Chapter 1796

"This is the Profound Sky Sutra of their Shenxuan Temple. Only the core disciples are eligible to learn it. It is said that there are eleven floors in total, and each floor can take nine steps. Every time you take a step, your strength will increase by one point. Up to 99 steps, if you practice to a great degree, your strength will skyrocket ten times!"

"Hmph, it's just that it's so powerful. It is said that the Tianxuan Jing is just an incomplete secret technique. It seems that they only have the learning methods of the first three levels? If they can really practice No. The 11th floor, that is really invincible, let those core disciples learn?"

"It's not just them. Many of our inheritances have already been broken in that era. To be honest, there are still three floors left, which is already very good."

"But haven't you noticed? Although Gu Xiao and Wanning only took 9 steps, there is still a big difference in the improvement rate of their aura. Wanning only increased by three times, and Gu Xiao increased by four." times, it seems that he is better at learning."

"But how did he learn it?"

"Anyway, it's definitely not taught by the people of Shenxuan Palace. Judging by his attitude, he doesn't have much favor for Shenxuan Palace."

"Could it be an opportunity in the ancient cave?"

"Nine out of ten."

The elders of the other seventeen factions whispered to each other. For a faction, it would be a very embarrassing thing for a faction to spread its martial arts and martial arts, no matter what the reason was. They wanted to see How will the people of Shenxuan Temple deal with it?

"This..." The elders of the Shenxuan Palace also showed serious expressions on their faces.

Indeed, only three of the eleven layers of unique skills have been handed down so far. Although it is a very powerful secret technique, it is not considered precious. There are quite a lot of Dharma in the entire Shenxuan Temple.

However, they saw in the three levels left by the Profound Sky Sutra that the General Program said that there will be a very obvious change in this martial arts practice, that is, the improvement rate of those who have completed their cultivation compared with those who have not. will be higher.

At the same pace, Zhang Mengyu's aura has improved significantly more than Wanning at this moment, which shows that he is very likely to have obtained the remaining chapters of their Tianxuan Jing in the ancient cave, or even the entire chapter!

If it is the whole article... the current secret methods in the entire Shenxuan Palace cannot even be compared with this Tianxuan Sutra!
Although their current secret method of suppressing the temple is complete, in fact, this secret method is not comparable to the Tianxuan Sutra in terms of level, just because it is complete, because many levels are even higher than the Tianxuan Sutra , or it is lost, or it is the same and only fragments are left.

Of course, Wan Ning could feel that Zhang Mengyu's aura had improved more than him, but after all, the basic gap between the two lies here. Even if they used the Tianxuan Sutra, the realm gap between the two is still very different. .

"Gu Xiao, I know you haven't used your full strength yet," Wanning heard about the contest between Zhang Mengyu and Lin Yuan, "show off your unicorn arm, I know this is your greatest reliance."

"No need," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "I want to use my own means to defeat you, you will inevitably find all kinds of reasons, but if I use your kung fu to defeat you, you should have nothing to say, right? "

Zhang Menglong continued to walk forward, took another nine steps, and the aura on his body doubled again, four times as much as before!
Another nine steps, Zhang Meng's breath soared to 6 times of normal state!
Zhang Menglong has already learned the complete version of the Profound Sky Sutra. Among those dead people, Zhang Menglong not only learned the full version of the Profound Sky Sutra, but also learned many more advanced secrets of the Profound God Palace, saying To be honest, the ancient Shenxuan Palace is really powerful, even this complete Tianxuan Sutra is only a middle-level secret technique!

If you haven't learned the last chapter of the Tianxuan Sutra, every 9 steps you take will increase your basic strength by 100%, but if you have learned it, it will be a 100% bonus!
In other words, as long as Zhang Menglong takes 99 steps, his strength can increase by more than 20 times!
But for the current Shenxuan Palace, such a practice is already against the sky!
"He has already walked 27 steps," the elders of Shenxuan Palace looked at Zhang Mengyu, their expressions became no longer calm. Now they are almost completely sure that Zhang Mengyu must have learned all the Tianxuan Sutra!
"We can't let him continue walking!" The elder shouted to Wan Ning, "This kid has learned the complete version of the Profound Sky Scripture. If you let him walk 99 steps, you are definitely no match for him!"

Wan Ning also reacted at this time, Zhang Mengyu's aura has almost reached the level of first-grade spiritual cultivation, if he then fully displays the Tianxuan Sutra, it will really be a close call.

Thinking of this, Wanning has no way to care about his demeanor anymore. It's better to win by bullying the small than to lose, right?

"Big killer!"

Wan Ning knew that it would be a very stupid thing to keep his strength in the face of a person like Zhang Mengyu. He has already made a move, which is his famous stunt.

Even in the Shenxuan Palace, this killer is a very advanced martial art, and only the core disciples are eligible to learn it, and it is even the favorite attack method of many elders!
A red bloody handprint blasted towards Zhang Menglong. This handprint was almost made by a giant, and it could even shatter a mountain in one fell swoop.

Relying on this trick, Wan Ning once seriously injured a core disciple of the sixth rank of spiritual cultivation in one blow during the core disciples' sparring!

"Baa hand?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "This thing has been used, it seems that there are really not many methods left in the Shenxuan Temple now."

Zhang Mengyu shook his head in disappointment. This martial arts can only be ranked in the middle and bottom of the entire Shenxuan Palace. It was learned by former outer disciples, and those core disciples even dismissed it.

"The [-] superpowers now are all established by the outer disciples of those superpowers, right?" Zhang Mengyu's expression became a little contemptuous, "The most are inner disciples, no more!"

In Zhang Mengyu's view, even the martial arts and martial arts learned by any core disciple at that time were stronger than the core martial arts of their entire force.

"It's really declining." Zhang Menglong sighed.

In the space of the clock tower, there is indeed a way to crack the big killer, but it seems that this martial art is too low-level, and everyone even bothers to crack it, so there are only two or three ways to crack it. Menglong paid special attention to the various kung fu cracking methods in Shenxuan Temple, he may not even remember it now!
Zhang Mengyu gathered the energy on his fingertips, and tapped towards the palm of the red palm print, and the huge palm was torn apart by Zhang Mengyu directly from the point of force.

"What?" Zhang Menglong easily deciphered his unique skills, and Wanning's expression froze immediately.

"This Great Extinguishing Palm was created by an elder of the ancient Shenxuan Temple. When he created this martial art, the palm of his hand happened to be injured. This feature was directly preserved, and it is called the biggest palm of this palm. Flaws, you still treat this incomplete trash as a treasure?"

"How could he understand so well?" The elders of Shenxuan Palace were also shocked by Zhang Mengyu's description, because they had never heard of the allusion of the Great Killing Palm!
"Look at it, this is the real Da Mie Zhang!" Zhang Mengyu crossed his hands, and a boiling power suddenly appeared in his palm...

(End of this chapter)

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