As Venerable Blood Cloud unfolded the story that happened that year, Zhang Menglong listened with gusto.

In fact, there are nearly 30 superpowers in the entire ancient cave, and [-] of them are the predecessors of the current superpowers.

We don’t have too many conflicts and contradictions among each other. At the beginning, we just wanted to survive, so some ancient powers opened up this space, and we formed small groups here, and began to look for ways to break through the shackles of life levels.

But although those superpowers took shape, human beings gained the upper hand in the struggle for survival, and gradually those surviving tribes and groups evolved into superpowers. Formed his own warrior system.

Later, the evolution level of human beings stagnated, and a large number of warriors who cultivated to the end of the Taoist realm appeared. In order to find the end of the life level, they carried out various researches, and Venerable Xueyun was one of them.

He was actually the founder of one of the super powers at that time. After tens of millions of years of trying, he modified his own skills and created something like a blood demon.

The blood demons are extremely aggressive, especially the first batch of primitive blood demons. They are not afraid of the sun and have extremely powerful regenerative abilities. After a person devours this kind of blood pill, it is like eating an upgrade pill to practice super speed.

In fact, at the beginning, Venerable Blood Cloud’s appetite was not so big, he just let those blood demons attack the monsters and other creatures in the ancient cave, and in the process, the first batch of blood demons also mutated, becoming night monsters A monster like a demon.

The night demons are more brutal and difficult to control than the blood demons, and some even broke away from the control of the blood cloud venerable and began to attack humans.

At this time, Venerable Xueyun discovered that the blood pill formed by the essence of human blood is actually more powerful!Not only can it help in cultivation, but it can even be used to break through the barriers at the end of life levels!

Since then, Venerable Blood Cloud began to let the blood demons and night demons attack humans out of control. At the beginning, they were just ordinary people in the ancient cave who did not belong to any organization. A large number and no one will pay attention.

Later, those blood demons and night demons gradually turned their targets to many people, and eventually, his behavior was discovered by other super-powerful people.

Everyone had a very serious conversation. They all hoped that Venerable Blood Cloud would give up this inhuman way. If they want to cultivate and break through, there are many other ways. There is no need to choose the way of sacrificing their lives.

But Venerable Xueyun has already fallen into a state of paranoia, completely unable to listen to other people's advice, and even started to reverse brainwash others, saying that this is a great thing, and other people don't support him just because they are jealous of him Just found this method.

From Venerable Xueyun's point of view, it is definitely worthwhile to use countless tiny lives to create a great life, and this is also the glory of those tiny lives.

That conversation broke up badly. After that, Venerable Blood Cloud not only went his own way, but even became more unscrupulous. A large number of children of superpowers were attacked by blood demons and night demons, and Venerable Blood Cloud gradually Some of them became members of the Demon Cult in what those people called, and the other twenty or so forces also came to the opposite side with Venerable Blood Cloud.

However, after these years of accumulation by Venerable Blood Cloud, his strength has indeed reached a level that is difficult for others to match. It is difficult for any force to compete with them alone, especially the blood demons created by Venerable Blood Cloud. A group of Gorefiends even have the strength comparable to the peak of Dao Realm, which is really very tricky.

Under such circumstances, many people chose to escape from the ancient cave and continue to live here. It is very likely that they will become nourishment for the blood demon one day.

Since no one can deal with it alone, let's start a righteous group fight!
After some discussions, the leaders of some superpowers reached an agreement that they would unite to encircle Venerable Xueyun. If he is unwilling to stop this behavior, they can only use force to stop it. Everyone is in the Dao realm Peak, no matter how powerful you are, you can't single out more than 20, right?
But they were wrong. After devouring so much power, Venerable Blood Cloud is no longer what he used to be. Even if more than [-] superpowers join forces, they are not his opponents!

Of course, if the dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall. Those strong men are not vegetarians. They tried their best to fall, and killed Venerable Blood Cloud after a great battle, and suppressed his bones in this place place, which caused him to have only one soul left.

But they didn't expect that their efforts could not be considered in vain, but they didn't play a big role either.

Although Venerable Xueyun, who only has a soul body, is weak, he still has a large number of blood demons!In that battle, although many gorefiends died, many relatively weak ones survived, and these gorefiends could still attack everywhere to gain energy for themselves.

Although this process is very slow, as long as there is enough time, he will always recover one day.

But because of the fall of the founders and core figures of those superpowers, major changes took place in the entire ancient cave in the next period of time.

Some forces began to compete for the position of the leader, and some were busy dealing with the out-of-control night demons, but no matter what the situation was, they all inevitably entered decline.

Especially because of the disappearance of those leaders, some forces lost the treasures of the clan, and some directly cut off the inheritance of top-level exercises, and Yujian Villa is also a typical example.

In the end, the survivors of those superpowers left the ancient cave with those incomplete inheritances until now.

And without the blood essence devoured by human beings, the blood demon of Venerable Blood Cloud can only start attacking those low-level monsters, which has little effect on him, but he has no other choice, and there will be hope one day if he accumulates more .

In order to reduce the loss of energy, he has always maintained a weak state, and used a large amount of blood energy to refine a blood pill. When the blood pill is formed, it will not only be the day of his rebirth, but also the day when he breaks through the limit of life. that day!
This time, a large number of young geniuses flooded into the super power disciple assessment. Most of them have excellent bones. If they are used to refine blood pills, the progress bar will definitely increase by a large amount.

That's why Venerable Blood Cloud sent out all the blood demons and night demons to hunt and kill those young geniuses everywhere, which gave Zhang Menglong a chance to break in.

"So, the core figures of those super powers are all staying with you?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"They want to kill me, how can it be so easy?" Venerable Xueyun said, "I used all my cultivation and vitality as a guide to empty out all the energy in this area, turning this place into a void of energy They can't get out, they can only be trapped here!"

"Good guy, it's ruthless!" Zhang Mengyu was also surprised by this method. According to energy conservation, those people need to consume energy to carry out life activities, and in this area, the emitted energy will be transferred, and they also Without energy supplement, sooner or later one day will still die! "

"Huh?" Zhang Menglong suddenly thought of something.

"Since they are all here, wouldn't I be able to make another fortune?"

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