I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1807 Don't Embarrass You

Chapter 1807 Don't Embarrass You
"So fast!"

Including the other outer disciples who were watching the battle, they didn't see Zhang Mengyu's movements clearly. In their eyes, Zhang Mengyu almost moved in front of his opponent in an instant, and the opponent flew out in the next second.

The outer disciple named Fei Li looked dull, because he had never seen such a speed even among many inner disciples and even core disciples!At least facing those inner disciples, he could see an afterimage anyway. Could it be that the speed of this intern disciple has surpassed that of the intern disciple?
how can that be!

"Senior Brother Fei Li!" The person who inquired about the relevant information just now poked Fei Li's back.

"Don't bother me!" Fei Li didn't even bother to turn his head away, and now his heart was already a little restless.

"Senior Brother Fei Li, there is one thing I have to tell you... this guy, we may not be able to provoke him..."

"What's wrong with an intern disciple? Even if he is the king of any kingdom, he is no different from an ant in front of our Sunset Sect."

"Senior Brother Fei Li, his name is Gu Xiao, and he is No. 1 on the list of arrogance for this superpower's admissions assessment!"

"It really is No.1!" Hearing this news, Fei Li's expression turned slightly better, "No wonder he is so arrogant, and his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary intern disciples. Normally, the No.1 in each session , will change a little bit."

"But what about No.1? He is only the eighth grade of divine breath. Even if he is abnormal, after all, given his realm and age, how good can he be?"

"At that time, all the superpowers offered him an olive branch, and even promised him the title of core disciple or even direct disciple, but he refused them all!"

"All rejected?" Fei Like has never heard of anyone who has received such treatment. What kind of monster must this be to make so many forces offer such conditions to attract Zhang Mengyu?

"This is not the most important thing," the outer disciple continued, "When he finally chose the power, a serious conflict broke out with the Shenxuan Palace, and even an elder of the Shenxuan Palace directly ordered a core disciple to Kill him on the spot!"

"What did you say?"

Fei Li trembled all over.

Let a core disciple kill Gu Xiao?Then why is he still alive and well now?Was it rescued by the elders of the Setting Sun Sect?
wrong!As far as he knows, these superpowers are very face-saving. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for people who are different from others to attack juniors in public. The elders of Shenxuan Temple did not directly attack Zhang Mengyu, and the Sunset Sect It is impossible for the elders to easily attack the core disciples of Shenxuan Palace.

"That core disciple used a lot of unique skills of the Shenxuan Palace, but Gu Xiao deciphered them all one by one. Although the two did not fight to the end to decide the winner, Gu Xiao also used a method of the Shenxuan Palace to draw That core disciple repelled several steps!"

"He repelled the core disciples!?" Fei Li and the other outer disciples were shocked. Doesn't that mean that Gu Xiao has at least the same level of strength as the core disciples of Shenxuan Palace?Looking at all the superpowers, the strength of the core disciples of Shenxuan Palace is not even much different than the direct disciples of other superpowers.

No wonder he just said that they can't afford to provoke this intern disciple, they really can't afford to!
If he is really the same as in the legend, even if a group of inner disciples come today, they may not be able to do anything to Zhang Mengyu.

"That... Junior Brother Gu Xiao, we must have some misunderstandings." Fei Li was able to bend and stretch, and immediately began to show weakness.

"Have you read my profile?" Zhang Meng asked with a smile.

"Look," Fei Li said with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect Junior Brother Gu Xiao to be so talented, even the people in Shenxuan Palace can only bow down in front of you, this is really a big face for our Sunset Sect. "

"It's okay." Zhang Mengyu shrugged his shoulders, "If they didn't go too far, I don't want to cause trouble."

"Of course, of course." Fei Li now regretted why he didn't check the details of this group of freshmen when he set off.

He can already suppress the core disciples of Shenxuan Hall before he has even started, so in their Sunset Sect, wouldn't it be possible for only direct disciples to suppress him?
It is true that disobedient geniuses will be suppressed, but if this genius has ferocious fangs from the beginning and no one suppresses him, at least give him a little time, and he will immediately bloom the most brilliant light.

"It's the brothers who are wrong today," Fei Li said, "We will leave immediately, and we will never disturb you in the future."

"Wait!" Zhang Mengyu interrupted him directly, "I wanted to give us a lesson just now, why, you are going to leave before the lesson is over?"

"Junior Brother Gu Xiao was joking." Fei Li's address to Zhang Mengyu was changed directly from Junior Brother to Senior Brother. "Actually, we just came to say hello to everyone. Just now it was just a harmless joke."

"It's shameless!"

"Who would believe that we are fools?"

"If it wasn't for Senior Brother Gu, our contribution points would have been forcibly taken away by now, right?"

"It's just a bunch of snobs, don't be cowardly if you have the ability, let's see how our patriarch will teach you a lesson!"

Seeing this situation, the intern disciples immediately straightened up.

Although they are only intern disciples, they have a powerful patriarch, he can even repel the core disciples of Shenxuan Temple, what kind of fart is a group of outer disciples?
Even if a group of inner disciples came to blackmail them now, as long as Zhang Menglong was present, they would not be able to take away a single contribution point from them.

"Really? Are you kidding me?" Zhang Mengyun said with a strange smile, "Then how are you brothers and sisters going to explain to the brothers and sisters in the inner sect? Is it really appropriate to let us go like this?"

"Don't worry, brother, we all still have some savings," Fei Li continued submissively, "If the brothers and sisters from the inner sect come to collect contribution points, we will pay for them!"

"Really? Brothers are really generous," Zhang Mengyu calculated, "50 points per person, we have more than 8000 people here, that's 40 points, brothers and sisters really have a lot of savings ah."

Sweat began to drip from Fei Li's forehead.

It is true that they will be exploited by inner disciples, but the task they get is only to collect 5 contribution points from these intern disciples, and they have increased this amount by 8 times!
Intern disciples are elected every 3 to 5 years. Most of them are eliminated, and a small number of them become outer disciples. After a long period of time, the number of outer disciples is actually very large, and they are just representatives.

If they really can't complete the tasks of the senior brothers, they can only pay for it out of their own pockets. With so many people working together for so long, it is still an easy task to collect [-] contribution points.

"Well, I won't make things difficult for you," Zhang Mengyu said, "You also said just now that you are here to visit our intern disciples, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Fei Li really thought that Zhang Mengyu was so easy to talk to.

"Since you came to see us, it's not so appropriate to come empty-handed, right?" Zhang Mengyu spread out a hand, "We don't want too much, just give each of us a gift of 100 contribution points!"

(End of this chapter)

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