I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1785 Turns out to be a madman

"You...you don't keep your word!"

The soul body tried to attack the demon-locking tower, but this demon-locking tower is a super magic weapon refined by the ultimate life body. Even in the Super Seminary, it is also the top treasure. It is so weak that it is close to the dying years The soul body can break through.

"Why didn't I keep my promise? I never said I would let you go," Zhang Mengyu said. "If I let you go, what if you let those blood demons tear me apart? What if you kill me?" , you will never be able to escape from this demon lock tower, if you don’t believe me, you can try it.”

"Besides, even if I promised you, now I want to go back on my word, what can you do to me?" Zhang Meng's tone became extremely unbeatable again, "If you have the ability, jump out and beat me to death! Slightly slightly!"

The soul body gritted its teeth and looked at Zhang Mengyu in the demon-locking tower. The few struggles just now dissipated a lot of his only strength. Not only that, but there is also a very special power in this demon-locking tower. A force seems to be able to continuously devour the power of his soul and body.

If he stays in this place for too long, even if Zhang Menglong doesn't do anything, he will become weaker and weaker, and finally die directly!
"What do you want?" It was the first time that this soul body encountered such a headache.

In fact, today was also his negligence. Originally, no matter what the situation was, he would always leave a few powerful blood demons by his side to protect his safety. Under normal circumstances, Zhang Menglong would not even be able to set foot in this area.

It was also because he was eager for success, and because he had discovered a place where a large number of humans gathered, so he dispatched all the gorefiends around him, so that Zhang Menglong came to him easily, and even captured him.

"What do I want?" Zhang Mengyu began to act rascally again, "I'm traveling in this place, and you suddenly find a large group of blood demons to attack me, you ask me what I want?"

"I..." Zhang Mengyu's words were so reasonable, the soul body was really speechless for a while!

"Let them get out first," Zhang Mengyu felt disgusted looking at these gorefiends, "at least half an hour can't enter the distance of this area, these ugly things make me sick to my stomach."

"Let's all go!" The soul body sighed helplessly.

The orders received by those Gorefiends actually left the area all at once.


【Dean, those gorefiends have indeed left, he didn't play tricks. 】

"From now on, I'll ask you to answer. If your answer doesn't satisfy me or I find you're lying, I'll burn you to death, understand?" Zhang Menglong looked at the soul body like a little devil.

"Ask." The soul body seemed to accept its fate.

"What's your name?"

"It's been too long, and I can't remember my own name."

"This seat? Where is your mother, what are you pretending to be?" Zhang Mengyu raised his hand and it was a fire, burning the soul body to scream.

He really doesn't remember his name. For hundreds of millions of years, he was the only one left in the ancient cave, and the rest were all kinds of magical beasts and blood demons who hadn't activated their wisdom. The name is just a meaningless so he has long forgotten his real name.

"Ben... I really don't remember, even if you burned me to death, I wouldn't be able to tell."

"I don't care. If you don't have a name, you can make one up on the spot." Zhang Mengyu ordered involuntarily, "Hurry up! My patience is limited!"

"I, I... I remembered, my name is Venerable Blood Cloud!"

"I'm going? Such a stupid name? No way," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "I don't recognize this name, change it."

"But it's my real name!"

"I don't care, I don't even have such an awesome name, what level are you, dare to use this name to talk to me?" Zhang Mengyu said involuntarily.

"Then what should I be called?" The soul body felt that it was difficult to maintain this shape under the double attack of the strange fire and the demon lock tower, "Can you remind me?"

"I think Ermazi sounds quite nice, what do you think?"

"Er...Er Mazi...I am the dignified Blood Cloud Venerable, you actually want to give me such a name?"

"You have such a big opinion? It's okay, are you sure you remember your name correctly?" Zhang Mengyu stepped up his firepower with a smile.


"I remembered. I remembered. Venerable Blood Cloud is just my nickname. My real name is Er Mazi. That's right, it's Er Mazi."

"Isn't that right?" Zhang Mengyu withdrew the flame, "Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

"Listen well, this seat is the person in this world who has the most hope of transcending the Dao realm, this seat..."

"What the hell are you pretending for me again?" Zhang Mengyu was speechless, "Can you talk properly?"

Seeing the flames burning in Zhang Mengyu's hand, Venerable Xueyun died down again, "In that era, many of us had reached the end of our lives, and it was difficult to survive any further. Everyone was looking for a way to break through. , only I have succeeded."

"The end of the life level? Dao realm?" Zhang Mengyu estimated that for them, the end of the proof level should also be the peak of the dao realm.

According to Zhang Mengyu's understanding, the most powerful creature in the entire Protoss world is probably the peak of the Dao Realm, that is, the ultimate life form.

"After the life level reaches the end, it is like a shackle. Our life level is always difficult to continue to improve. It is like an infinite loop number. 9.999999 is infinitely close to 10, but it will never reach 10. The last 1, can never be filled."

"After more than 3000 million years of research, I finally found a way to fill the last 1. I created these blood demons," Venerable Blood Cloud said in a very proud tone, "They can collect the blood of the whole world for me. Strength, I already feel that I am infinitely close to that realm, but there is a group of people who insist on stopping me and telling me those sanctimonious truths."

Zhang Mengyu was confused, "What do you mean by collecting the power of the whole world? Do these blood demons and night demons do other things besides killing people?"

"I am linked with the power of these blood demons. As long as they keep collecting blood, my power will become stronger and stronger," the soul body said more and more excitedly, "As long as I collect more than 60% of the life in this world , I can be called the first person to break through the limit of life."

"Fuck, Emperor Hun's script?" Zhang Mengyu suddenly seemed to understand.

This so-called blood cloud venerable is a murderous madman. In order to break through the life level, he wants to sacrifice the life of the whole world, and these blood demons and night demons are the killing tools he created. The life of the whole world came to lay the groundwork for his breakthrough.

"I figured it out, it turned out to be an old lunatic!"

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