I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1825 I Want To Know Too

Chapter 1825 I Want To Know Too

At the end of the war, the soldiers of the Shenxiao Empire evacuated back to the military base after a round of cheers, everyone was filled with happiness and joy.

Although there are only more than a billion people wiped out at this station, the number of enemies killed in any battle may be more than this, but this is just because the duration of this battle is too short!
It was even less than two hours from when they launched their attack to their evacuation. If they did not fight for three days and three nights as usual, it would be impossible to stop.

The most important thing is that this time the national strength of the Xingyu Empire suffered a huge blow, and more than 2000 legion commanders were killed. If it weren't for the appearance of an army with a peak spiritual cultivation at the last critical moment, they would not only have to die more people, Even the fortress will be breached!
After all, the people in the Shenxuan Palace are not made of mud. Xiu Miao and others just fought against the hundreds of disciples of the Shenxuan Palace. Even though the number of people is similar, many people were still injured, and some even fell into the trap. In the danger of death, they never thought that the one who saved their lives in the end was the intern disciple they looked down upon at first!
They suddenly remembered what Zhang Meng said, if you encounter danger, remember to call them for help. Many people will die.

Zhang Mengyu and the others were cheered by the soldiers of the entire Shenxiao Empire like the God of War returning in triumph.

"It was them just now! I saw it. They rushed from behind and tore a hole directly. The legion commander who rushed to intercept them was shot away before they approached them."

"Not only the legion commander, but those from the Shenxuan Palace have never beaten them. Look, more than 500 people have been captured alive!"

"Intern disciples? Why are they wearing the clothes of intern disciples? I thought they were the core disciples of the Sunset Sect!"

"Look at that woman, don't look at her small stature, I just saw her carrying a three-meter-long knife, and a core disciple of the Shenxuan Temple broke her hand in an instant."

"And that person, what exactly is his bow and arrow? Is it a magic weapon or a martial art? It's so perfect that even a sixth-rank spiritual practitioner can't catch it."

"I heard that what they used just now was the Nine Nether Sunset Art!"

"Jiuyou Sunset Jue?! Isn't that the most difficult exercise? They are not the special disciples of the Sunset Sect who secretly train them?"

"Maybe, this intern disciple is just a cover, and they might be the trump card of the Sunset Sect."

"This time, their Xingyu Empire's vitality is injured, and we will definitely win this battle!"

Everyone returned to the fortress, and the news about this group of intern disciples had already reached the ears of the Emperor Shenxiao during the battle just now.

People like the emperor would never come to the front-line fortress base at all. He was also shocked when he heard the news. He looked down on these intern disciples just now, and was even cold in his attitude. Unexpectedly, they were the ones who reversed the situation. The situation on the battlefield.

8000 people who have comprehended the Nine Nether Setting Sun Art!They can fight more than a dozen legion commanders alone, which is equivalent to [-] legion commanders. Facing such an army, what resistance can the Xingyu Empire have?

"It's over?" At this time, the emperor of the Shenxiao Empire rushed over, and what he heard just now was that they had gained an absolute advantage on the battlefield.

How long has it been since this battle is over?
"Are these the inner disciples of the Shenxuan Palace?" The emperor of the Shenxiao Empire has seen the information of these people more than once.

In the previous battles, these people had brought huge losses to the army of the Shenxiao Empire, but no one could kill them, and even every time they repelled them, they had to pay a great price.

This time, these people have become their captives!
All of them were wounded, their faces were haggard, and their clothes looked a little ragged. They didn't have the kingly attitude that once dominated the battlefield.

"That's great!" The emperor of the Shenxiao Empire let out a breath of anger, "Mr. Gu Xiao, please forgive me for neglecting everyone before. I didn't expect that the current intern disciples of the Sunset Sect have already excelled. This is my Shenxiao Empire. luck."

"Your Majesty is being polite," Zhang Mengyu said, "It's not just us, our seniors and sisters have also contributed a lot!"

When many people heard this sentence, their faces turned red.

What are you doing?
They had obviously fallen into a disadvantage during the battle. If it wasn't for the group of trainee disciples, it would have been very difficult for them to protect themselves on the battlefield, let alone repelling those disciples from the Shenxuan Palace who entered the rear.

They still underestimated the difference between themselves and the disciples of Shenxuan Palace. Although they could maintain an evenly matched state when they first fought, as the battle progressed, they gradually fell into a disadvantage.

If it wasn't for the Nine Nether Sunset Jue, the other exercises they learned would be far behind the Shenxuan Temple's exercises in terms of power and endurance, and they would encounter a lack of stamina in battle.

"Yes, yes, everyone has worked hard." The emperor did not notice the embarrassing expressions on the faces of the inner disciples, "Come here, hold a banquet immediately, and today we must clean up the dust for all the adults who have made great military exploits."

This night, the entire front line of the Shenxiao Empire was slaughtering pigs and cattle, a scene of incomparable jubilation.

But on the side of the Xingyu Empire, it was a scene of national ruin and family destruction.

Originally, they thought that with the help of these Shenxuan Palace disciples, there would definitely not be much suspense in this war, at most it was just a matter of time.

But the display hit them hard.

In this battle, they lost more than 2000 legion commanders, more than 500 disciples of Shenxuan Palace were captured, 127 disciples of Shenxuan Palace died in battle, and the remaining 200 people were all wounded, and even some Several had only half-life left.

Such a serious loss has never been encountered by them so far.

"Mr. Wen, what happened?" Although the general of the Xingyu Empire was very angry, he didn't dare to take too drastic actions in front of the disciples of Shenxuan Palace.

The Mr. Wen he inquired about was Wen Pingqiu, the leader of the inner sect disciples in this operation of the Shenxuan Palace, and his cultivation had reached the seventh rank. If he insisted on fighting to the death, this general might not be him. opponent.

But at this moment, he also has dozens of wounds on his body, and one even hits a vital point.
"The Shenxiao Empire has also sent a group of reinforcements, more than 8500 people!" He took a deep breath and said slowly.

"So many people? Could it be that they are all inner disciples?" the general asked. If this is the case, there is really no suspense about the outcome of this battle, but it is impossible. Why did the sixth-rank affiliated empire use so many resources?
"There are only more than 500 inner disciples, and the remaining more than 8000 are all intern disciples!" Although he didn't want to admit it, the fact was right in front of him.

"Intern disciple? How could you be made like this by a group of intern disciples?"

Wen Pingqiu slammed the table fiercely, "Every one of these 8000 people knows the Nine Nether Sunset Art, and their direct strength has skyrocketed tenfold, catching us off guard!"

"Not only that, each of them is no weaker than those inner disciples in using the martial arts of the Sunset Sect. The most frightening thing is that they seem to know the weakness of our Shenxuan Temple's martial arts. In front of them, we can only be beaten. !"

"How did this happen? I also want to know how this happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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