I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1681 The First Finale

"This bastard!" Many people glared at Zhang Menglong. If it weren't for the fact that no information about Zhang Menglong could be found in this virtual world, it is estimated that within a few minutes, 1 people would appear around him who wanted to take the He dismantled people.

"How to do?"

"What should I do? I haven't seen this Dao Dan once in hundreds of years. I didn't expect that this auction will be so ruthless. It will be such a powerful medicine."

"In such a short period of time, I simply can't raise this much money."

"Hurry up, sell everything that can be sold. The warming things are so powerful, there must be a lot of good things. Even if you go bankrupt today, you still have to buy a few holy medicine pills!"


"1520 billion!" Finally someone began to increase the price. This is a person who has not hidden his identity.

"Do you know this person?" Zhang Mengyu asked Hei Wu and Hei Meng who accompanied him into the virtual auction.

"This is Lord Xichen, one of the Big Three," Heiwu said, "He is also one of the first people to come to this Wutianyu. He was a ninth-rank divine cultivator when Wutianyu was not formed. He is a strong man, and now he is probably exploring how to break through the realm of spiritual cultivation, this elixir is of great significance to him, and he is also the largest shareholder of Wutian Bank!"

"It really is a big fish." Zhang Menglong looked at Xichen as if he was looking at a beautiful woman, "This guy must have a lot of money on him, right?"

The 27 bigwigs who came here with a huge amount of money never expected that there would be so many high-end pills in this auction. They haven't appeared yet, and they are all a little bit tied up. Instead, they were picked up by the princes and nobles of the surrounding empires.

"Congratulations to Mr. Xichen, who bought this precious pill at a price of 1820 billion!"

"Why did such a powerful formation master come here?" Zhang Mengyu asked curiously.

Even Zhang Mengyu couldn't help pricking up his ears. Among his elixirs, the value of this Yuhuan elixir is the best compared to other elixirs, so it shouldn't be of similar value. Things, that is to say, there is another thing in this auction whose value is almost comparable to his elixir!
This immediately gave Zhang Menglong a strong interest. Compared with Yuhuan Pill, this is definitely a top-level treasure.

After a few minutes of tugging and tugging, finally the pill was auctioned off by Xi Chen, who was the richest among them.

"Congratulations on successfully competing for this Wangjue Pill at a price of 820 billion Shenjing!"

"This thing is interesting, but it can't compare with those pills!"

The auctioneer took out something that looked like a scroll. The scroll was two meters long and about 40 centimeters wide. It looked like an altar. There was a person in the center of the altar, surrounded by several others. Thousands of people, it looks like this person's vassals or something.

The auctioneer smiled without saying a word, and she took out a red spar, which is a more advanced crystallization product after being refined by the god crystal. The value of one such red spar is almost equivalent to 1000 million ordinary god crystals.

"1540 billion!" Another person called out the price.

Although it is not difficult to see the color of heartache on his face, he is still excited.

"If Master Xichen is auctioned off, he will still have room for competition in the end," Heiwu said, "After all, he should be the richest person in the entire Wutianyu."

"Selling paintings? What's the situation? Is a painting comparable to the holy medicine?"

The auction of this elixir has almost become a special event for the three of them. In fact, no one wants to give up this elixir, but once it is auctioned, the competition for the Huanyu elixir is basically tantamount to giving up at that moment.

"I'm not very clear about this, but according to rumors, he fled here from a very distant place because he deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors for a book of formation secrets."

"He'd better have it!" Zhang Mengyu was not afraid of how powerful they were, but that they had no money.

"The first finale?" There was a burst of doubt in the entire auction house. What's the matter?Isn't there only one Yuhuan Pill in this finale auction?Is there another thing that can be compared with it?

"That's right, he is the leader of the largest killer organization in Wutianyu. No one knows what his name is, and no one even knows whether his face is his true face, but all the killers under him are elites. , all of which were trained by him himself, and the hiring price is even several times higher than that of bodyguards."


"Isn't this person the last giant?"


"This auction item was also temporarily sent to our Black Rock Auction House," said the auctioneer, "Everyone is very lucky today to see two such powerful treasures on the same day. This treasure is a The seller found it from a very special place, and we don't know what it is called, but I believe everyone will be surprised by its efficacy!"

"Boss, this is another giant, Yun Cangzi. He is not only a ninth-rank powerhouse of spiritual cultivation, but also a highly accomplished formation mage. If there is preparation in advance, he is definitely the strongest person in Wutianyu , not one of them, even Master Xichen would be willing to bow down."

"Is there anything special about this painting? If it was drawn by a strong person who surpassed the realm of spiritual cultivation, it might have some meaning of comprehension."

"The first finale auction item!"

The auction started to go on in full swing, and the lowest price of the items that could be obtained here was more than 1 million Divine Crystals, but after seeing the sky-high price of just over 1800 billion, other items suddenly seemed to be overshadowed.

She photographed the red spar into the painting, and the painting actually absorbed the red crystal directly. With a ray of light, a character in the painting actually transformed in front of them!

Of course, the final transaction price was still above Lean’s estimate. All the funds and goods after the auction were traded immediately. After deducting the service fee, the money from Zhang Menglong went directly to his account. Misty directly raised his citizen level to level 1.

With the sale of this Zun Dao Pill, the atmosphere of the auction was immediately pushed to a climax. After all, so far, there has never been such an unbelievable price for the first item in an auction. .

"Next, the following auction item." The auction gradually came to an end, and everyone's breathing became short of breath. It is estimated that the Yuhuan Pill will appear soon.

"It's kind of interesting," Zhang Mengyu showed a smile, he was more interested in this kind of mysterious people.

Those elixirs of Zhang Mengyu are interspersed in all the auction items for sale, which has almost become a special elixir, but everyone still enjoys it, each of these elixirs is very rare, even if they are not eligible Participating in the auction, just looking at it is already a great happiness.

"We don't know about this, but Master Xichen's assets are definitely ranked among the top three in the entire Wutianyu. There should be assets of 6000 billion Shenjing!"

"Congratulations to this gentleman for auctioning this Beast Blood Boiling Pill at a price of 680 billion divine crystals!"

"1600 billion!" Another person sitting in the front row spoke. Compared with Xichen's burly and Yun Cangzi's mysteriousness, this person seemed a little less distinctive.

"Quickly explain it!"

"First-rank divine cultivation! This thing can actually consume divine crystals to create a master of first-rank divine cultivation?"


"Don't be impatient, everyone," said the auctioneer. "At present, we have tested that as long as the more god crystals are invested, the warriors summoned will be stronger. As for its upper limit, I'm sorry, because the cost is too high, we have no I tried it, but the seller said that as long as you have enough money, you can even summon an existence beyond spiritual cultivation!"

"Fart! Who dares to buy it without trying it!"

"That's right, isn't this being taken advantage of!"

All kinds of voices of doubt suddenly appeared in the audience.

But the female auctioneer didn't care, she smiled slightly, "The starting price of this auction item is 2000 billion Shenjing!"

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