I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1644 Hope those people dance better

Chapter 1644 Hope those people dance better

Gu's house, in Gu Meng's room.

Gu Qiufeng opened the door and walked in. After a few days of recuperation, most of his body has recovered, at least he can get out of bed and walk around now.

"Father!" Gu Qiufeng stood in front of Gu Meng without saying a word.

"How is it? Are your injuries okay?" Gu Meng asked.

"It's almost recovered, and it should recover after a few days of recuperation," Gu Qiufeng replied, "Father, I'm sure that Gu Xiao's trash is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface."

"I'm not blind!" Gu Meng said, "You were made into this by a trash, and you still have the face to call other trash?"

Gu Qiufeng lowered his head, because of this matter, he has been ridiculed by the other younger generations of the Gu family these days.

Being wounded by that trash of Gu Xiao and lying in bed for two days is definitely something worth writing on the pillar of shame.

"This kid looks like he was in a hurry and hurt you, but the precision and reaction speed is definitely not just as simple as he said that his physical strength is relatively high." Gu Meng analyzed.

It is true that using those genius treasures can accumulate a powerful body, but this is only in terms of physical strength, but it has no effect on reaction speed, eyesight, etc.

Gu Qiufeng is a powerhouse of the second grade of divine breath, and he is also a leader in this level. His attack, even the ordinary first grade of divine breath, may not be able to see clearly, let alone Gu Xiao.

"And the people we sent," Gu Meng continued, "I asked the family guards, and no one broke into our Gu family that night!"

The leader of the Gu family's guards can make people who are half a foot away from stepping into the realm of spiritual cultivation, unless their strength is much higher than him, it is absolutely impossible to escape his perception.

According to Gu Meng's understanding, even Gu Xiao's father probably didn't have the resources to allow a strong man of this level to serve as Gu Xiao's personal guard.

"Is this kid hiding something?" Gu Qiufeng showed hatred in his eyes, "But it's impossible, this kid's roots have been destroyed long ago, how could he still be able to practice."

"There is no problem with this," Gu Meng said, "I checked that kid's body that day, and the toxins on his body were still not clear, and his bones were in a mess, and there was no sign of improvement. , and there is no trace of divine breath."

"Is this haunted?" Gu Qiufeng was even more puzzled, how should this be explained, "Father, has anyone been watching him recently?"

Gu Meng shook his head, "If he really has a ghost, no matter how many people we send there, he will only die, but I have asked the family's patrol personnel to pay attention. He has frequently left the family these days, and he seems to be still there now. Listen to Haiju."

"Listening to Haiju? That small house by the sea?" Gu Qiufeng asked, "It doesn't seem to be unusual. He was always talking about it, and he would go back to live there for a few days from time to time, but he often left the family. This Things seem a little unusual.”

"Yeah, he doesn't have many friends, and he doesn't necessarily leave the family once a year. I'm afraid his current changes are still inseparable from his performance this time."

"By the way, father, his marriage to the third princess will be in three days. Do we really want to watch him marry the third princess?" Gu Qiufeng was a little anxious, "You know, I have always been to the third princess."

"Of course I know what you're thinking," Gu Meng said, "but this marriage was bestowed by the emperor himself, and your uncle also attaches great importance to it. This welcoming team is still inevitable, but you can do whatever you want, but he wants to make it It is not an easy matter for the princess to take it back."

"Oh?" Gu Qiufeng became interested.

"There are so many princesses and princes in the palace, and the third princess is their favorite princess. It is not so easy to marry her away."

"Hahaha," Gu Qiufeng laughed, "I'm afraid this kid is out of his mind."

"And I also got some news," Gu Meng said, "The third princess will probably regret the marriage when the time comes. I heard that she has already got the support of several guardians."

"Hahahaha, that's great," Gu Qiufeng laughed immediately, "If I were him, if my marriage was ruined in full view, then I might as well die."

"Hmph, that's all you have," Gu Meng said bitterly, "Do you think it's Gu Xiao's business alone? This is a disgrace to our entire Gu family."

"Father, what's the matter, with the prestige of our ancient family, this matter will be forgotten soon, but if this is the case, the marriage between me and the third princess"

"Wait, if there is a chance, I will definitely mediate for you," Gu Meng said, "I feel that I have almost touched the edge of breaking through the spiritual cultivation, and by that time, in the Yanlan Empire, I have the right to speak." will be better."

"Great, thank you father!"

While Gu Qiufeng and his son were still plotting, Zhang Menglong's blood potion production was nearing completion.

The essence of the agate dragon had almost melted into the base liquid of the potion, and some dark green colors appeared in the dark golden liquid.

"Call work!" Zhang Mengyu's face looked a little tired. Using soul power to suppress this spirit for such a long time was quite exhausting for him.

He took out a syringe and injected the genetic medicine into his arm.

As the genetic medicine flowed all over his body, Gu Xiao's body immediately began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

His body began to swell slowly, from the original thin and thin dog to muscular and angular, and some black lines appeared on his skin.

From the black lines, a force full of destruction emerged slowly, and even formed some black mist. Under the fumigation of this destructive force, the last toxins on his body were easily eliminated.

This bloodline is crazily changing Gu Xiao's physique, every cell and every gene fragment has been branded with a new brand, and his life level has actually directly climbed to the perfect level!
"A first-class perfect creature," Zhang Mengyu felt the reborn body, compared to the original emaciated body, how much stronger it is now.

Although there is still no trace of divine breath in his body, if a person with a first-grade divine breath stands in front of him, Zhang Menglong will directly beat him into a meat paste with just brute force.

"Try this again!"

Zhang Mengyu stimulated the power of the blood in his body, and the black runes on his body suddenly emerged, and Gu Xiao's body turned into a half-dragon man with evil spirit all over his body.

But at this time, he could even kill a person of the third rank of Divine Breath directly with his physical strength alone!

"This thing is really good!" Zhang Mengyu changed into a whole set of good clothes, and the clothes just now were directly torn, "Although it was just a mistake, among the younger generation of the Yanlan Empire, it should be someone looking for There is no opponent coming."

"I don't know what will happen at the wedding in a few days." Zhang Mengyu suddenly felt a little excited, fearing that the world would not be chaotic. "I hope those people will dance as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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