I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1791 Because I'm Handsome

Chapter 1791 Because I'm Handsome

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became a little anxious, and the originally agitated crowd became a little hesitant at this moment.

In the current situation, everyone could see that Long Sen had fallen into the encirclement, and it was almost impossible to break out of the encirclement. In a direct confrontation, he had absolutely no chance of winning.

But Long Sen didn't seem to have such awareness at all. He actually dared to take the initiative to provoke, which was obviously not a normal behavior.

"Come here!" Long Sen yelled more and more vigorously, "There are a lot of you, right? There are a lot of people who came here to fight each other! I said heads-up, which means I singled out a group of you. If anyone doesn't come up, he will be my grandson. !"

"This kid has a ghost!" Long Sen's behavior immediately aroused the vigilance of the others. He was trying to trick them into fighting!It is definitely a trap to be so arrogant when you know you can't win.

"Everyone, don't be deceived by him, don't act rashly! This kid has obtained the inheritance of Yujian Villa, and now he is still on the land of Yujian Villa, there may be some trap!"

"That's right, if you step forward rashly, you might be torn to pieces by countless sword qi in the next second, or there are other restrictions or defensive measures, he is tricking us into taking the bait."

"I believe his methods must be limited, that's why we'd better go up together. With this narrow mindedness, who did he deceive?"

Long Sen's attitude made everyone feel like a bird of fright, and the two sides immediately fell into a confrontation, refusing to come out while daring not to go in.

Although Long Sen seemed to have a plan in mind, he actually panicked inside. He was relieved when he saw that his empty plan had some effect, but he knew very well that this method could only be deceived For a while, it was very difficult for them to get Zhang Menglong to come.

"You don't come here, do you?" Long Sen continued provocatively, "I thought you guys were so powerful that you didn't dare to come here. If you're still here to force Lai Lai, get out of here!"

"Hmph, Long Sen, don't try to provoke us. We know that Yujian Villa is your territory. If we dare to go there, we will probably die in an ugly way, right? If you have the ability, stay there until the assessment is over! "

"Okay, I'll stay here until the assessment is over!"

Long Sen simply made a bunk on the ground and sat down. He took out all kinds of equipment from his body, barbecue grills, hot pots, bowls and chopsticks... Long Sen likes the food on the earth very much. Hazy gave it to him.

"This bastard actually ate something!"

"We are guarding him here, but he actually started to barbecue. Is he trying to piss us off?"

"What can you do? Do you still dare to rush up? Looking at him like this, you know that he has a plan in mind, and I don't want to go up and seek death."

Could it be that in this scene, those sword cultivators are more certain about the fact that there is a trap.

While eating, Long Sen restrained his trembling hands, silently wishing Zhang Mengyu to come quickly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the alternation of night and day soon ushered in, and the surrounding environment suddenly became extremely dark.

Everyone took out NBeyes and put them on their eyes, and at the same time put on the weapons of the special team Night Devils.

With so many people gathered in this place, once it got dark, it became the preferred target of night devils.

There was no night demon invasion in this area before, it was because of the raging sword energy of Yujian Villa that made the nearby night demons wear some special marks, but Yujian Villa disappeared for two and a half years. The marks are also gradually lost and faded, and now the possibility of perceiving their existence through this kind of sword energy has been lost.

The night demon's sharp screams soon sounded around, and even some marginalized people had already started to fight against the night demon.

In fact, most night devils are still weak, and they just take advantage of the environment and undead characteristics, but now, this advantage has disappeared.

"Boom!" Long Sen's hot pot was suddenly swept away by a sharp tail, and a night demon came to Long Sen from the ground and launched an attack.

"Nimma, my hot pot!" Before Long Sen could eat a piece of meat, the hot pot spilled on the ground.

This night devil is much taller than the other night devils, and it almost has the aura of spiritual cultivation level, but Long Sen, who is at the eighth stage of divine breath, is not afraid of it. He pulls out a silver sword, A sword he got from Yujian Villa, both in terms of strength and power, is just right for him now.

"Splitting the Sky!" Long Sen's body slid past the Night Demon like lightning, and after a while, the Night Demon's body was separated.

"What a fast sword!"

"At the eighth stage of divine breath, he actually instantly killed a magical beast in the realm of spiritual cultivation! It's even so easy!"

"It seems that he has gained a lot in Yujian Villa! With this kind of swordsmanship, I am afraid that he has the power to fight against the third-rank powerhouse of the gods. It has only been two and a half years. It is terrible."

"Wait! Did you notice that the Night Demon was not blocked by anything at all!"

"Damn! He's lying to us, we've all been tricked! There's no restrictions there!"

"Everyone, come on!"


"We've been discovered!" A wry smile suddenly appeared on Long Sen's face, how long has it been delayed!

"Gu Xiao, hurry up, I will die if you don't come!"

The aura on Long Sen's body suddenly became extremely terrifying. Facing the tens of thousands of people who rushed up in the first wave, he raised the sword in his hand and slashed openly.

"Heaven-shattering Sword Art!"

A sword light over 400 meters directly swept across the crowd, causing a lot of screams.

It is not only Long Sen who has made progress in the past two and a half years, but other people have also made great progress. The energy in the ancient cave is extremely abundant, and even because Long Sen spent a long time practicing swordsmanship, the improvement in cultivation is not bad. It was much slower, and the life level of the people killed by his move, even many people were still above him!

With this sword strike, at least two or three thousand people could not stand up!

But after cutting out this sword, Long Sen also breathed a sigh of relief. The power is indeed great, but the consumption is indeed not weak.

But this sword only helped him delay for a few seconds, and soon another large group of people rushed up.

"Body protection sword light!" Long Sen held the sword in front of him, and the sword energy immediately condensed into a protective shield around his body.

In an instant, several sword lights slashed at the shield mountain, and even mixed with several other attacks, the powerful impact made Long Sen's body keep retreating.

"It's terrible..." Long Sen tried his best to resist their attack, and the corner of his mouth slowly oozes blood donation, "Gu Xiao, when the hell will you arrive? I'm about to be beaten to death!"

"Here we come! Urge! Urge!" Zhang Meng's voice floated slowly from a distance, surrounded by a group of night demons, he stepped on Qiao Feng's BGM.

Hundreds of millions of night devils rushed into the crowd like a frenzy, and the scene suddenly became chaotic, but those night devils miraculously avoided Zhang Mengyu, as if he did not exist.

"Brother Gu...why didn't those night demons attack you?" Long Sen said in disbelief.

"Obviously!" Zhang Mengyu took out his sunglasses and put them on, "Because I'm handsome!"

(End of this chapter)

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