I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1643 Girls can also take the initiative

Chapter 1643 Girls can also take the initiative

Zhang Mengyu seemed to be in a trance, shrouded in a flame together with Mr. Zhan, the color of the flame was constantly changing, and the temperature was also hot and cold, but no one dared to move forward.

This process lasted for a full hour, and the flames on Zhang Menglong's body shrank back from every pore on his body.

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu slowly put Mr. Zhan on the ground. He was still sleeping peacefully, but it was not difficult to see a sense of calm and serenity from his expression. Although the poisonous fire had been suppressed all the time, the poisonous Will the pain of burning his body put the old man in a situation where life would be worse than death?

But now, the poisonous fire has been eradicated, and he no longer needs to forcibly use his own strength to suppress the poisonous fire. For hundreds of years, his body has been relaxed today.

"Father, grandpa's pulse is very stable, and he should be fine." Zhan Qing checked the old man's body, and the poisonous fire that used to be like a tarsus maggot had completely disappeared from his body.

Not only that, there used to be traces of the poisonous fire on his bones, the surface and even the deep layer were dark green, but now, these traces have completely disappeared, and his body has completely returned to the level of a normal person.

Although the realm has dropped a lot, it is very lucky to be able to save your life in this situation, so what else can you force?

"Mr. Zhan, this is the tinder of the poisonous fire." Zhang Menglong stretched out his hand, and saw a dark green flame stored in a vessel, from which a rudimentary form of an agate dragon could be vaguely seen slowing down. Slowly gliding, this is the unique flame born from the fire poison left by the agate dragon on the old man during hundreds of years of gestation,
"Since it was conceived from the fire on the agate dragon, it's called dragon-pregnant poisonous inflammation!" Zhan Xun took it carefully, and at this time he actually couldn't put it down.

"Dragon pregnancy poisonous inflammation..." Zhang Menglong's forehead is covered with black lines. This Zhan Xun is really educated, and the bullshit name he chose... is really a middle school and uneducated.

"Save people to the end, send the Buddha to the west," Zhang Mengyu took out a few pills, "This flame is still very dangerous, if you want to refine this flame, the risk is quite high, these pills should be able to Give you some help."

"Thank you, master!" Zhan Xun is overjoyed, now he has no doubts about Zhang Mengyu's ability, Zhang Mengyu said that this pill can help him refine the flame, then it will definitely help him, the probability of advancing to the realm of spiritual cultivation It must be much bigger.

"Keep this thing carefully. If you accidentally release it, your Zhan family will basically be gone."

"Thank you for reminding me, master." Zhan Xun put away the flame seeds, which he needs to keep personally.

"Okay, the matter is settled, I think it's time to go back." Zhang Menglong stretched.

"Master, why don't you go after eating here." Zhan Xun strongly invited.

"No, I have to go home!"

Zhang Meng waved his hand and left the Zhan family directly.

"Go home?" Qing Kong and Lan Xin looked at each other in blank dismay. The meaning of this sentence is unusual. Is this master a member of their Yan Lan Empire, or even his family is in this capital?
But it's impossible, if there are such powerful people in the Yanlan Empire, how could they not know about it?And this master doesn't have the slightest reputation, which is unreasonable!
"Third Princess, I have a premonition," Qing Kong said, "It won't be long before we will meet again."

"I hope," looking at Zhang Meng's back, the third princess's eyes were filled with a kind of emotion called admiration, which she had never felt when she grew up.

"It would be great if the person I want to marry is someone like him." Lan Xin murmured to herself, but she didn't know that she even whispered this sentence.

"Hahaha, the third princess," Qingkong laughed, "If you like it, go after it. Girls can also take the initiative. You are the princess of our Yanlan Empire, and the master may fall!"

"Uncle Qing, you are making fun of me again!" Lan Xin said in a threatening tone, "Only you and I know about this matter, you must not tell anyone, or I will burn your beard!"



It seems that the death of the steward and the injury of Gu Qiufeng not long ago were insignificant things, no one asked him to come to Qiuhou to settle accounts, and even those who followed him were withdrawn.

It is estimated that the unlucky guy who melted first and then exploded that night deterred them. Many people even avoided Zhang Mengyu after seeing him.

Who knows what evil people are around him, if they act recklessly, it will be a lesson for them.

Of course, Zhang Mengyu didn't get too much attention. Logically speaking, the wedding between Gu Xiao and the third princess was close at hand, and the Gu family should have started decorating and preparing to marry the princess long ago.

but?The whole family seemed to have nothing to do, as if they didn't care about it at all. Anyway, to the family, Gu Xiao was an insignificant person.

It is estimated that there will be many people who are going to see Gu Xiao's jokes at that time, how can he go to welcome the bride by himself?

If it was the old Gu Xiao, it would probably be a big joke, but now, he is planning to give Gu Xiao a grand wedding. As for the bridal chamber, it is really a troublesome matter.

The spirit of this agate dragon is really too fierce. If Zhang Menglong finishes making this genetic potion at home, no matter how careful he is, he will inevitably attract other people.

But he still has a very secret place, because Gu Xiao was very withdrawn when he was a child, and almost all the people of the same clan excluded him, so his father built a small house by the sea for him.

In Gu Xiao's mind, almost all the happiest and most relaxing time in his life were spent in that small house, and even when he grew up, he would live there for a while to search for childhood memories.

Zhang Mengyu followed Gu Xiao's memory to find the small wooden house, because someone has been cleaning it, so it looks very clean, but because of the long-term invasion of sea water, it has a slightly fishy smell.

Zhang Mengyu took out all the things, and now there is only the last process left!

He took out a dark golden test tube, which was the base liquid of the genetic medicine. What he had to do now was to disperse some of the last soul power of the agate dragon's soul, and then perfectly blend it with the base liquid.

Zhang Mengyu took out the soul of the agate dragon, and with a dragon chant, a wave tens of meters wide was set off on the sea and rippling away.

"Good guy, it's really fierce!" Zhang Menglong looked at the spirit of the agate dragon. If the agate dragon was in front of his eyes, he would probably be able to crush himself to death just by relying on strength.

But now, this thing is just a spirit without a soul, and Zhang Menglong has plenty of ways to deal with him.

"The Tower of Soul!" Zhang Mengyu performed the secret method, and immediately a glazed tower similar in size to the agate dragon soul appeared in the glass ball.

The powerful soul fluctuations constantly emanated from the glazed tower, gradually suppressing the restlessness of the spirit.

Zhang Menglong opened the test tube and poured the base solution inside.

(End of this chapter)

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