I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1795 You Are Stealing

Chapter 1795 You Are Stealing
Zhang Mengyu's words made the scene suddenly silent.

Knowing Zhang Mengyu's arrogance, he dared to challenge even a super powerful core disciple like Wanning in person.

But even if he provoked Wanning, it was only a contradiction between the same generation after all.

But now that he directly conflicted with the elders of Shenxuan Hall, it is not such a simple matter.

For direct conflicts between young people, a fight is enough, but once those old guys who want to save face are involved, the seriousness of the matter will directly rise to a higher level.

"What did you say?" Sure enough, the elder Xi's face darkened when he heard these words.

As a powerful person in the Dao Realm, and even an elder of the Shenxuan Palace, whoever saw him would not respectfully call him Elder Xi, he had never met such an arrogant young man in his life.

"I said, which faction I want to choose is my business, when is it your turn to make irresponsible remarks?" Zhang Meng sneered, "Did I eat your rice or drink your soup? Why should I listen to what you say? Are you my son? I want to spoil you?"

"Hahahaha, well said!" Seeing that the elder Xi's expression became as if he had eaten shit, the elders of several other forces couldn't hide their happy expressions on their faces.

Relying on his great family, Yeda not only snatched the disciples favored by other forces many times, but also often had serious conflicts with them in some resource competitions. Everyone has put up with them for a long time.

"Do you know who you are talking to?" Elder Xi stood up, his body filled with a strong murderous look.

"I know," Zhang Mengyu said still nonchalantly, "If I were someone from your Shenxuan Palace, I should indeed have a good talk with you, but I have a fart relationship with you, and I still have to give you face? Are you It’s really a machine.”

"You are so arrogant at such a young age, if you have the ability, then it's okay?" Elder Xi stomped the ground, "Why don't I kill you now, so that you won't cause harm to the world in the future."

"Do you dare?" Qi Congyun directly stood up from the elders' seat, "Xi Renying, if you dare to touch him, I will screw your head off today!"

Qi Congyun's body was also surging.

"You..." The elder Xi and Qi Congyun are in the same realm, but in fact, there is a huge difference in their fighting power.

Qi Congyun, who had comprehended the first level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art, was not comparable to Xi Renying in combat power. If there was a real fight, the elder Xi would probably end up being rubbed on the ground by him.

"What? You're not crazy anymore?" Qi Congyun sneered, "If you want to bully someone from my Sunset Sect in front of me, forget it. Calling your senior brother may be enough qualification."

"Qi Congyun, you only dare to yell here. If my senior brother was really here, you would have run away with your tail between your legs."

"Huh," Qi Congyun snorted coldly. To be honest, he really couldn't beat Xi Renying's senior brother. If you really fight against him, unless you comprehend the second level of the Jiuyou Sunset Art.

But since he started to talk, he must not show weakness.

"You like to move out senior brother, don't you?" Qi Congyun said, "I remember that when senior brother killed you at the Shenxuan Palace, your useless senior brother should be hiding in a corner and trembling, right? As long as he has a little courage and Bloody, now it's in your martyr's cemetery."

Xi Renying's expression turned red.

Qi Congyun is not talking nonsense.

At that time, he was only at the peak of spiritual cultivation, and his senior brother was only at the first rank of Taoism. When that ruthless man from the Sunset Sect entered the Shenxuan Palace, he killed ten people in one step, and no one could stop him. .

But the two of them were so frightened that they didn't even have the courage to step forward to stop them. They still remembered that when they came out of the corner, the whole hall was dyed red.

"That's enough," the elder at the head of Shenxuan Palace also blushed a little. In fact, he was also one of the ones who were frightened at the time. Although Qi Congyun didn't cue him, that incident had long been a shadow in his heart Yes, even mentioning it made him feel sweaty all over.

"Elder Xi, you don't need to be as knowledgeable as a kid," the elder said, "But the dignity of my Shenxuan Palace has never been allowed to be trampled by outsiders. Since Gu Xiao is a young man, then young people's affairs are of great importance. Let the young people solve it, Wanning!"

"Elder, I'm here!" Wan Ning came out from behind those elders, and he looked at Zhang Meng with a bit of hatred on his expression.

"Teach your younger generation a lesson," said the elder, "Gu Xiao, we are the elders of the Shenxuan Palace, if we fight with you, it would be a big bullying and a small victory, but Wanning is also considered to be your same age. Man, if you can defeat him, I will forget about your insult to Shenxuan Palace just now."

"Do you want to lose face?" Qi Congyun was the first to stand up, "You asked a core disciple to compete with him? Why don't you come out in person?"

The elder didn't pay attention to Qi Congyun at all, "Although he is a core disciple, but I think Gu Xiao is so loud, he probably doesn't take core disciples seriously?"

"Let me do it," Na Xiluo walked out.

Seeing Xi Luo, Wanning's expression changed immediately.

"Don't bother senior," Zhang Mengyu took a step forward, "Actually, the elder just said it was reasonable, we are all young people, there is no big difference, so please invite this duplicity Senior Wanning taught me."

Wanning gritted his teeth. Last time he lost all face by Zhang Menglong, today he will make Zhang Menglong suffer a little bit no matter what. Just now he was even instructed to kill Gu Xiao if he had the chance!
"Boy, you really don't need it?" Qi Congyun was a little worried, after all, Wanning's realm was much higher than Zhang Mengyu's.

"Try it," Zhang Mengyu said, "I learned a lot in the ancient cave, and I just happened to ask Senior Wanning for advice."

"As long as you are sure, be careful." Seeing Zhang Mengyu's confident look, Qi Congyundao no longer tried to dissuade him, but he was already prepared. Once Zhang Mengyu was in danger, he would The first to rush up.

"This kid has a ghost, don't underestimate the enemy." Elder Xi whispered to Wanning.

"Elder Xi, don't worry, I know it well."

Wanning stepped forward, and every time he took a step, the aura on his body rose sharply. This is the Tianxuan Sutra, the secret method of their Shenxuan Palace. Without taking a step, they can accumulate a force, and they can take up to 99 steps. He Wanning has already taken a full 9 steps, and these 9 steps can almost double his strength!
"The Profound Sky Scripture, right?"

Zhang Mengyu also walked forward with a smile on his face. He also took 9 steps, but the aura on his body was doubled!
"This... how do you know the Profound Sky Scripture?" Not only Wanning, but even the elders of the Profound God Hall were surprised.

Although the Tianxuan Jing is not considered the strongest skill in the Shenxuan Temple, it is of a very high level. Only core disciples are qualified to learn it. Zhang Mengyu is just an outsider. Where did he learn this trick?

"You actually secretly learned the secret technique of my Shenxuan Palace."

"What stealing?" Zhang Mengyu spat, "Your Heaven-shattering Profound Scriptures are incomplete, but mine is the most complete. Did you steal mine or did I steal yours? "

(End of this chapter)

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