I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1797 If you don't beat me to death, you are a dog

Chapter 1797 If you don't beat me to death, you are a dog
"What is this? How could this be a mass killer?"

The red palm print condensed by Zhang Menglong is not only twice as large as Wanning's, but also two or three times stronger in the degree of energy condensation!
You must know that the senior who created this killer had injured his palm at the time, so when he created it, Duoduo carried his own weakness of injury a little bit.

This is like a balloon. There is a hole in the balloon, so no matter how inflated it is, the balloon will not be able to fill up.

After the senior recovered from his injuries, he didn't specifically revise this martial art.

It wasn't until he was trapped in the clock tower with other super powerful people, and in the long process of waiting for death, that he finally had time to review the martial arts that he hadn't perfected at the time, and then put the enhanced version The big killer stayed on his body.

Compared with the original disabled killer, this complete killer has at least tripled in power!
Wan Ning hurriedly resisted, although Zhang Menglong's breath was still a bit different from his, but caught off guard, the killer still knocked him back dozens of steps.

"This big killer actually has such a powerful power?" All the elders couldn't help standing up. Judging from the power that Zhang Mengyu displayed just now, it was even compared to the many martial arts masters of their Shenxuan Palace masters now. Learn to be more powerful!
"It seems that he really got the inheritance of Shenxuan Temple!"

These elders naturally know the origin of the current Shenxuan Temple, and their hall master was indeed just an inner disciple of the ancient Shenxuan Temple!
At that time, blood demons and night demons were rampant, and not many people escaped in the entire ancient cave. Except for a group of people who left there earlier, less than a hundred people survived from all their ancient sects!Even among these people, only the Sunset Sect has a core disciple!
They have re-established their own sects in the current world in groups of three or four, but it is obvious that relying on them alone is far from being able to reach the previous level, and can only be in an embarrassing situation situation.

In these years, they finally found a way to open the entrance of the ancient cave, but for some reason, people above the realm of spiritual cultivation could not enter at all, and those disciples of the realm of divine breath among the superpowers almost died after entering. How much, no one even brought out the inside news.

After discussing with all their eighteen superpowers, they placed the assessment site in this ancient cave.

Naturally, there is also the idea of ​​using them as cannon fodder, but they hope that some of these young people can carry the past with them.

Now this dream has come true, but this good fortune happened to the person they least wanted to happen.

The current Shenxuan Temple and Zhang Mengyu have obviously come to an opposite. If they had thrown an olive branch to Zhang Mengyu from the beginning, maybe he has joined the Shenxuan Temple now. Give them some, and the current Shenxuan Temple will be able to achieve a qualitative leap.

And now, they created an enemy with their own hands.

After repelling Wanning, Zhang Menglong continued to move forward while casting the Tianxuan Sutra.

By the time Wanning stopped his retreating body, Zhang Menglong had already walked more than fifty or sixty steps.

At this time, Zhang Mengyu's aura has almost reached the level of a third-rank martial artist!

"How is it possible? How could his body withstand such an increase?"

Zhang Menglong has obtained the complete Profound Sky Scripture, so it is reasonable for him to exert such a boost, but you must know that whether the boost can be achieved is one thing, and whether the body can bear it is another matter.

A martial artist in the realm of divine breath can only withstand an explosion four or five times the limit of his body at most, and if he goes up, his body may not be able to bear it anymore.

And now, Zhang Menglong's strength has increased by more than ten times, but judging from his expression, it seems that he is far from reaching the limit that his body can bear. This is unscientific!
"How? Want to learn?" Zhang Meng looked at Wanning and smiled, "By the way, don't you elders hope that I can join your Shenxuan Palace? Actually, I have an idea, and I want to join your Shenxuan Palace as well." It's not impossible."

Wanning's complexion changed, and he had a lot of conflicts with Zhang Menglong. If he really joined the Shenxuan Palace, then Zhang Menglong's status and authority are definitely not comparable to his core disciple, even if it is an ordinary one. The elders in the world are not necessarily as high as his status!
"If you can make such a choice now, it's not too late!"

Although Zhang Mengyu's outrageous words just made Elder Xi very uncomfortable, but the complete Tianxuan Sutra and this enhanced version of the Great Killer alone have subversive significance for the entire Shenxuan Palace. If he really If he is willing to join the Shenxuan Palace, what does it matter if he suffers from this little grievance?

"I promise you that as long as you join the Shenxuan Palace, all the conditions I just mentioned will be counted, and even the hall master will give you other more preferential treatment!"

"Gu Xiao, you brat, do you want to go back on your word?" Qi Congyun cursed suddenly.

"Let me ask first," Zhang Mengyu said to Qi Congyun with a playful smile, "Is that Elder Xi? To be honest, I am not very satisfied with the level of your core disciple."

"Of course, with your talent and aptitude, a mere core disciple is definitely not enough for you."

"That's right, I think even the Hall Master is willing to accept you as a personal disciple!"

"A direct disciple?"

All the young geniuses gasped.

The status of direct disciples is much higher than that of core disciples!

When an elder is away, his direct disciples can represent his authority!
If he is the direct disciple of the Hall Master, he will be the spokesperson of the Hall Master when the Hall Master is not around!
They actually offered Zhang Menglong such a condition!
"No, no, no, I think if I want to join Shenxuan Palace, the position of this palace master is still good, what do you think?" Zhang Mengyu said something that made everyone's eyes widen, "How about, and Is it okay for your palace master to discuss it?"

"Wanning! Kill him!" The elders immediately knew that they had been tricked by Zhang Menglong.

If I don't teach this ignorant boy a lesson today, the entire Shenxuan Palace will be unable to lift its head on the mainland!

"Gu Xiao, just now the elder ordered me to save your life, now you are looking for death yourself, so don't blame me!" The aura on Wanning's body increased sharply again, causing the surroundings to scream again and again.

"The strength of this Wanning is even very close to that of many of our direct disciples."

"The people in Shenxuan Palace are domineering, but they do have some skills."

"Gu Xiao is in trouble, it seems that the elders of the Sunset Sect will have to take action in person."

"But if they make a move, the conflict will get bigger and bigger."

"Really?" Facing the menacing Gu Ning, Zhang Menglong still had a playful smile, "If you don't kill me today, you are a dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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