Chapter 1826
"Mr. Wen, what should we do now?" The general looked at Wen Pingqiu for help. Yes, the generals of the Shenxiao Empire will also take action, and it still doesn't have much impact on the battle situation.

"Wait for the reinforcements!" Wen Pingqiu said, "The group of intern disciples are too fierce, we can't deal with them at all! This matter can only be handed over to Shenxuan Palace!"

"You mean, the Shenxuan Palace will send more reinforcements?" The general said expectantly. According to his understanding, the Shenxuan Palace can send more than 800 core disciples to support, which should already be for their sixth rank. The kingdom's support is at its limit.

"Under normal circumstances, I am afraid that the Shenxuan Palace will not invest more resources," Wen Pingqiu said, "but now that there are so many people who have mastered the Jiuyou Sunset Art, the Shenxuan Palace will definitely not sit idly by. of!"

Wen Pingqiu knows very well that if these 8000 people grow up, it will have a terrible influence and impact on other superpowers.

With the resources and background of superpowers, it may be a bit of a fantasy to train an ordinary warrior to the Dao realm, but if it is only the peak of spiritual cultivation, it is only a matter of time.

As for the Sunset Sect's Jiuyou Sunset Jue, not everyone can learn it. No matter who learns it, even if it is only the first level, it will give the Sunset Sect an extra powerful member. For those who have cultivated to the Dao realm, the comprehensive strength and background of the entire Sunset Sect will increase dramatically in a short period of time.

Under the same premise, it can be said that people who can defeat someone who has learned the Jiuyou Sunset Jue are almost rare.

Therefore, for those who have learned the Jiuyou Sunset Jue, the measures of Shenxuan Palace are to kill them in the cradle as much as possible, and they will never allow the second Thunderbolt to appear!

In the past, there have been many people who have achieved success in practicing the Jiuyou Sunset Jue, but in the process of growing up, these people have been killed by various means and methods by the Shenxuan Temple and even other super forces, and This batch is definitely the largest.

"If that's the case, that's really great!" The general felt that this matter was no longer a simple war between two countries, and it had even completely risen to the point of future prospects between two superpowers. problem.

Wen Pingqiu's face remained unchanged, because what he was most worried about was not the eight thousand intern disciples of the Sunset Sect who had mastered the Nine Nether Sunset Jue, but whether the Sunset Sect had already found the practice secret of the Nine Nether Sunset Jue, Has it been possible to reduce the threshold and difficulty of this practice to the level that ordinary Sunset Sect disciples can practice?

If this is the case, then it is meaningless to just focus on these 8000 people. If you want to completely eliminate this hidden danger, you must eliminate the entire Sunset Sect...

"It will take two or three days for the support from the Shenxuan Temple to arrive. During this period of time, we may have to avoid and not fight," Wen Pingqiu said.

"Yes, these days I have asked people to strictly guard the position. Our military base has established a very powerful defensive formation. If it is fully powered, unless it is a shot by a strong Daoist, they will not be able to break through it anyway."

"It's really unpleasant to be a coward," Wen Pingqiu sighed, "but there's no other way now!"


On this day, in the forward base of the Shenxiao Empire, whether it was the generals, legion commanders or soldiers, all carnivaled until late at night.

Originally, the next day, the emperor wanted to let everyone rest for a day, but he was immediately opposed by Zhang Mengyu. Of course, the war is to kill you while you are sick. Now is the time when their Xingyu Empire is seriously injured. Whether it's morale or the peak combat power has fallen to the bottom, of course we have to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

This opinion was immediately agreed by everyone. Early in the morning, the entire army of the Shenxiao Empire lined up and rushed to the front line of the Xingyu Empire.

However, this time they did not expect that the frontier positions of the Xingyu Empire were actually empty, and almost no birdman could see them, and outside the walls of their military base, there was actually a wall enclosing the entire fortress. needle method.

"Patriarch, I'm going to break their bird formation!" An intern disciple volunteered to come forward.

"Okay, go and try." Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"Nine Serene Sunset Art!" The intern disciple didn't have any testing process, and what he came up directly was the ultimate move.

When those people on the city wall saw the disciple who performed the Nine Nether Sunset Art, their expressions immediately became a little apprehensive. What they remembered was that this group of youths with blue flames in their eyes killed a man in their position yesterday. Seven in and seven out, if it weren't for the army chiefs who used their lives to pile up, there would be no way to stop them.

The Xingyu Empire and the Shenxiao Empire have been fighting for so long, and this is the first time they have activated this formation. They are extremely worried. Can this thing really stop their stormy attack?
"Youquan Palm!"

The surrounding energy riots caused the entire ground to tremble slightly. A huge blue palm with a length of nearly 20 meters appeared in the sky. The fingerprints on the hand were clearly visible, and each finger exuded a shock wave. .

"Back! Back!" Even with the existence of this stitch, the people on the city wall still have no confidence in their hearts, as if staying away from that palm is the only thing they can do.

"This palm is difficult to catch even the best disciples in the inner sect," the survivors of the Shenxuan Palace were shocked. was released.


A ripple visible to the naked eye appeared on the formation, but it only caused a ripple, as if the formation could absorb all the energy. The energy palm was broken down by a powerful force, and then merged into the formation.

Seeing this scene, the people of the Xingyu Empire breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that these helpers of the Shenxiao Empire are not strong enough to break through their iron walls. At least they are safe temporarily hiding in the formation.

"Damn it, this group is so realistic that you can hide, a group of old sixes," the intern disciple cursed and returned to the team, "Leader, this thing is too hard, I can't break it, why don't we attack together?"

"No need," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "They just want us to waste our efforts here. I see that if the formation doesn't have the attack power of Dao realm level, it is almost impossible to be broken, so no matter how we join forces, we can't do it." It's of no use."

"Then what should we do? Are we just here to watch?"

"That's not true," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Since they won't come out, then we'll force them out. If they can't be forced out, it's okay to make them disgusting. The way of war is to attack the city first, and attack the heart first!"

"I'm going to poison their water!"

"I went to graffiti on the gate of their fortress."

"I'm going to play the BGM!"

"I'm going to cook you a barbecue!"

(End of this chapter)

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