I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1798 The underpants are all seen by others

Chapter 1798 The underpants are all seen by others

"Boy Gu Xiao, do you need help?" Qi Congyun showed a worried expression on the side.

"Abandoning the elders, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?" Zhang Meng waved his hand, "What they said is not wrong, you still made a move, the nature of this matter has become different, and there is no difference between us young people. Why do things need to be so complicated!"

"You're looking for death, so don't blame me!" In fact, just now, the elders of the seat also sent a message to Wanning, if possible, try to force the elders of the Sunset Sect to take action, so that their Shenxuan Palace will have enough reasons to find them. Zong is in trouble.

It’s just that Zhang Mengyu is so stubborn. You must know that his current realm has almost reached the level of the sixth-rank of spiritual cultivation. Coupled with the improvement of various skills in the Shenxuan Temple, his real combat power is close to the eighth-rank of spiritual cultivation. !
"Come here!" Zhang Mengyu hooked his hands at him, "Today, I will analyze the exercises and martial arts of Shenxuan Palace from multiple levels, everyone should study hard, maybe they will be useful in the future! "

"Nonsense!" Wanning automatically filtered out Zhang Mengyu's nonsense, "Lei Huanwu!"

Wanning's body speed increased in an instant, leaving an almost invisible track in the void.

"So fast! His speed has at least tripled!"

"I've heard that this is the Lei Huan Wu, a martial art of Shenxuan Temple, which is cultivated with the power of thunder and lightning. In the weather of thunder and rain, it is even more powerful. When it is used, the attack can carry The power of thunder paralyzes the opponent's body to a certain extent."

"This Wanning is not bad. He has actually trained Lei Huanwu to such a level. Even some elders in our Shenxuan Palace may not be as popular as he is now."

"I heard that Wanning specially practiced this movement technique in thunderstorm weather, and it was indeed effective in getting twice the result with half the effort. Moreover, the technique he had practiced was also of the thunder attribute, so it fits very well with this movement technique."


"Lei Huanwu, right?" Zhang Mengyu repeated his old trick, and his body's movement speed also began to skyrocket. To be honest, the speed of this Lei Huanwu was not even as fast as he used the Three Thousand Thunder Movements, and it was just for fun. Now he intends to disgust this group of people from Shenxuan Palace.

"He also showed it!"

"The speed is not slower than Wanning at all!"

"No! In a certain sense, the Phantom Thunder Dance he performed is much more powerful than Wanning's! After all, there is still a big gap between the two people's basic realms."

"Damn! Why can't you catch up?" Every time Wanning thought he was about to meet Zhang Mengyu, his body would pull away strangely again, as if teasing him.

"My friends, let me introduce the Phantom Thunder Dance in Shenxuan Palace," Zhang Mengyu started to introduce the Phantom Thunder Dance while dodging, "This martial art is created by combining the power of wind and thunder. Yes, it moves like a hurricane and moves like a thunderbolt, both in terms of speed and power, it is very strong, but it still has some shortcomings!"

Hearing this sentence, not only all the arrogances, but even the elders of the seventeen other superpowers couldn't help pricking up their ears.

Don't forget, their relationship with Shenxuan Palace is not good, and conflicts and fights often happen. Because of this phantom thunder dance, their disciples and elders often suffer from the people of Shenxuan Palace.

If they know the shortcomings of this phantom thunder dance, then they will be able to prescribe the right medicine and defeat this move directly when they encounter people from the Shenxuan Palace in the future!
"First of all, the speed of this body technique is very fast, but this makes it less flexible. Once the direction to be changed exceeds 90 degrees, its attack flexibility will be relatively slower!"

Just like what Zhang Mengyu said, he suddenly displayed a very strange movement technique on the spot. His feet remained motionless as if piles had been driven on the ground. Wan Ning shuttled around his body to attack, but was caught by him. Dodge easily, and even need to change direction because of the strong inertia. The speed of each attack is very fast, but the interval is not small.

"The second weakness is that the pace of this body technique is very important. It seems that there are many changes without any rules, but there is no difference in the pace of each of their prime numbers. If you want to understand what is a mass technique, I suggest Learn elementary school mathematics, or you can ask me for advice!"

"The third point..."

While avoiding their attacks, Zhang Menglong kept pointing out the shortcoming of this movement. The elders listened with great interest, and almost took out a pen and paper and started to take notes.

"After returning here, these contents will be immediately printed into a book and distributed to every disciple!"

"That's right, in the future when we encounter this body art martial art, we won't be so passive when we do it. Now it seems that this body art is nothing more than that. It seems that we imagined it too much before. gone."

"I suddenly discovered that we have several martial arts that can restrain this Lei Huanwu. As long as we make a little adjustment and modification, their body skills will be almost useless in the future."


"Wanning don't let him continue talking, tell him to shut up!" The elders of Shenxuan Hall panicked.

Under normal circumstances, battles take place between lightning and flint. Everyone competes with each other, and there is almost no time to study other people's moves. The only ones who know this movement best are those who have studied it.

The problems that Zhang Mengyu said just now almost hit the core without a word of nonsense. They really almost dissected the body method in essence. If this continues, their underpants will be seen through.

"Broken finger!"

Hearing the elder's urging, Wanning had no scruples at all at this moment.

This Po Yuan refers to Shen Xuandian's extremely powerful single-body destructive martial arts. It almost attacks the energy of the whole body through a single point, and is extremely penetrating and lethal.

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

Zhang Mengyu used a fist move and directly intercepted the extremely penetrating Poyuan Finger several meters away.

"Come on, let me explain to you the characteristics of this Po Yuanzhi." Zhang Mengyu amplified his voice and began to introduce, "Its characteristics are strong penetrating power and strong single-body destructive power, but it has a very The biggest shortcoming is that it lacks stamina!"

Zhang Mengyu introduced in detail, "The boxing method just now can punch hundreds of punches in an instant, and this kind of segmented attack can completely dissolve its stamina. According to my calculations, it only takes 10-20 times to break Yuanzhi 20 times. It can be resolved by intercepting the energy of about %.

"So it is!"

"Good guy, there is still this kind of cracking method!"

"So, our Intercepting Dao Sect's Baichuang Fist is the nemesis of their Breaking Far Finger!"

"There are too many martial arts for launching multiple attacks in an instant. Although most of them are not powerful, it is still very easy to reach 20% of the energy of the Po Yuan Finger."

"Write it down, write it down!"

"Broken Yuanzhi can't kill him!"

"This kid's understanding of our Shenxuan Palace is so deep that we don't even know it ourselves."

"We can't continue the fight. If we continue to fight, our underpants will be seen by others!"

(End of this chapter)

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