I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1660 I can do it myself

Chapter 1660 I can do it myself

"I asked why this Gu Xiao made me feel like I had met him before. I didn't expect him to be the mysterious Master Zhang."

"It is impossible for two such monstrous people to appear in the world at the same time. Now it seems that the world is not so crazy anymore."

Qing Kong and Zhan Xun looked at each other, now they encountered a more troublesome problem, the object they two want to stop today is actually that Master Zhang!
"It's going to be difficult now," Qing Kong scratched his head with a half-smile, "Both of us owe a huge favor to Master Zhang, how can we stop him now?"

"Do you still need to stop?" Zhan Xun added fuel to the side, "Isn't the person who makes the three princesses dream of you right in front of you?

"Hahaha, right, right, third princess, we don't need to be reserved anymore, let's go directly?"

"What's going on?" Hearing Qingkong's conversation with them, Yan Tianyao also looked confused.

What's the meaning?Why does it look like Qing Kong, Zhan Xun, and Lan Xin are all very familiar with this Gu Xiao, but what is the situation?Isn't this Gu Xiao a useless person?Why did he suddenly become an alchemist?And how did these four people have such a strange intersection?Can someone explain it to him?
"Hahaha, Your Majesty, that's all I can say. Love comes too fast, like a tornado. The princess and I have met a few times, but it wasn't very suitable to reveal our identity at that time, so the princess didn't know it was me." While Zhang Meng was concocting alchemy, he was still chatting with them.

At this time, Lan Xin was the one who couldn't accept this reality the most.

The person he tried his best to repent of the marriage and didn't want to marry has now become the most perfect person in her mind. This world is really too changeable.

"Why did he lie to me like this?" Lan Xin looked at Zhang Mengyu, tears streaming down her cheeks.

From her point of view, Gu Xiao's actions were obviously revenge on her.

Perhaps he had known for a long time that he wanted to cancel the engagement, because he was dissatisfied, so he first created a very perfect image in this way, and finally smashed this perfect image completely, in order to let Lan Xin regretted it.

For a girl like Lan Xin, the inner shock caused by this huge contrast is no less than being regretted on the spot on the big day.

At this time, Zhang Menglong had already completed most of the process of refining the medicinal materials, and a drop of colorful medicinal liquid was suspended in the center of the medicine cauldron, exuding a charming fragrance at the same time.

"Is this the holy medicine elixir?" Master Yun looked at the drop of medicine with his eyes shining.

This was the first time he watched the birth of a holy elixir from such a close distance. Zhang Menglong's alchemy technique was different from any alchemist he had ever seen.

Although alchemy is also divided into factions, these factions are inseparable from each other, and some core things all lead to the same goal.

But Zhang Menglong's alchemy method gave him a very strange feeling, the gap between the two was like that of a primary school student and a graduate student.

He is sure that even if there is another alchemist who can refine holy medicine pills here, it is impossible to refine these medicinal materials into this form in such a short period of time.

"This kid, when did you learn this skill?" The Gu Meng father and son felt a little more fear in addition to not accepting it.

They haven't forgotten how they suppressed and humiliated Gu Xiao these years. If Gu Xiao's father hadn't been the head of the Gu family, Gu Xiao's grave would already be several meters long.

How much influence can an alchemist who can refine holy elixir have?
It can be said that with a wave of arms, there are countless warriors in the realm of spiritual cultivation to be his thugs, and even if he wants to, he can subvert the entire Yanlan Empire with his personal influence, no amount of guardians will work.

"Father, I think that kid has become different since he was almost killed by a fireball from the sky last time." Gu Qiufeng suddenly thought of something, "The supervisor who killed me later, injured me, and The person who was in charge of following him also died inexplicably, as if everything started from that time."

"Yeah," Gu Meng nodded, he and Gu Qiufeng thought together, "Although I don't know why he hid his ability before, but if he wants to take revenge on us now, we probably don't have the slightest power to resist."

"Father, then we..."

"Find a way to reconcile with him. Is it possible that you still want to kill him now?" Gu Meng said, "Didn't you hear just now? Those two guys from the Qing family and the Zhan family owe him favors."

"A few days ago, Qingkong invited a mysterious master to refine a holy weapon for him, and the old man of the Zhan family was also cured by a mysterious person. Could it be that these two mysterious people..."

"It's not only the same person, but it's probably this kid," Gu Meng said. "That kid happened to go out frequently recently, so it turned out that he actually played such a role outside."

"Father, do you think he can really refine the Divine Vein Golden Pill?" Gu Qiufeng said a little sourly.

"If he really rescued the old man of the Zhan family, his level of alchemy must be higher than that of Master Yun, and he might be able to refine it," Gu Meng said, but he suddenly changed his expression, "But there is Ability to refine and being able to refine are two different things.”

"Father, I understand what you said."

"Hmph, don't forget, the elixir of the holy grade was born, the power of the world is not so easy to make it fully formed, he has to block the thunder and punishment of the power of the world first, although he is different now , but still relying on the flame that merged with his body, he himself is still just a waste that cannot cultivate, and his ability cannot resist the lightning."

At this time, the elixir refined by Zhang Menglong had reached the final stage. As the prototype of the elixir was condensed, the birth of the holy elixir finally led to the destruction of the power of this world.

"It's really about to become a pill!"

"Shenmai Golden Pill, the legendary holy medicine elixir!"

"Seven-color pill thunder! This is seven-color pill thunder!"

"This shows that the quality of the elixir at this moment is extremely good, but the elixir thunder is probably at least someone with a second-rank or higher level of spiritual cultivation to block it."

Everyone in the palace looked up at the sky. There had never been a holy alchemist in the Yanlan Empire, and this was naturally the first time that such a scene had appeared under the eyes of the world.

"Master, do you need help?" Among the people present, only Qing Kong and Yan Tianyao are strong in the realm of spiritual cultivation. As the lord of the country, Yan Tianyao will naturally not surrender his status to ask for help.

Although Qingkong knew that if he took the thunder forcibly, he would definitely be injured, but if he could sell Zhang Mengyu's favor with this, it would definitely be very cost-effective. He still remembered the pill that Zhang Mengyun gave him last time. Easy to help him recover from Jie Lei's trauma.

"It's not necessary," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "It's just the power of the small world, and I don't need Mr. Qingkong to do it, I can do it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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