I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1680 Is it my fault for being rich?

"Mr. Gu, if you don't want to wait until the special auction, we can also provide you with a special service here." Although Li En has no way to influence Zhang Mengyu's decision, as a supervisor, no matter whether it is from the auction house Starting from the customer's point of view, his goal is to help the customer's consignment items sell more money as much as possible.

"Oh? Tell me?"

"These elixirs of yours are so precious, it's too wasteful to stay in the regular auction at noon, and there's no way to even get a satisfactory price, but if it's at the evening auction, we can provide you with free publicity services, At that time, many people should come to hear the news, and the elixir can also be auctioned at a relatively satisfactory price."

"This is indeed a good idea." Zhang Nengkan nodded.

"Under normal circumstances, you need to pay some fees for this kind of publicity, but your things have far exceeded our gift standards, so we don't need to save this little money, after all, any of your things is slightly more A small auction price is enough to cover these costs."

"Then thank you Director Lien," Zhang Mengyu said, "Can I participate in this auction?"

Zhang Mengyu also wanted to see what kind of frenzy his pills could cause in this place. Of course, it would be good if he could see something he was interested in at the auction.

"Of course," Lean said with a smile, "If you are a consignment customer, you can get free admission, because our auction will involve six regions, and even some people from the surrounding empires, so we will use the line The online form can also protect the privacy of each participant."

"Okay, see you tonight then!"


"Then let's not talk nonsense, let's start auctioning the first thing directly." Although the auctioneer named Hai Ruo looks like a lolita, but his style of acting is vigorous and vigorous, "Perfect grade eight elixir, Zun Dao Dan! Its effect is to make people feel the power beyond the realm of spiritual cultivation, and the effect lasts for 1 minute!"

And if two pills are used at the same time, the possibility of breaking through the realm of spiritual cultivation will be greatly increased!When it is really bad, you can also use the power it brings to defeat people who are stronger than yourself, and it is also very suitable as a life-saving hole card.

"A total of 75 pieces... Is this the home of some holy alchemist?"

"Go crazy, go crazy!" Zhang Mengyu excitedly said to himself, "After today, I will be the richest man in Wutianyu again."

"850 billion!" A strong Ninth-Rank Divine Cultivator was the first to start quoting.

"It's so mysterious, it's really interesting!"

Such a headline immediately attracted the curiosity of countless people, and everyone clicked on this promotional headline to check what auction was going on here today.

Although this Dao Pill is not as powerful as Yuhuan Pill, it can make people feel the power beyond spiritual cultivation, which is also very beneficial for future breakthroughs, especially for some talented people. The value of is not even much smaller than the latter.

"Have you heard that a mysterious alchemy room appeared in the sixth district last night, which triggered dozens of thunderstorms in one night. I don't know how many organizations and forces came after hearing the news, but when they arrived, they had already left The building is empty."

"It's not fake news, is it?"

Soon, the entire auction house became full of voices.

"Welcome everyone to the Black Rock Auction House today. I am Hai Ruo who started today's auction. Although our auction today is a regular auction, you should also understand that its style is unprecedentedly high. We have received a total of 257 auctions. I hope you can bring something you are satisfied with back home!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately became the focus of the entire auction, and the price almost doubled in an instant. How could he play like this!If you yell too much at once, isn't it a big loss?

"Perfect level of holy medicine pill? The lowest level is also a fourth-level holy medicine?"

"What the hell is she selling? You have to click in to see it?"

As the time for the auction arrived, a sweet-looking girl came to the center of the auction.

"Wow!" Suddenly there was a mountain cry.

"What is Yuhuan Pill? Is there anyone here to popularize it?"


"Unless the Black Rock Auction House doesn't want to do it anymore, it will never sell fake news! But who is this buyer, who can actually take out so many holy pills at once?"

Half a day passed, Zhang Menglong wandered outside for a while, and also heard the news of the auction in the chat content of other people after dinner, and smiled, seeing that the effect of this campaign is very good.

"That... that's the legendary pill! The ninth-level holy medicine pill can help the ninth-rank masters of spiritual cultivation to perceive the bottleneck beyond the realm of spiritual cultivation. It is said that no such pill has been sold at any auction so far. medicine."

The news began to spread like a frying pan. Even the leaders of the 27 organization forces were moved by it. The Yuhuan Pill was simply irresistible to them, the powerhouses of the ninth rank of spiritual cultivation. lure.

"It doesn't matter, I have to go to this auction no matter what. I have been trapped in the fifth grade of spiritual cultivation for a long time. If there is a pill that I can use, I will buy it if I lose everything!"

"The starting price of this elixir is 800 billion divine crystals!"

"Oh? What's there? Such a shocking title?"

If this auction meeting can attract enough people's attention, today's transaction volume will be terrifying.

"Could it be the alchemist?"

With the opening of the brain-computer interface, Zhang Mengyu suddenly appeared in a virtual world. The auction venue is simply ridiculously large. Just now, Lien told him that at least 2 million people in Wutianyu have applied for tonight's auction. Qualifications, even including all the ninth-rank powerhouses of spiritual cultivation, it seems that they are bound to win this Yuhuan Pill.

"Okay, Dean!"

[Goudan, start helping me connect to the online system of the Black Rock Auction]

More and more people started to connect to the auction, and most of them chose to hide their identities. From the outside, they looked like ordinary avatars. Of course, there were also some people who thought they were noble and didn't bother to hide their identities. The original appearance shows people.

"This group of people, why are you so tired!" Zhang Mengyu became a little impatient when he heard the slowly increasing price. The price of this pill, which Lien gave him, was estimated at about 1600 billion, which is far from reaching the price. Woolen cloth.


Shock!Black Rock Auction House actually auctioned this kind of thing tonight...

An advertisement full of UC style appeared on the entire media platform of Wutianyu. It can't be said that the title of this style must have been decided by Zhang Mengyu.

"870 billion!"

"Brother, you are too fierce!"

"Immediately send a message that there will be a large number of holy medicine pills in the regular auction tonight, and the matter of Yuhuan Dan will also be released. Also, all the medicine pills are of perfect quality, this point must be emphasized! "As soon as Zhang Mengyu left, Li En immediately began to arrange work.

"Nonsense, if such a precious thing is really refined, who would sell it? Either it is used directly by oneself, or it is used for some benefit exchange. Selling it for money is simply an insult to this Dan. medicine!"

"Everyone is an adult, so we should be decisive and less calculating when doing things. What's the point of trying?" Zhang Mengyu shouted intuitively, "1500 billion!"

"Can't you shout a little bit? Give us a little sense of participation!"

"You can easily scare people like this."

The people sitting next to him were a little speechless.

"This bastard?" Those strong ninth-rank divine cultivators all glared at Zhang Mengyu. As long as this pill is within a reasonable price range, they are all willing to fight for it, but the price has to be shouted slowly. , can save a little, isn't it?
When Zhang Mengyu shouted, the intensity went up directly. The most important thing is that the price has not exceeded their psychological expectations by much. Do you think it is uncomfortable?

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhang Menglong met everyone's gaze without fear, "Is it my fault for being rich?"

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