I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1827 I'm Shameless Anyway

Chapter 1827 I'm Shameless Anyway
The area in front of the Xingyu Empire's military fortress gradually became quiet, there was no sound of cursing or shouting, as if the people of the Shenxiao Empire had left.

"What's going on, why did it suddenly become quiet?" In the fortress, several generals, some legion commanders, and the inner disciples from the Shenxuan Palace were all very curious.

"Project the picture over here!"

Soon, the picture in front of the fortress was projected in the war room.

I saw all the soldiers of the Shenxiao Empire lying lazily on the ground, some chatting, some eating fruits and snacks, like a group of ruffians.

Those intern disciples of the Sunset Sect were even more outrageous. Some set up barbecue grills and were grilling meat, some were cooking hot pot, some were watching movies with a projector, and some were painting graffiti on their original positions.

"What are they doing?" Several people with their backs turned caught their attention.

The picture gradually zoomed in. There were streams of powerful water flowing from the crotch of those people, and the place where the water flowed into was the only water source for their fortified base!
Wait, not far away, there are still people taking off their pants and fertilizing towards the water source!
Seeing this scene, many people in the Xingyu Empire immediately felt nauseated. Could it be that the water they drank this morning was mixed with these things?Although the water in the base has been purified, but seeing this scene, it is inevitable that there will be some shocks in my heart.

"What are these people doing?"

"Looks like you're practicing calligraphy?"

"They still practice calligraphy in leisure time? What did they write?"

The screen gradually enlarged, slowly showing the content on the calligraphy paper.






A general slammed the table, "They are blatantly humiliating us! The soldiers can't be humiliated, let's go out and fight them!"

"Bo Sigang, don't be impulsive!" The other general seemed much more rational, "Their purpose is to hope that we will become angry and lose our minds. The more they are like this, it means that they are incapable of our formation. We just need to rest assured and wait for support That's it."

"But we just watched them humiliate us?" The general named Bo Sigang was obviously short-tempered and violent.

"Out of sight, out of mind," several disciples of Shenxuan Hall closed their eyes and rested their minds while recovering from their injuries, "When our reinforcements arrive, after defeating them, how much humiliation we have suffered today will come naturally at that time." It can be returned with interest.”

"Mr. Wen is right. Don't judge a hero by the momentary victory or defeat. This war is not over yet. Who can have the last laugh and not know!"

"This group of people can really bear it!" Zhang Menglong was lying on a chair with a huge parasol on top, and a drink of melon seeds and peanuts in hand, and the tablet on his lap was playing the latest Gongdou drama.

They have used this method to provoke and insult each other, unexpectedly, the people in the Xingyu Empire have not moved at all, these people can't belong to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, right?
"Okay, stop dancing!" Zhang Mengyu directly called to stop the trainee disciples who were dancing the Shamate family dance not far ahead, "We have to think of other ways."

"Patriarch, we have used all the means of disgusting people, and we have nothing to do if they don't come out."

"Yes, Patriarch, they are too tolerant, and their perseverance almost scared me."

"If they don't come out, are we going to waste here?"

"When I was hiding from night demons in the ancient cave, I was not as stubborn as they were."

"Brother, do you have any good ideas?" Zhang Mengyu turned his gaze to Xiu Miao.

Xiu Miao and the others shook their heads. Just now, Zhang Menglong and his fellow's despicable and shameless methods made him feel a little embarrassed. He really didn't want to admit that these people were the disciples of their Sunset Sect. .Peeing and shitting in other people's drinking water, is this something decent people do?
"Since the brothers don't have any ideas, then I'll follow my idea," Zhang Menglong hooked his hands towards the younger brothers beside him, "help me bring the group of inner disciples from the Shenxuan Palace here."

"Hahaha, I understand, Patriarch, I just said, why do these people go to such great lengths to capture them alive? It turns out that they are planning to do it now."

"That's right, we still have the hostages from Shenxuan Temple. If they don't come out, we will kill one person before they let us wait for a minute, until they come out!" Changed, "Who said he was going to kill someone, don't you think it's disgraceful and shameless to threaten others with this method?"

"This..." Those intern disciples were stunned for a moment, although... what they did just now, are they glorious and embarrassing?

"Patriarch, what do you mean?"

"The so-called scholar can be killed but not humiliated, and not killing is nothing but humiliation!" Zhang Mengyu has long been a veteran driver for doing this kind of thing.

"Patriarch, didn't you just say that the method of threatening your life is disgraceful and shameless? Isn't this humiliating way more."

"It doesn't matter," Zhang Mengyu said indifferently, "When did I say that I am shameless, anyway, I am shameless!"

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu said, and all the trainee disciples showed the expressions of all the villains on their faces. They have been with Zhang Mengyu for three years, so they naturally know his character, and even now they have begun to get excited. up.

"Patriarch, I brought him here." A group of intern disciples brought over the disciples from the Shenxuan Palace who were tightly bound.

They were all poisoned by Zhang Menglong. Without his antidote, they would not be able to use any energy except that their physical fitness was stronger than ordinary people.

"Don't you kneel down when you see our patriarch?"

"Hmph!" Those inner disciples of the Shenxuan Palace are quite backbone, "You are just a group of intern disciples of the Sunset Sect, and your status is not equal to ours. Even if we are your captives, if you want us to kneel down Absolutely impossible!"

"That's right, you kill us if you have the ability, and if you want us to be subdued, don't even think about it!"

"Very good," Zhang Mengyu nodded in satisfaction, "I, Gu, like you guys with backbone, I am willing to call you warriors, let them loose first!"

Although those trainee disciples were very puzzled, they still loosened them. Anyway, even if they were loosened, they would not be able to escape.

"You can come directly to whatever you want, you don't need to beat around the bush." ​​The disciples of Shenxuan Palace saw that the gentler Zhang Mengyu's attitude was, the more uneasy their inner feelings were magnified.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want everyone to cooperate with me and let your people open the city and surrender, or just give up fighting for the fairy tree and withdraw directly."

"Don't even think about it!"

"We can't be traitors."

"Very good, what I want is your attitude," Zhang Meng said with a hippie smile, "Warriors should be rewarded. Let me first invite you to eat some special products from our hometown!"

"What? A specialty of the patriarch's hometown?"

"I want to eat it too! The milk tea we drank last time, the patriarch, was so delicious."

"The spicy strips are also very good, with a sour taste."

"I'm envious, this is a real reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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