I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1792 67 Deciphering Methods

Chapter 1792 67 Deciphering Methods

These night demons were all assembled by Zhang Mengyu along the way. As the secondary products of the blood demons, they have no resistance to Zhang Mengyu's blood control formula. In this case, they directly became Zhang Mengyu's most loyal cannon fodder.

The number of night goblins is increasing. After countless years of accumulation, the number of night goblins in the entire ancient cave has already increased to a heinous level, but most of the night goblins are hiding in the dark, and They all like to be in areas with complex terrain.

The Night Demons were already resurrected corpses, Zhang Menglong naturally would not have any pity for them, perhaps after the sun came out, it would be a relief for these Night Demons!
Countless night demons passed by Zhang Menglong's side, and occasionally one or two accidentally bumped into Zhang Menglong's body, and were kicked away by him instead, and those night demons kicked away by Zhang Menglong didn't even have the slightest trace. The action of wanting revenge or gratitude, even looked at Zhang Mengyu with a kind of aggrieved and pitiful eyes.

This feeling is like a pet raised by Zhang Menglong.

"It's Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao is here!"

"Why don't those night goblins attack him? Why!"

"He brought those night devils?"

"I understand. He used his body to lure this group of night devils. There must be some treasure on his body that can avoid the night devil's attack!"

"This bastard is trying to kill us!"

The number of night goblins is still increasing. From the beginning, dozens of people dealt with one night goblin, and now one person has to deal with two or three night goblins. Even the night goblins who joined the chaotic battle are getting stronger and stronger, which makes Everyone is in a hurry.

"Brother Gu, what's going on here?" Long Sen certainly didn't believe that those night demons were looking at faces, after all, he always felt that he was much more handsome than Zhang Menglong. What do you mean? Can you control night devils?"

"Hey, I was discovered by you," Zhang Meng smiled mysteriously, "How is it, are you excited?"

"But so many people, are you going to kill them all?" Long Sen is not a bitch, but he is not that kind of butcher. There are more than one billion people present. If they were all killed, it would be more than a river of blood. that's it.

Moreover, these people are all geniuses from various empires. If they are all dead, those empires will not easily let Long Sen's empire go, even if he joins the superpower at that time, the anger of so many countries, I'm afraid that even the forces he joined are unwilling to arouse public outrage.

"Don't worry, I won't kill them, thank you for killing them!" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "I just found out that my Green Arrow Oral Liquid is a bit unsalable during this period, take this opportunity to see if I can Sell ​​it hard!"

"Goudan, let my survival base produce another batch of Green Arrow Oral Liquid!" Zhang Mengyu ordered.

Now it is almost standard for a person to carry a Green Arrow oral solution. As long as they don't die, they won't be infected by the Night Demon for a long time after taking it, so Zhang Mengyu only needs to let the Night Demon take these people. It's enough to fight until you can't take care of yourself.

When this incident is over, they will naturally buy another batch of Green Arrow Oral Liquid to take with them to save their lives.

"High! You are doing promotional activities!" Long Sen couldn't help giving Zhang Menglong a thumbs up. In terms of being a dog, no one can compare to him.

"I haven't finished the hot pot just now, have I? Continue?"

"What I'm waiting for is your words! The little crispy meat you brought last time tastes good, can I have one?"


In this chaotic fighting scene, Zhang Mengyu and Long Sen took out two small benches and continued to eat hot pot.

"Asshole! These two people are still eating!"

"Why? Why didn't the night devil attack them?"

"Is this the time to worry about this? Hurry up and get out, or we will die!"

"Didn't you notice that these night demons didn't seem to have killed them? Look at those people, they were only wounded, but not killed!"

"Could it be that the Night Demon is controlled by Gu Xiao?"

"How could such a thing happen? It's not logical!"

"Otherwise, how do you explain? He is obviously giving us a chance now. If he doesn't know what to do, he may really kill someone!"


People who realize this have no idea of ​​snatching Long Sen's inheritance anymore. The most important thing is to leave this ghost place as soon as possible. There are so many inheritances here, and there is no need for them to stare at Yujian Villa inheritance.

There are still a few months before the end of the assessment. If you hurry up, you may have some other gains if you are lucky.

After all, in that era, it wasn't just the ancient forces that were powerful. Some people were not necessarily weaker than those super-powerful people, and they might have found some things they left behind in a certain corner!
For example, not long ago, a guy with good luck found a small wooden house in a valley. The small wooden house didn’t have too many things, but there were a lot of unfathomable martial arts left on the walls of the wooden house. Take out one school, and it can be regarded as a national martial art in a ninth-rank empire!

Two or three hours later, the restless situation finally subsided, and besides the Night Demon, there were only a few unlucky people with severed arms and legs, and most of them had swallowed Green Arrow orally. It only takes a while for them to recover, but these pains can be regarded as a little lesson for them!

"How have you been studying during this time?" Zhang Menglong also asked about Long Sen's life as a trainee in the past two and a half years after drinking and eating.

"Don't mention it," Long Sen shook his head, "I don't even want to recall it. I haven't slept well in the past two and a half years. I just want to find a place to sleep for three days and three nights at a time. I haven't had any in my life. I've seen such a strict coach before, but I'm still a fucking kid!"

"Hahaha, but you are much stronger."

"Hey, why don't you have a discussion?" Long Sen suddenly became interested, "I've learned a lot of good things. It's a pity that you didn't accept their inheritance."

"Why, it seems that he has learned some killer skills!"

Long Sen jumped up, "Although I have only learned some superficial knowledge, I will show you the most advanced sword skills in Yujian Villa!"

Long Sen drew his sword out of its sheath, his whole body was full of penetrating power, "God chaos!"

"Oh? Have you learned this trick?" Zhang Menglong showed a surprised expression. According to his understanding, this sword technique is the first form of the most famous sword art in Yujian Villa.

Normally, only sword cultivators in the realm of spiritual cultivation can comprehend this move. It is already very surprising that Long Sen can learn this sword technique at the eighth level of divine breath.

"However, I have 67 ways to crack this sword technique!" Zhang Menglong turned his finger into a sword, and a faint sword aura appeared on his finger. Facing a terrifying sword aura, Zhang Menglong pointed gently at Kun a corner of the

As if he had hit the nail on the head, the sword energy disintegrated in an instant, and Zhang Miyu's fingers directly touched Long Sen's forehead, "The sword skills are good, but there are many flaws. Today is Crazy Thursday, v me 50, I will teach you Even more powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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