mengyu for no reason.

"Mr. Zhang, do you have time now?" Zhan Xun asked carefully keeping a distance of five or six meters from Zhang Mengyu.

"No time, can't you see that I'm chatting with Mr. Qing Kong now?" Zhang Mengyu said angrily.

Even if there is a quarrel between male and female friends, boys always have to coax girls for half an hour, right?A slightly more respectful greeting just wanted to coax Zhang Mengyu well, as if he was coming and going as soon as he was called?
"I'm sorry, I'll wait for you to finish chatting." After being turned away, Zhan Xun and the others did not dare to have the slightest temper, "Third Princess, please give these things to Master Zhang. This is a little apology and sincerity from our Zhan Family , I hope Master can spare some time out of his busy schedule to come to our Zhan Family to treat my father after he finishes his busy schedule."

"Uncle Zhan, don't worry, I will hand it over to Master!"

Zhan Xun brought a lot of things, besides the spirit of the onyx dragon, there were also 50 billion god crystals. When she saw one of these things, she couldn't help but feel a little lost.

This is the most precious thing of the Zhan family besides the agate dragon essence!
"It's the Order of Heaven's Pride!"

Just now, Qing Kong told Zhang Mengyu that those top forces would absorb geniuses in various places on this road every once in a while, and their method was to use this thing called Tianjiao Order!
This Tianjiao Token is made of a very strong metal. Its strength is so high that even some sacred weapons are difficult to destroy. It is said that as long as you have this piece, when the time is right, someone will give it to you. He went to take the test.

If the assessment is passed, then this person will be favored by those superpowers and become a member of them. It is said that even those very ordinary members, even if they go to a high-level kingdom, will receive extremely high courtesy and treatment.

This item was also obtained by the Zhan family by accident, and it hasn't been long. They originally planned to let the Zhan family's Zhan Qing challenge this good fortune, but they searched the Zhan family's warehouse, but they couldn't find anything they thought they could do. Something to impress Zhang Misty.

Divine weapon?If someone makes it casually, it is a holy grade, and the top weapons of their entire Zhan family are only ninth grade.

Elixir?Their family's elixir can't even save the old man of the Zhan family, so why do they think they can impress Zhang Mengyu.

And this thing will definitely make Zhang Mengyu's eyes light up.

After handing the things to Lan Xin, the members of the Zhan family also retreated to another private seat not far away, but their eyes never left Zhang Mengyu's body, as if they were afraid that he would run away at any time.

"Mr. Zhang, these are the things that Uncle Zhan asked me to give you." Lan Xin walked over and handed the three things to Zhang Mengyu.

"Hey, spend your money, 50 billion Shenjing, they have to sell their iron, right?" Qing Kong's tone was rather gloating.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is the spirit of the agate dragon, it really is extraordinary!" Qingkong looked at the miniature emerald-colored agate dragon, which was grinning at Qingkong.

"Master, what do you want this thing for?" Qing Kong asked curiously.

"Refining something," Zhang Mengyu said, there's no need to hide it, "I'm going to use a method to integrate this dragon blood into my body."

"Is there such a thing?" Qing Kong and Lan Xin were taken aback.

Naturally, there are people in this world who are born with the blood of demon blood, but those are the products of the fusion between humans and monsters, and the death rate is extremely high. This kind of existence is born, and no one has ever heard of it This bloodline can also be created the day after tomorrow.

"No way," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "I have been poisoned by poison since I was a child, and my bones have been destroyed. I got some adventures by chance and learned a little skill. This is the method I got by chance. It can make me not No matter how much you need to practice your divine breath, you will be invincible in the world by relying on your body!"

"Why does this first half sound familiar?" Lan Xin always felt as if she had heard about this situation somewhere, but she couldn't get along for a while.

"What is this?" Zhang Mengyu took out the Tianjiao Token.

"Tianjiao Ling, good guy, they are even willing to take out this thing, isn't this a waste of money?"

Qing Kong obviously knew this thing too, so he immediately introduced the function of Tianjiao Token.

"Good stuff!" This is definitely an unexpected gain for Zhang Menglong. If he joins the so-called super power, Zhang Menglong must have a way to get in touch with more information.

It's just that it's unknown when this thing will be awakened, and Zhang Menglong can only put it away temporarily.

"Master Zhang, the old man of the Zhan family."

"Let's go, go and have a look," Zhang Mengyu stood up, "I can't be told that I took something and didn't work, right?"

"Master Zhang, are you sure?" Lan Xin asked.

"If there is an injury in this world that I can't cure, then there will be absolutely no one who can be cured," Zhang Mengyu said confidently, "It's just a fire poison, it's so simple, it's easier for me to take a shit than It takes a lot more effort.”

(End of this chapter)

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