For two days, Zhang Menglong pestered Yang Sande to ask all kinds of questions. Of course, Yang Sande knew everything, and after all, such God of Wealth was only a minority.

In these days, Zhang Mengyu occasionally socializes in this hall. He has almost no interest in those young masters who are above the top. In fact, those people are not willing to deal with him, but those who are born low Young people, they chatted with Zhang Mengyu very enthusiastically.

Based on their backgrounds, it is naturally impossible to obtain those Tianjiao orders, but there are always some people who can get them due to some coincidences, such as picking up the leaks after some people fight and scramble, from some ignorant little I bought it from hawker stalls, and even some lucky people saw it from some valley.

Most of the people were born in kingdoms of the fourth and fifth ranks, but a small number of people came from the kingdoms of the seventh and even eighth ranks, and they also had some status and background in their own kingdoms. For example, in the entire spaceship, the most powerful person is a prince from the Eighth Stage Dynasty.

Accompanied by him are even two powerhouses of the eighth rank of spiritual cultivation. These are the most powerful people Zhang Menglong has seen in this world so far.

Of course, because of their extraordinary birth, these people simply disdain to have any contact with other fourth- and fifth-rank dynasties. In their view, if they chat for a few words, it is almost a communication between a king and a beggar.

Many people were very upset with them, but there was nothing they could do. There were bodyguards around them, so they didn't dare to act recklessly. After all, their strength was really not enough in front of these bodyguards.

The two-day flight was very safe, and Zhang Mengyu also understood why this region with abnormal gravitational force was so terrifying, because in the morning of the second day, Zhang Mengyu saw an unknown spaceship because of the chaotic force field. Torn apart, it is estimated that the people on board will hardly survive.

Because there will be a period of irregular changes in gravitational turbulence, this is also Yang Sande's last transportation business recently, and he will also stay in Wutianyu for a period of time like Zhang Mengyu and others.

According to Yang Sande, he actually belongs to one of the 27 forces in power, and he is also one of the three most powerful forces. He is quite popular in this Wutianyu, and there are some own industry.

"Actually, it's not a difficult thing," Zhang Mengyu said, "You've seen me too. I'm here alone, and I don't have any bodyguards around me. If I encounter some troubles, I don't know how I will die."

These bodyguards are actually wanted criminals of a certain seventh-rank dynasty. They came to this Wutianyu when they had nowhere to go. When they first arrived, they offended many people because they didn't understand the rules here. His father once In this Wutianyu chaos, there were some contacts who helped them get out of the predicament, so they became the most loyal protectors of Yang Sande's family.

"Mr. Gu, do you want to hire a bodyguard?" Yang Sande immediately understood Zhang Mengyu's thoughts, "To be honest, I really have a lot of resources, but in this Wutianyu, hiring a bodyguard The price required is very high, and usually there will be a lot of evil risks. Mr. Gu Xiao had better think twice. In fact, it is no problem to live with me. My bodyguards will definitely look after you .”

"Although Mr. Gu said, if I have the ability to help, I will naturally do my best."

"It doesn't matter if it's money or not, the main thing is to find some sense of security," Zhang Mengyu said, "I don't know if you have any friends there who can recommend some bodyguards for me."

"Mr. Gu, there is still a long time before the quota auction. If you don't dislike it, why don't you come to my residence for a few days?" When he stepped out of the spaceship, Yang Sande directly began to invite him.

"There is no need to bother Boss Sande, there are quite a few hotels in Wutianyu, I can stay in a hotel for a while." Zhang Mengyu politely declined, "But there is one thing I need you here help."

Yang Sande has absolute trust in these people, and he can even give his life to them. Of course, they have not failed Yang Sande's trust, otherwise the grass on Yang Sande's grave now does not know how many meters it has grown Taller.

All this is due to the few bodyguards around him. Yang Sande told Zhang Mengyu that in this Wutianyu, the bodyguard business is the most prosperous, but relatively speaking, it is also the most dangerous!
Why do you need bodyguards?Naturally, the person who needs to be protected is very important, or there are some important treasures on the person who needs to be protected.

Once the bodyguards get some key information, the bodyguards may even attack the employer directly!
You know, killing people in this place is not illegal. As long as they handle it cleanly, no one will even know that this happened, and it will not have any impact on their bodyguard career. Tickets, they can make a fortune, so they don't need to care too much about their reputation.

After all, there is still a huge price difference between high-level bodyguards and low-level bodyguards. This [-]% agency fee, if all of them are bodyguards at the spiritual level, is quite a huge amount of income.

"What kind of bodyguard do you want?" Yang Sande asked.

Yang Sande is very smart, he has seen countless people, and he can tell at a glance whether a person has the ability. In his eyes, Zhang Mengyu is a person with unfathomable ability, so he still wants to be with Zhang Mengyu Get closer, maybe there will be almost cooperation in the future.

The corner of Yanyang Sande's mouth twitched, this Mr. Gu really dared to speak.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens later, I won't take my anger out on you. You just need to help me make the introduction," Zhang Mengyu added, "As long as you make the introduction for me successfully, I will give you [-]% of the intermediary fee."

Let's not talk about what kind of price it will cost to invite people who are cultivating the ninth rank of the gods. In the entire Wutianyu, the strongest is the ninth rank of the gods. The leaders of the 27 forces are all gods. Jiupin, if there is such a bodyguard, he can create a new force.

Logically speaking, a person like Yang Sande, who possesses abundant resources and possesses a huge amount of wealth, should have been scoured by those bodyguards a long time ago, but otherwise, did his bodyguards get it through the employment system? of.

"Of course it's at the level of spiritual cultivation. If possible, it can also be at the ninth grade of spiritual cultivation."

"That's no problem. I know quite a few people, many of whom are in this business, but..."

People who have reached this strength don't need to rely on being a bodyguard to make money at all.

"Mr. Gu, in the entire Wutianyu, the highest-ranked bodyguard is the Seventh Grade Divine Cultivator, and the price is also very scary."

"Okay, the seventh grade is the seventh grade, you don't have to worry about the price, I'm not short of money."

"Then how many do you need?" Yang Sande said, "I can find some for you through my relationship."

"Well, let's have a hundred first!"

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