I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1661 is still low-key

Chapter 1661 is still low-key

"He wants to come by himself??"

"No, even a first-rank divine cultivator might not be able to block this seven-color tribulation thunder intact. Why should he block it alone?"

"Even if it is an ordinary tribulation thunder, one strike is enough to kill him."

"Didn't he have a very magical shield before? He wouldn't want to use this shield to block the tribulation thunder?"

"That's different. No matter how talented the fifth prince is, he can't stand up to him because he is too young. Now he is only in the fourth-rank realm of divine breath. His shield can block the attack of the fifth prince, but it is absolutely impossible to block the robbery." thunder."

"Yeah, even if the shield is not damaged, the power transmitted through the shield is still terrifying. It's impossible for it to completely dissolve the dark energy that seeps in, right?"

"Look, he took out something new again!"


There was a new shield in Zhang Mengyu's hand. This shield was golden, with triangular patterns on the surface. It looked like the wings of an insect, which was quite unorthodox.

"What a weird shield, I've never seen a shield of this shape."

"Yeah, he doesn't want to use this kind of thing to resist thunder?"

"Even if it is a shield of the holy grade, it can only offset 90% of the destructive power of the ninth grade of divine breath at most, and it is impossible for him to bear the remaining 10% of the dark energy, let alone it can make even the strongest of the gods. The seven-color tribulation thunder with a headache."

"This, consider it my second betrothal gift to the princess!" Zhang Mengyu said, "This shield is called the Shield of Courage, and it can be activated by the crystal of divine breath, which can completely offset the full attack of the ninth-rank powerhouse of divine breath at most. If it is an attack at the level of divine cultivation, as long as there are enough divine breath crystals filled, it can offset 99.99% of the destructive power!"

Zhang's hazy divine breath crystal shot into the shield without money, and the shield began to shine with golden light under the filling of these energies.

"Boom!" In front of the shield, a huge energy phantom with a length of more than 50 meters appeared, which looked like an indestructible city wall!

"This thing is simply a divine weapon!" Several refiners in the royal family were stunned when they saw this scene, "This divine weapon actually contains two technologies of refining and formation at the same time. method, and then supported by formations and weapons, if this is refined by him, he is simply a genius."

"Masters, can you do such a craft?" Yan Tianyao asked.

The two refiners shook their heads with wry smiles, "My lord, people in this world who know how to refine weapons don't understand formations, and those who understand formations don't know how to refine weapons. No one can do it in two fields at the same time." To the extreme, it is naturally impossible for those formation masters to integrate formations into their weapons, including our weapon refiners. We can't say that we don't know anything about formations, but we can almost say that we have very little knowledge of formations."

"He has mastered weapon refining, alchemy and formation at the same time?" Yan Tianyao's eyes fell on Zhang Mengyu, "This ancient family has really produced a remarkable person in this lifetime."

"My subject guesses that although Mr. Gu Xiao has been dubbed a waste, he must have had adventures in these years, so he has been forbearing. Today is the time for him to quietly become stronger and amaze everyone."



The thunderclouds in the sky have finally condensed to the peak state. There will be seven thunderbolts falling from the seven-color calamity thunder. The power ranges from low to high, and the last one is the most terrifying. As long as it survives, this golden pill will really be refined.

"Can this thing really block thunder?" When everyone was still uneasy, Zhang Mengyu behind the shield did something amazing again. He actually conjured a chair and table out of thin air and sat down. Then I actually made a cup of tea, as if enjoying some beautiful scenery comfortably.


The first tribulation thunder fell in response, and according to the judgment of the people present, its power was at least as powerful as a full-strength strike of a sixth-rank powerhouse of Divine Breath!
This thunder light was only about one meter thick, it landed on the phantom condensed by the shield, and it just caused a faint ripple in the golden light before it disappeared completely!

Just like what Zhang Mengyu said, this shield can completely defend against attacks at the level of divine breath, and even a trace of dark energy will not pass through the shield!

"Good stuff!" Yan Tianyao's eyes lit up, "If we have a shield like this, we will definitely have the most solid backing in large-scale wars in the future!
Zhang Menglong took a sip of tea and said lightly, "This tribulation thunder is nothing more than that!"

As if hearing Zhang Mengyu's disdain, the colorful clouds in the sky immediately dropped a second thunder. This thunder was almost twice as thick as the first!
"This one has at least the attack power of a seventh-rank warrior of Divine Breath!"

However, such a violent attack still only caused a small ripple on the shield, and the shield didn't even shake!
"The third thunder, this power has reached the eighth grade!"

"Fourth way, this already has the power of half a step of spiritual cultivation!"

"It's all blocked!"

The four thunderbolts were completely resolved by Zhang Menglong's shield, and even Zhang Menglong was drinking tea calmly during the whole process, as if what hit him was not a thunderbolt, but a moderate rain.

"Just look at the fifth thunder."

"Yeah, even if the attack at the level of spiritual cultivation is weakened by 99.99%, it is definitely not an easy matter for him."

"Ready to help the master at any time!" Zhan Xun glanced at it. I am afraid that only Qingkong can help Zhang Menglong block this divine level attack.

"I know." Qingkong also looked at Zhang Mengyu with full attention, and the strength in his body gradually emerged.


After brewing for nearly 1 minute, the fifth thunder finally fell. The power of this thunder has completely reached the level of a first-rank divine cultivator!

The current raged on the phantom of the shield for a few seconds, and the shield shook a few times, but it was still blocked.

"It seems to be keeping a low profile," Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "There seems to be no problem at all with the attack of the first rank of divine cultivation."

However, after the thunder was blocked, the phantom of the shield also dimmed a lot to the extent visible to the naked eye, indicating that a lot of energy had been consumed.

Zhang Mengyu grabbed a handful of Divine Breath Crystals free of charge, and slapped it into the energy filling place of the shield again. A moment later, the Shield of Courage once again glowed golden.

A vortex appeared in the sky, and a circle of seven-colored mist rippled through the seven-colored clouds, which actually produced a colorful thunderbolt!

This time, the phantom of the shield was only resisted for a few seconds before it shattered, but as Zhang Mengyu said, most of the energy has been resisted by the shield, and the remaining power is less than one ten-thousandth of it!

But the power of one ten thousandth of the second-rank spiritual cultivation realm is enough to instantly kill a martial artist of the second- and third-rank spiritual cultivation!
Most of the lightning had been blocked, but there was still an arm-thin electric current heading towards Zhang Menglong.

"Mr. Qing Kong!" Zhan Xun said immediately.

"I know!" Qingkong was about to take action to protect Zhang Mengyu, but at this moment, Zhang Mengyu's body actually filled with an incomparably terrifying aura.

This breath seemed to be as ferocious and violent as a wild beast, as if an ancient giant beast had descended.

"He really hid his strength!"

"There is still no fluctuation of divine energy, it seems to be the strength of his body!"

"This..." Everyone was stunned for a moment, "This... what is the power in his body?"

(End of this chapter)

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