I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1697 Trillion Business

"What's the situation with these quotas?" Zhang Menglong kicked Xi Chen, and the latter let out a scream. Xichen's body is so fragile now, Zhang Menglong's seemingly light kick directly broke him several times root bone.

"This quota is divided equally among the three parties," Xichen said through gritted teeth, "there are more than 1.6 million people who have gathered in Wutianyu and have Tianjiao Token. The teleportation fee we usually charge goes to The price of the Hongyun Empire is 20 Divine Crystals."

"It's not expensive," Zhang Mengyu said. When he entered Wutianyu, the price of Yang Sande's spaceship was 20 yuan per person.

"What about the cost?"

"It can transmit 10 people at a time, and it takes about 20 billion divine crystals to run the formation. Under routine maintenance, the formation can be activated up to 200 times a day."

"This cost is very low!" Zhang Mengyu quickly calculated, even if it is the price of 20 per person, 10 people at a time, that is 200 billion into the account, 180 million is almost pure profit!
At the very least, this is a business worth tens of trillions of crystals, and even if they ask for a little more, this number can be multiplied several times!
Especially now that they plan to sell these quotas through auction, there will definitely be a batch of teleportation quotas with sky-high prices. If the operation is done properly, the net profit of tens of billions of Shenjing is not impossible!

Their three giants are divided equally, and one family has tens of trillions of divine crystals. This is also the largest business that has appeared in the entire Wutianyu so far!

"2000 billion to exchange tens of trillions, isn't it too much for you?" Xi Chen seemed to want to eat Zhang Menglong alive.

"No, no, are you still thinking about negotiating terms with me?" Zhang Menglong squatted down, and gave Xichen a big mouth with his backhand, "You are the one who owes money now, and I said that your quota is worth a lot. It is as much as it is, and now I say it is worth 2000 billion, do you have any objection?"

"No...no..." Xichen almost forgot that he is just a prisoner now, and he is not qualified to negotiate conditions with Zhang Mengyu at all!

"Very good, from now on, this business is mine!" Now that Zhang Menglong has confirmed the powerful effect of this picture scroll, the next thing is to save an extra sum of money, if he can get a few hundred Trillions, he can walk sideways in most places, after all, God knows what troubles he will encounter in the Hongyun Empire?

"Only with my consent, you may not be able to get this batch of places!" Xichen said, "If the news of my injury spreads, I am afraid that all the forces in the entire Wutianyu will change. There are not a few people who die."

"That's right," Zhang Menglong missed a step. The reason why Xichen and the others can control the teleportation array is not because the teleportation array was jointly built by the three of them. The most important thing is that the three of them were in Wutian position in the domain!
Among the more than 20 organizations, each organization has ninth-rank spiritual masters, but there are only three of them at the peak level, Xichen. Once they know that Xichen has been seriously injured, they can imagine what will happen next.

Originally, three people divided up the business of the trillion-level Shenjing, but now there are only two people left to divide it up. I believe that Anshou and Yun Cangzi will be very happy!
Now this is a public place, the entire bank has been smashed in half, many people who are handling business and people near the bank have seen the picture of Zhang Mengyu seriously injuring Xichen, the news of Xichen's serious injury will soon spread throughout the whole Wutianyu, no one will recognize his place in the teleportation formation.

"You don't have to worry about that!" Zhang Mengxiao said with a smile, "You give me the quota, and I will solve the rest of the problems myself."

"Okay," Xi Chen was already a little desperate. Apart from his life, everything else is his possessions, and there is nothing that cannot be discarded. "This is one of the three keys of the formation!"

Xichen threw a small disc that looked like jade, "Only when three keys are inserted into the formation at the same time can it start to operate. Now these three keys are in the hands of the three of us."

"Thank you!" Zhang Mengyu accepted the key, "Now we are settled, let's say goodbye!"

After saying this, Zhang Menglong left the bank directly in a dark mist. As for the reconstruction of the bank, it was not something he wanted to consider!


"What? Xichen was injured?"

Soon, the news spread like wildfire, spreading through the streets and alleys of Wutianyu like a plague.

Who is Xi Chen?He was the most powerful man in Wutianyu at the peak of the ninth rank of spiritual cultivation, and he was beaten to the point where he was beaten to death. This kind of thing is simply the headline news in Wutianyu!

"It's a very young man. I don't know how he did it. There are only two bodyguards with eighth-rank gods beside him."

"Who the hell? Who has such ability? There is no one in Wutianyu who can hurt Master Xichen, right? Could it be an outsider?"

"Nine times out of ten, they are the bodyguards of the young geniuses who came to participate in the selection of superpowers! For us, Wutianyu, Mr. Xichen is an unattainable existence, but the world outside Wutianyu is wider, God knows who got into a conflict with Lord Xichen while borrowing the way?"

"This news is very tightly blocked, and no information can be found!"

"This time it's interesting. Our forces in Wutianyu seem to be a rope, but everyone has their own ghosts. If there is any chance to replace them or even annex other forces, they will not be merciful. In Wutianyu In such a place, pity and sympathy do not exist, and there are only interests!"

"Is that the business of the teleportation array this time, we also have a chance?"

The power of the three giants is enough to suppress the other twenty or so forces. The other forces are naturally very greedy for this business, but logically speaking, they built this formation and maintained it. all proceeds.

They are also watching these hundreds of trillions of businesses being divided up by the three major forces. There is no way, they are too powerful!

But now that there is one less Xichen, only Anshou or Yun Cangzi, they may not be able to suppress other forces, even if the one-third share is taken from their mouths, the twenty or so forces will divide it equally. Then each faction can get at least a few trillion god crystals, which is a huge wealth for them.

"Tomorrow is the preview meeting for the Teleportation Quota Auction, and it will be very exciting then!"


Yun Cangzi, the most famous formation master in Wutianyu, his residence is a huge energy formation. This formation can not only speed up his cultivation speed, but also has almost absolute defense. None of them can defeat it so easily.

"Xi Chen was seriously injured, have you heard the news?" A voice sounded faintly.

"Of course I heard about it," Yun Cangzi didn't even open his eyes, but his body and heart were always on high alert, because the owner of this business was the most dangerous existence in Wutianyu.

"Dark Hand, did you find me for something?" Yun Cangzi asked.

"Ask knowingly," Dark Hand said, "Xichen is seriously injured, and now the entire Wutianyu is dominated by our two families. Do you still plan to give Xichen the quota for the teleportation formation?"

"Hahaha, Ming people don't talk dark words. I also have the same idea. Now Xichen is already in danger. He is no longer qualified to manage this teleportation formation with us, but don't forget, Xichen is gone, and with the strength of our two families, we may not be able to convince others."

"That's not necessarily the case!" An aura that didn't belong to the realm of spiritual cultivation suddenly exuded from Anshou's body. It was a trace of higher-level power. Although it wasn't much, Yun Cangzi could feel that he was more terrifying than before. Several times!
"Now, do you think the strength of our two families is enough?"

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