"You...you have already taken that Yuhuan Pill?" Yun Cangzi's voice trembled a little, it was an emotion full of envy, jealousy and jealousy.

At their level, every slightest breakthrough is a very difficult thing. To have such a huge breakthrough in a short period of time is definitely inseparable from that Yuhuan Pill!
That Yuhuan pill can help them feel the power beyond the realm of spiritual cultivation, so as to find opportunities for breakthrough. Obviously, this time the dark hands have gained a lot.

"That's right," Anshou said triumphantly, "I've already taken that Yuhuan Pill, and my luck is not bad. I have gained quite a lot, and I just realized some of the power of that realm!"

"Very good!" Yun Cangzi was also very excited. Now that the Dark Hand has made such a big breakthrough, the two of them are absolutely qualified to compete with all other forces. The benefits originally shared by the three of them have now all fallen to On both of them!
With this amount of money, even if Xichen recovers from his injuries in the future, it will be very difficult to catch up with them again, and he doesn't even know if Xichen will survive until then. From then on, the entire Wutianyu is really theirs Two worlds.

"This quota, the two of us will share it equally!"

"Equal split? I don't have this plan! Do you think you have any qualifications to split it with me?" Anshou's voice was cold, "6:4 points, you 4 and I 6, this is my biggest concession!"

"You..." Yun Cangzi was obviously a little dissatisfied. When dividing up the income before, Xichen relied on his own strength to be the strongest and asked for more than the two of them. Now even the dark hands are following suit. . "

"You also know very well that you are not qualified to bargain with me now!"

Yun Cangzi obviously felt a strong pressure.

Their three major forces can coexist only because the strengths of all parties are almost the same. If any one wants to eliminate the other, even if it succeeds, it will pay a huge price.

But now the dark hand is already one step ahead, their balance has been broken. If the dark hand wants to kill Yun Cangzi, it is not very difficult, unless Yun Cangzi hides like a tortoise all his life. In the array.

In fact, the distribution of the dark hand is already very authentic, on the basis of his original share, it has actually increased by [-]%.

"Okay, just follow what you said!" After thinking for a moment, Yun Cangzi could only choose to compromise.

"Very well, then this matter is settled like this. When the time comes, you will come out and announce the news. If someone finds something, I will solve it!"

After the dark hand left, Yun Cangzi finally breathed a sigh of relief, the psychological pressure from the dark hand just now was too great.

Now it is because the dark hand needs Yun Cangzi's strength, so he has shared a share of the income with him. Once the dark hand has a new breakthrough, it is very likely that it will turn its face immediately. This Wutianyu may soon change. God!


"Mr. Gu, this is your remaining divine crystal." In the bank, the same Dey from yesterday handed the divine crystal that Zhang Mengyu wanted to take out to Zhang Mengyu's hands.

"Well, the number is correct, thank you very much!" Zhang Menglong now has five trillion god crystals in his chest, which means that he has five guarantees. There are more worries.

"Boss, there will be a launching ceremony at the Black Rock Auction tonight. It's about the number of places for this auction and the basic rules of the auction. Are you going to participate?" The three exchanged as they walked.

"Of course I'm going," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "If there is no accident, there will definitely be an accident tonight."

"Accident." Hei Wu Heimeng was at a loss, this sentence was a bit too convoluted.

"Simply put, tonight's preview meeting will become a competition for the number of transfer places. Xichen no longer has the ability to divide up such a big piece of cake. Someone will definitely want to replace it. It is nothing more than what originally belonged to him It's just who will get the piece of cake."

"Didn't he just hand over the key to you?"

"It's one thing to get the key, but it's another thing to keep the key." Zhang Mengyu touched his Tianjiao Ling, "It's time for my pretentious recorder to record something."

The day passed quickly, and the night seemed calm, but a lot of things happened behind the scenes.

An unprecedented terrorist attack had arrived at Xichen's residence early. According to eyewitnesses, at least 10 masters of the ninth rank of spiritual cultivation and hundreds of powerhouses of the eighth rank of spiritual cultivation appeared to wreak havoc in his residence.

A group of Xi Chen's subordinates died, and the rest were dispersed, some joined other organizations, and some left Wutianyu directly.

As for Xichen himself, no one has seen his whereabouts. Some people said that he was dead, but this possibility was ruled out directly. The two most loyal people under him disappeared with him. Part of Xichen's physical assets.

It is estimated that after being injured, he had already expected this solution, and led people to find a way to escape from Wutianyu, otherwise he would definitely die.

The shares of Wutian Bank under his name were also transferred to another person's name, but after this person became the largest shareholder, he directly used his authority to hide all his information, and no one knew who he was.

But at this time, they discovered one thing. They didn't find the key to open the formation in Xichen's residence, and they didn't even find out anything about the key to the formation from his subordinates.

If there is no key to the formation, there is no way to start the formation. If you want to rebuild it, the remaining time will be too late. That is to say, the road to the Hongyun Empire through Wutianyu will be directly blocked. .

This is a very serious matter, which even gave Yun Cangzi and Anshou a headache. Going to find Xichen was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But on the next morning, a news was spread. Someone caught the staff of the bank at that time and forcibly searched the relevant information from his brain. Xichen actually handed over the key to open the formation!

But in the memories of those people, only this fragment was found, and there were still only some very vague fragments about the person who injured Xichen, and many key memories were lost.

Apparently, someone tampered with their memories and left only a few things that they wanted them to see!
This gave all the forces a lesson in reassurance. Since the other party deliberately left this clue, it means that this person also wants to occupy that piece of cake. He will definitely show up at the preview site of the auction!

Then, an anonymous message was released, which turned out to be the location where the key to unlock the formation was stored!
It was a small item storage room in Wutianyu, and the owner of the storage room never thought in his life that his storage room would welcome a large group of bigwigs from various forces.

Sure enough, the key was here, and there was even a small note here.

"I will keep this key for you first, and I will get it back when the time comes."

This is simply a naked challenge to all forces. This person got the key and threw it out again, obviously showing off his ability!

"He's provoking all of us!"

"He's really too arrogant. He really thinks that if the key is thrown out, can he get it back?"

"Hahaha, maybe he couldn't keep the key, so he handed it over directly. This note is just to save face for himself."

"I want to see if he dares to show up!"

Knowing the news, those forces didn't waste any more time investigating this person, but began to concentrate on preparations, because it would definitely not be a too peaceful night.

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