I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1806 Let You Read More News

Chapter 1806 Let You Read More News
"What do you mean?"

Zhang Mengyu's words made the eyes of those outer disciples change. It sounds like he not only didn't intend to hand over those contribution points, but even focused on their contribution points!
"I don't mean anything," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I just thought of something, you see, I got everyone's wrong love and became the leader of this group of intern disciples, so I have to prepare some decent gifts for everyone no?"

"I have plenty of money, but in our Sunset Sect, money is really useless. It just so happens that the seniors and sisters should have a lot of contribution points on them, right? Why don't you just keep it and give it to my brothers?" Welfare?"

"Hahaha!" The outer disciple immediately laughed, and the others were stunned for a moment before laughing too.

Good guy, are all the rookies this year so crazy?Or are they really too confident in their own strength?
When they were newcomers, they had the same attitude as Zhang Mengyu at the beginning. They thought they were the favored ones of heaven, and they were the only ones who could ride on others, and it was not their turn to oppress them.

But they forgot one thing, everyone in the Sunset Sect is the pride of heaven like them!Even if it is just one or two years of studying in the Sunset Sect, anyone's realm and strength will advance by leaps and bounds. Even after soaking in the Sunset River, there are already many people who are in the Ninth Grade of Divine Breath.

At that time, there was even a genius among them who ranked in the top ten in the assessment. He felt that his strength was extraordinary. The last enrollment was only three years old, and those outer disciples might not be stronger than him.

However, he still miscalculated the strength gap between them, and if he walked out of an outer disciple at random, he could hardly get up with one move, and he could even feel that the other party would keep his hands. Ruthless, it is very likely that he has died in situ.

Later, they still handed over their contribution points honestly. If they had cooperated a little from the beginning, they would not have suffered from those flesh and blood.

That rebellious genius, who grew up with the same resources, should still be able to ride the dust, but since that time, he has been targeted by the disciples of the outer sect, and they come to trouble him every now and then. During the assessment of the outer disciples, they barely reached the standard.

Because those people know very well that such offended geniuses must not be allowed to grow up. When they surpass them and come back to seek revenge at that time, it will be a very headache, so once they do it, those talents Ordinary ones are fine, but those geniuses must be suppressed!

Until now, that unlucky guy is only at the ninth rank of divine breath, at least in this Sunset Sect, he is already lost to everyone.

"As someone who has experienced it, I want to give you a piece of advice," said the outer disciple, "It is not suitable to be a top bird anywhere, at least in this Sunset Sect, if you fail, you will never stand up It's day."

"Unless you can beat us all to the ground today, you are a genius now, and you won't be in the future!"

"Well, I understand," Zhang Mengyu moved the joints of his hands and feet, "so, I didn't plan to let you go back unscathed. How should you say, do you go up one by one, or do you go all together?"

"Senior Brother Fei Li, let me come!" An outer disciple with a peak Divine Breath Ninth Grade came out, "I'll teach him a lesson, so that he can know the difference between their trainee disciples and us outer disciples."

"Don't beat me to death," the outer disciple called Senior Brother Fei Lili gave up his position, "Knock them off, this is an old tradition of the Sunset Sect, and it is estimated that many elders are like this Come here, but if someone dies, it will be troublesome."

"I understand, I can break his leg at most."

"Well, as long as you know the severity!"

The outer disciple who wanted to show off himself walked up to everyone and hooked his hands towards Zhang Mengyu, "Go ahead, I'll give you three chances, otherwise you may not even have a chance to make a move!"

"By the way, before I do it, I want to ask you one more question." Zhang Mengyu raised his hand.

"Where did you come up with so much nonsense?" The outer disciple obviously didn't want to waste too much with Zhang Mengyu.

"I would like to ask, have you all read the news reports or other information related to the examination of the superpower's disciples this time?"

"What's so interesting?" the outer disciple said disdainfully, "It's just a group of young people playing tricks. Compared with our Sunset Sect's annual assessment, it's just like a child's play."


It wasn't just Zhang Mengyu who talked, but all the intern disciples also talked. I don't know if this guy is too confident or too arrogant.

"Why don't you search it first?" Zhang Mengyu suggested, "In case you say that we young people don't practice martial arts."

"It's not necessary," said the outer disciple, "What if you are No.1 in this assessment?"


When Zhang Mengyu was talking with this outer disciple, several other outer disciples whispered to each other.

"Is this kid really not young?"

"Yeah, why do I feel that he is not afraid at all, is he really the first in the assessment?"

"Even if it's No.1, it's just an intern disciple. Judging from his realm, he's not outdated at the eighth stage of divine breath. Even if he's also at the eighth stage of divine breath, we can easily defeat him if we randomly find two people from the outer sect."

"Yeah, the skills and martial arts of our superpowers are not comparable to those that can be learned casually outside. Even if it is just our outer disciples, they can leapfrog challenges before joining the sect, let alone Said it was now."

"Junior Brother Qi Ya is only at the beginning of the ninth rank of divine breath, but ordinary first rank warriors of spiritual cultivation may not be his opponents."

"But I'm still quite interested to see it."

An outer disciple turned on his smart system and began to search for relevant information.

The selection of the disciples of the superpowers is a grand event every few years, and people are following and reporting almost from the beginning to the end. Except for what happened in the ancient cave, other things have long been turned into millions of articles And all kinds of content started to be distributed around.

"It's him! No.1 in the super power assessment! I said how could he have such confidence."

"It's strange. In previous years, the No.1 would choose Shenxuan Temple. Why did they choose our Sunset Sect?"

"Wait, he seems to have some conflicts with the people in the Shenxuan Palace, so he rejected the Shenxuan Palace's invitation."

"Tsk tsk, he is still in conflict with the Shenxuan Palace in the final selection process...he is also with a core disciple of the Shenxuan Palace..." The expression of the person who was reading the news suddenly froze.

"Stop! Stop, we can't afford to mess with this kid!"

But it is too late to remind at this time.



Zhang Mengyu's speed was as fast as lightning, even the outer disciple didn't see how Zhang Mengyu's body came in front of him.

He only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his whole body flew out like a kite with a broken string.

(End of this chapter)

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