I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1659 That friend is himself

Chapter 1659 That friend is himself

"Refining immediately?"

"What do you mean? He wants to make alchemy?"

"Impossible? How could he be able to refine alchemy? Could it be that he asked his friend to refine it?"

"The Yanlan Empire can't find anyone who can refine holy medicine pills, and Shenmai Jindan is very rare among holy medicine pills. Maybe his friend can do it?"

Zhang Mengyu's words caused people around to discuss.

"Father, is he bluffing?" Gu Qiufeng's heart was obviously not as calm as his expression. For some reason, he actually felt that his younger brother might really bring him some surprises.

"It should be..." Gu Meng also said with some uncertainty.

But he thought back on the things about Gu Xiao in these years. Apart from staying in the family, he was staying in the small dilapidated house by the sea.

With strict defense and control at home, it is naturally impossible for him to have the opportunity to meet people outside. It is estimated that Gu Xiao also met this friend in that small shabby house by the sea.

But even if his friend taught him alchemy, with his crippled body, he simply doesn't have enough divine energy to maintain the flames needed for alchemy, and it is absolutely impossible for him to learn under the noses of so many people, right? ?
And if he really has this ability, he doesn't even need to refine holy-grade pills. At his age, if he can refine third-grade and fourth-grade pills, it is enough to become the No. 1 among the young alchemists of Yanlan Empire. [-].

There is no need to secretly learn alchemy and amaze everyone, and there is no need to wait until today's special occasion to prove one's ability.

So in Gu Meng's view, what Gu Xiao said just now must be a bluff.

"These medicinal materials are really good materials for refining the Divine Vein Golden Elixir!" Master Yun of the royal family did not know when he came to the scene of this farce.

Although he hadn't seen the formula of the Divine Vein Golden Pill, he probably knew the types and properties of the medicinal materials needed to refine it. Obviously, the medicinal materials in front of him completely matched the characteristics of the Divine Vein Golden Pill.

"Master, he can't really refine it, can he?" Yan Tianyao asked in a low voice beside him, he had never heard that the young master of the Gu family suddenly had such an ability.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Your Majesty, not to mention the entire Yanlan Empire, even the entire continent, it is impossible for anyone at this age to refine the Holy Grade Pill, even if it is the student of the world's strongest alchemy master. Maybe," Master Yun said resolutely, "as far as I know, so far at this age, there are very few people who can refine seventh-grade pills. If they can refine eight-grade pills, they are ghosts."

"As for the Ninth Grade, I haven't heard of it so far. As for the Holy Grade...hahaha, that's a fantasy."

Suddenly, the image of a person flashed in Master Yun's mind. Not long ago, it was said that the fire poison of the old man of the Zhan family was completely wiped out by a mysterious boy. Strength, even proficiency in alchemy, it is said that it seems that the same person refined the holy weapon for Qingkong.

If someone can control the flames to that level, perhaps alchemy is not weak, and it is really possible to refine this divine vein golden elixir.

But it is already a ridiculous thing in this world for such a person to appear. Obviously, that person is absolutely impossible to be the good-for-nothing young master in front of him. If there is a second such person, then more or less It seemed a little outrageous.

But at this moment, a blue-purple flame appeared on Gu Xiao's fingertips, and the flame danced freely between his fingers like an elf.

"Control the flame!" Master Yun turned pale with shock. Although this is just a simple action, to control it to this level requires at least the level of a fourth-rank or fifth-rank alchemist. It began to develop in a direction beyond people's imagination.

"This is impossible!" Everyone in the Gu family was dumbfounded. When did Gu Xiao know how to play with flames?

"Wait, he doesn't have any divine energy on him, how could he condense flames?" Someone immediately asked, indeed, there is still no fluctuation of divine energy on Zhang Mengyu's body.

"There is only one possibility, this kind of flame is not transformed by divine breath, but a kind of wonder of heaven and earth, which was fused into his body by Gu Xiao and became a part of his body. In this case, it is naturally No extra energy is consumed.

"How could he have such a chance?" Gu Meng said, "Let's not say that this kid doesn't go out and doesn't go out. He has no chance to come into contact with this kind of strange thing. Even if he ran out, they I have never heard of such a treasure appearing near the Yanlan Empire."

"Yeah, if this kind of thing really happened, how could no one know?"

"He started, is he really going to make alchemy?"

At this moment, Zhang Mengyu was tired of playing with flames, so he released a trace of flames directly into the medicine cauldron, and began to purify the essence energy of those medicinal materials.

"What a meticulous control method, what a powerful flame," Master Yun looked excitedly, "The temperature of this flame is at least 20 times higher than the flame condensed by my divine breath! But at such a high temperature, he can still control These materials are evenly heated, and his alchemy skills are definitely above mine."

"What? Still above you?" After listening to Master Yun's words, Yan Tianyao's eyes even began to light up.

But this sentence immediately caused Yan Tianyao to have new worries.

Lan Xin also said just now that even if she wants to marry, she still wants to marry someone who has outstanding talent in a certain field. Not to mention anything else now, at least in alchemy talent, Gu Xiao has shown a talent beyond the master level. Level up.

If Lan Xin still thinks he is a waste at this time, then this daughter is basically useless, and she can prepare to practice a trumpet.

What he's worried about now is that even if Princess Lan Xin posts it upside down, Gu Xiao doesn't know whether he wants to marry her or not!

"How could this happen?" Lan Xin's expression had already froze. Looking at Zhang Mengyu's incomparably elegant alchemy techniques, his original concept of Gu Xiao had been completely broken, and he was replaced by another image, and this image, unexpectedly It gradually overlapped with the figure that kept her awake at night.

"Uncle Qing Kong, do you think he looks like..."

"You think so too?" Qing Kong said.

Although the flame used by Zhang Mengyu this time is completely different from the last time, but his movement charm and some personal habits cannot be changed.

For example, he always likes to check whether his hairstyle is messy. This behavior of Gu Xiao is exactly the same as that mysterious Master Zhang.

"Could it be that he is..."

"Didn't he say that Gu Xiao is his friend?" Lan Xin still had a hard time accepting this, because now he was almost certain that the Gu Xiao in front of him was that Mr. Zhang!
Because not only the movements, but the exposed half of the face seems to have found the owner now.

"Girl Lan Xin, do you think there is a possibility," Qing Kong said, "Could the friend he mentioned at the beginning be himself?"

(End of this chapter)

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