I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1828 You have a taste

Chapter 1828 You have a taste
Everyone was looking forward to seeing what kind of special products Zhang Mengyu could come up with, and even the corners of his mouth were already drooling, and he knew everything. Zhang Mengyu didn't have any hobbies at ordinary times, but he just liked to eat good things.

Even the inner disciples of the Sunset Sect came forward curiously, wondering what exactly is the special product that Gu Xiao mentioned, which can make other trainee disciples salivate so much.

"What Gu Xiao admires the most is people with courage. When you finish eating these things from me, I will let you go back!"

"What you said is true?" The eyes of the disciples of Shenxuan Hall lit up. They thought that their life was not long, but now there is an opportunity for a turnaround.

"I, Gu Xiao, spit and nailed every word, and let you go back when I say I will let you go back."

"Ah?" The people of the Shenxiao Empire look at me and I look at you. These disciples of the Shenxuan Palace killed countless people, so they just let them go back?And you want to treat them to a meal?How in the world is there such a cheap thing?
But according to the understanding of Zhang Mengyu by those intern disciples, this matter is definitely not that simple. They have two labels for Zhang Mengyu.

One is in martial arts, mysterious, powerful, genius, monster, evildoer, all kinds of praises are placed on him without any sense of disobedience.

The other is that in terms of his character, despicable, shameless, insidious, obscene, obscene, and vengeful, no matter how vicious the description is for him, it will not make him blush.

How is it possible to let go of these people from Shenxuan Palace?Unless he was taken away!

I saw Zhang Mengyu took out a gas stove, put a pot on it, and took out something that looked square.

This thing looks very soft in texture, but for some reason, the white square is covered with black mildew spots, as if something has deteriorated after a long time. It's an indescribable feeling.

However, looking at these things, they actually found that some crystal clear things appeared at the corners of Zhang Meng's mouth, which looked almost like saliva!
Zhang Mengyu lit the stove, poured half a pot of oil into the pot, and then heated it with a different fire, and the oil in the oil pot boiled quickly.

Then, he took out a pair of very long chopsticks, and carefully put those white squares into the oil pan one by one.

"Bah!" With a burst of white smoke, a crispy golden shell slowly appeared on the surface of the white cube.

"What a miraculous thing?"

"Damn it, what does it smell like!"

"It stinks! Vomit!"

"Is the patriarch cooking shit? Vomit."

"Back! Back!"

The person leaning on the front immediately smelled the disgusting smell, which even made people feel uncomfortable as if wafting from the latrine of a mortal.

No matter how strong the warrior's resistance to toxic gas is, they still have nothing to do with this kind of non-toxic, but smelly thing that can't be described in words.

However, Zhang Meng is clearly at the core of the smell, but his expression is still very calm, even a little intoxicated, as if the smell is the best smell in the world.

"Well, the marinating time is in place, it's very exciting!"

Zhang Mengyu took out a bowl, poured in various condiments, added a little coriander and mixed it, and finally put a piece of fried crispy stinky tofu into the bowl.

"Yeah, it tastes good!"

"This Senior Brother Gu Xiao is actually eating shit!?"

"Why does he have such a strong taste!"


"If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred!"

"No, even if he eats so deliciously, there is no problem with other people's noses!"

The sight of Zhang Menglong's relish made everyone feel a chill, he didn't intend to kill these prisoners, he wanted them to be disgusted to death!
The captives also had stomach upsets one by one. No wonder Zhang Mengyu said that he let them go after eating these things. How can there be such a good thing in this world? What is the difference between this and letting them eat shit?
"Wait a minute," Zhang Mengyu lit another pot, and then opened a pack of snail powder. When the stinky bamboo shoots were added, the smell permeated again, and the two smells mixed together, which immediately made people Can't hold back the nausea anymore.


"What is this again. Vomit!"

"Chiliu!" Zhang Menglong picked up a bowl of noodles and started sucking. This scene is really hard to look at.

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao is really a ruthless person!"

"I was still envious of those captives just now. Let me eat these things, it would be better to kill me."

"Yeah, torture is just pain. This thing is not only torturing the body, but also torturing the spirit."

"Let you try canned herring again." Zhang Menglong opened a food that he had never dared to eat so far. The moment he lifted the lid, even though Zhang Menglong had prepared himself, he couldn't help but gasp. nausea. "


"I'll go, Senior Brother Gu Xiao vomited himself up."

"Senior brother Gu Xiao can even eat boiled shit, this thing actually makes him sick, what is this?"

"I saw that there seemed to be some liquid in the can. Could it be that it was fermented for hundreds of years or even thousands of years?"

"Ouch, stop talking, ooh!"

Old BJ soybean juice, Thai durian, and blue cheese Zhang Mengyu took out all the smelliest foods in the world and put them in front of the captives. With the interweaving of several flavors, the smell may have been poisonous.

"What is that?" The soldiers of the Xingyu Empire and the survivors of the Shenxuan Temple in the military fortress all showed doubts. All they could see was that the group of people vomited and retched.

Just now they thought that the people from the Sunset Sect pulled out their fellow sects to threaten them, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Let's start choosing, which one do you want to eat first?" Zhang Menglong looked at them with a wicked look, "Eat three and you can go."

"You kill us!"

"What's the point of torturing us? You can't be humiliated!"

"You don't want us to eat anything!"

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Come here, feed them two bites of each food!"

"Patriarch, we dare not come over!"

"Patriarch, it stinks!"

"A bunch of trash!"

Zhang Mengyu complained, took the food and began to pour the food into the mouths of the disciples of the Shenxuan Palace.

For them, the taste was already unbearable, and when these things were stuffed into their mouths, they all started crying.

"Hey, why don't you try it? It's really delicious. You smell it, but it's actually very fragrant and tastes very good. You will definitely open the door to a new world."

"Hey, most people can't eat it. This is the authentic snail powder, the best powder!"

"This canned herring is really strong, but foreigners like it very much. You should try it!"

"Brother, don't cry, just eat something, as for?"

"Hey, why did you start throwing up before I even gave it to you? It's really delicious, if you don't believe me, I'll show you!"

This picture made the people in the Shenxuan Palace grit their teeth. The intern disciple of the Sunset Sect was obviously forcing them to eat something extremely disgusting, and wanted to humiliate them in the Shenxuan Palace in this way, thereby angering them.

"This bastard!"

"Sunset Sect, our Shenxuan Palace will never die with you!"

"I have wronged you, you bear the humiliation today, and you will definitely seek justice for you in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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