I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1790 Come here if you have the ability

With the establishment of the communication network of the entire ancient cave, all the information has become transparent. Not only the inheritance of Yujian Villa, but also the inheritance of other ancient forces have been gradually discovered.

But among these inheritance relics, the inheritance of Yujian Villa is the most special, because most of the inheritance thresholds are not so low, and even many people can get some superficial inheritance knowledge more or less, and even those core inheritances, It won't be limited to just one or two people, either.

Only Yujian Villa, the core inheritance is only handed over to one person, and the threshold is high and harsh. Since Long Sen entered, it has been completely closed to the outside world. After hiding and sneaking underground, even those left by the predecessors The traces they never saw again.

At the beginning, only a group of people knew the news, but as the news spread more and more widely, more and more people knew about it. Now, almost all young talents know about these inheritances existence of the place.

Today, almost every site of ancient forces is overcrowded. There are hundreds of millions of people at least, and more than one billion people. Everyone is trying to get the inheritance. There are people who are constantly challenging, and people are constantly being eliminated.

As for Yujian Villa, after Long Sen entered, it was quiet for a while, but recently, there was a thin sword energy in the area above Yujian Villa, which made those who wandered in Yujian Villa couldn't help but I began to guess whether Yujian Villa was about to see the light of day again.

Subsequently, a large number of people poured into Yujian Villa, the number even exceeded 20 billion!
You know, according to valid information, Long Sen was approved by the sword spirit of Yujian Villa. It's a rewarding experience!

Compared with other inheritances that need to go through layers of checkpoints and tests, isn't it more direct and easier to snatch from a ready-made owner?
Even if the inheritance of Yujian Villa is very powerful, in more than two years, even if the improvement is huge, it is impossible to surpass everyone!And even if he can count one as a hundred, how can he handle so many people?
After all, in their cognition, people like Gu Xiao are just an example!

In fact, many people are very afraid of Gu Xiao's existence, because according to the data, this Long Sen and Gu Xiao still have some friendship, and Yujian Villa didn't even recognize Long Sen's talent at first.

But Gu Xiao gave him something to eat, which caused his sword bone level to increase sharply, and then he was recognized by the sword spirit.

Such things must be extremely precious and difficult to measure with money, but Gu Xiao threw it to him so casually, which shows that the relationship between the two is not just as simple as "having some friendship".

They have seen Gu Xiao's abilities before, half of the entire survival base, hundreds of millions of people can't do anything to him, for him, crowd tactics are meaningless.

If he knew that Long Sen was under siege, and if he stood up for Long Sen, this matter would be difficult to resolve.

But there was another huge reversal, because it had been a full two years, and there was no news about Gu Xiao in this ancient cave.According to his high-profile and arrogant personality, how could he suddenly lose the news?His kind of troublemaker is simply uncomfortable if he doesn't make some noise every day!
This kind of situation makes people have to start thinking about it. Either he is dead, or he has also obtained some relic inheritance and is digesting the information. Anyway, no matter what it is, it is impossible for him to come back in a short time. Help Ronson.

So they did it very high-profile at the beginning, just to let people reveal the news. According to Gu Xiao's character, knowing that his friend was besieged, he would definitely come over.

But a month has passed, and Gu Xiao has never appeared. If he is not in a very special place and is still alive, no matter how far away he is from Yujian Villa, he should have arrived, right?


In Yujian Villa, the sword energy in this area has become extremely strong, and the ground has begun to tremble slightly.

"It's coming out! Yujian Villa is coming out!"

"It seems that the guy named Long Sen should have obtained the inheritance and learned something."

"I'm really envious. You can still get the guidance of the master of Yujian Villa's weapons. This kind of treatment doesn't even exist in the current Yujian Villa, right?"

"I don't know how big the gap is between the current Yujian Villa and this ancient Yujian Villa."

"Look! It's out!"

As the vibration became more and more obvious, a sharp horn appeared in everyone's eyes, followed by a quaint building, a garden... the whole villa completely revealed his true colors within 20 minutes.

No one moved forward rashly, because the gate of Yujian Villa was still closed. The first time someone came here, he tried to open the gate of Yujian Villa forcibly, and then he died a miserable death. The sword energy here told What is he called cruel.

"Crack!" Unexpectedly, a moment later, the gate of Yujian Villa opened by itself.

"Boy, your current strength is still too weak. When you advance to the Dao Realm, you will become my real next master. Go outside and hone your skills for a few years!"

"My day!" Long Sen was thrown out of Yujian Villa in ragged clothes by some force, and fell heavily to the ground.

The clothes on his body were torn, obviously chopped by some sharp weapon.

During the two and a half years of devil training, he has suffered so much. The sword spirit has almost no kindness in his assessment. up.

However, the two and a half years of practice also allowed him to improve rapidly. Not only did his life level soar from the peak of the sixth rank to the eighth rank of the divine breath, even his swordsmanship level was close to the sixth realm!
In addition, he also learned a lot of swordsmanship, and the sword spirit did teach him as the heir of Yujian Villa.

"This dead kid," Long Sen cursed and walked out of the villa, but when he turned his head, he was startled by the crowd in front of him.

"There are so many people, it's impossible to come to greet me, right?" Long Sen gasped. Of course, he knew that these people couldn't have come to greet him. Seeing their foolish looks, it was obvious that they were plotting something wrong.

"Brother, you got a lot of good things from Yujian Villa, right?"

"There is no need for us to say more, right? The inheritance of Yujian Villa has a share. You are not qualified to monopolize it by yourself. Share it!"

"So many of us have been waiting for you here for more than a month."

There is a greedy light in everyone's eyes.

"If you want to grab it, just say it, isn't it too hypocritical to talk about sharing?" Long Sen shook his head.

He was in a panic at first, but just now he received a message from Zhang Mengyu, who was on his way quickly, so let him hold on for a while.

This time, his confidence became much stronger.

It's impossible for one person to kill so many people, but if you want to delay for a while, you should still give it a try, right?

Long Sen took a few steps back on purpose, hooked his hands, "Come here if you have the ability!"

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