I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1669 "3000 Things You Must Do in Wutianyu"

"Oh, by the way, I need to remind you that this Tianjiao Token must bind your soul power before you can start collecting luck for you, otherwise, no matter how much luck you have, it will be wasted."

"Thank you," Zhang Mengyu took out his Tianjiao Token on the spot, and branded his own soul on it.

"Okay, I have finished asking the three questions I sent you, and the remaining questions..." Yang Sande rubbed his hands.

"How do you charge here?" Zhang Mengyu saw a lot of value from Yang Sande, at least when he was in the Yanlan Empire, no one had ever told him that this Tianjiao Ling also had a pretense. The role of the recorder, although the price of buying information is relatively expensive here, but the money is definitely not wasted.

"One of 1000 million divine crystals. It seems that I can give you a [-]% discount on the pill you just bought!" In Yang Sande's heart, holy grade pills are rare. The medicine only cost three questions and his time, he earned it with blood, and even felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"I don't like to carry money very much," Zhang Mengyu took out a small box again, "It's better to use elixir, see how many problems this one can solve?"

"Do you still have the holy medicine pill?" Yang Sande was about to kneel down to Zhang Mengyu, "Not much, not much! You gave too much, just these two medicine pills, what do you want to know, I I can tell you all about it!"

Zhang Mengyu still underestimated the value of holy medicine pills. After all, to him, a holy medicine pill is just a bunch of medicinal materials and the effort of making a shit, and the advanced holy medicine pills have not been bought by him yet. It takes a long time to do a full body spa, in his opinion, it is not a valuable thing.

But for others, this is completely a treasure. You must know that Qing Kong and Lan Xin paid 80 billion divine crystals for the sacred weapon at that time, and the 80 billion does not even include the cost of materials.

If a holy weapon is to be sold, the worst one is easy, and it is no problem to buy 100 billion divine crystals. If it is at an auction, the price may even be higher.

"First of all, anyone who enters this place needs to pay a protection fee. No matter who you are, as long as you walk out of Wutianyu and come back, you have to pay this money. It's not much, 100 Divine Crystals."

"Yes," Yang Sande continued, "In this Wutianyu, these three giants all have some special beliefs, and I don't know what they enshrine, but they are in the center of Wutianyu. There are three statues of gods in the area, and they don't force other people to worship these statues, but if anyone desecrates these three statues, they will be hunted down endlessly."

"Good guy, you still engage in religious beliefs, don't you, go on."

"It's interesting," Zhang Mengyu asked Goudan to store the information directly, "Goudan, help me change the name, just change it to "3000 Things You Must Do in Wutianyu", I will check in one by one when the time comes. "

"Thank you," Zhang Mengyu took it over. This is a very thick manual. The manual has also been carefully designed. There are not only paper versions, but also some other special carrier versions. The name of the manual is "Wutian 3000 Taboos of the Domain".

"Okay, I see, any more?"

"Shenxuan Temple..." Zhang Menglong remembered the name.

Although the value of elixir is slightly lower than that of weapons, the basic price of a holy elixir can still be sold at 30 billion, especially for some special groups of people, the price may double.


In Wutianyu, if you operate it in the auction house, it's not that you can't sell it for more than 50 billion god crystals.

"Then next, I want to know something about those superpowers." So far, Zhang Menglong only knows that those superpowers may have ultimate life forms, but he still doesn't know anything about other information .

"More than one million people are selected from tens of billions of people, and this is one in a million," Zhang Mengyu said. Most of the people who can get the Tianjiao Order are already genius-level figures. The gold content of this one in a million is not Kidding.

"Hahaha, do you think there are really many of these 100 divine crystals? He is not many, but are they few? If an ordinary person may not be able to have 100 divine crystals in his lifetime, but a person who can enter this Wutianyu, if 100 If you can’t get the Shenjing out, then there is no need to appear in this place.”

"Do you have specific information about these forces?"

Yang Sande shook his head, "But I know that there are differences in the power of these forces. If you have the opportunity, you can join the force called Shenxuan Palace. It is said that among the 18 forces, it has the longest history and the deepest foundation. , and the most powerful."

"Of course," Yang Sande said with a smile, "all of them are dead. As long as anyone who breaks this rule, the 27 forces in Wutianyu will not let him see the sun rise tomorrow. So far, there has been no exception." , and even died a lot of ninth-rank divine cultivators, of course, if you are one of those superpowers who have surpassed the realm of divine cultivation, then maybe you can challenge this rule hahaha."

"Haha, then I will continue to ask, are there any taboos in Wutianyu?"

"Actually, the taboos of Wutianyu are all set according to the people in power in this place. You should know that the core of power in this place is 27 organizations and the leaders of three of them. Their rules are the rules of this place. .”

"Then what if you don't give it?" Zhang Meng asked curiously, "There are always some people with a temper?"

Two pills, 100 billion is also a chance, if he sells information, he will have to sell a thousand to be worth the value of these two pills.

"But you have to pay the money," Yang Sande said very seriously, "The entrance to Wutianyu is guarded by 27 forces in turn. Even if the three chairmen come in, they have to pay. For them, This is not a question of money or not, but a rule, so when the time comes, don’t be surprised, just give money.”

"That's too much," Yang Sande said, "Murder and arson, cheating and abduction are all pediatrics in this place, as long as you don't offend those top forces, no one will care about you at all, and you will be cleaned up from Wutianyu every day." corpses, I don’t know how many cities can be piled up.”

"I don't know much about those superpowers," Yang Sande said, "they leave very little information in the secular world. I only know that there are 18 of these powers, and each power costs about 10 yuan each time." About ten thousand people."

"Hahahaha, there are still a lot of taboos in Wutianyu," Yang Sande said, "If you really want to say it, it would be a waste of our time. I have a taboo information here, you can read it when you have time Now, this thing can also be bought from their intelligence merchants, 1 god crystals, worthless, I will give it to you."

"Then what is absolutely inviolable?"

[Hahaha, Dean, I knew you were going to mess up again. 】

"It's reasonable."

"so cheap?"

"Oh, there is another one called the Sunset Sect. If you can not join this one, try not to join it, because it is said that it is the weakest."

"This name sounds like the sun is dying hahahaha."

"Is there anything else? Say as much as you know."

"Also, their history goes back to..."


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