I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1829 How Much Ransom Is Appropriate

Chapter 1829 How Much Ransom Is Appropriate

Zhang Menglong was enthusiastically carrying out her food course, when Xiu Miao walked to his side with a solemn expression, "Junior Gu, something very troublesome has happened!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Meng asked curiously.

"I just got the news from the sect. The news about you has been conveyed to the Shenxuan Palace. Now the whole Shenxuan Palace attaches great importance to it. At present, they have assembled a team of 12000 core disciples plus three direct disciples. Supporting the front of the scene."

"So fast? Their news is very well-informed," Zhang Meng touched his chin. The core disciples of Shenxuan Palace are nothing to him, but there is still some gap for other intern disciples. Only when their life level has reached the third level of spiritual cultivation or above, or they have comprehended the second level of the Jiuyou Sunset Art, can they resist them.

"Then do we have support?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"No," Xiu Miao smiled wryly, "Our Sunset Sect's core disciples were originally not as many as Shenxuan Palace. Recently, there is a very important matter. The sect is anxious to devote a large number of core disciples and above to it. Now there are less than 1000 core disciples in the entire sect, less than one-tenth of their number!"

"Did the elder not say anything?" Zhang Menglong continued to ask.

"Originally the elder in charge of the task was going to send several elders over directly, but was stopped by the abandoned elder. Once the dispatch of the elders was involved, the nature of the matter became completely different, and it might even rise from a test. to direct conflicts between sects."

"What should I do?"

"What the elders mean is that if you give up this task, you have done a good job. If you all pass this assessment, you can all be promoted to outer sect disciples, and you can return immediately!"

The news about Zhang Mengyu and others not only spread to Shenxuan Hall, but also to the Sunset Sect at the same time. Now everyone knows that this group of intern disciples are monsters, and every disciple who has comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Art is a treasure. It would be strange if they could still be expelled. Even if these people can grow up a few more, the future of the Sunset Sect will definitely be brilliant.

Under the comprehensive consideration, it is absolutely not worthwhile to bring so many dangers to these geniuses for the sake of a small sixth-rank empire without being able to protect them from all risks!
As for sending reinforcements to support them... They obviously have a lower-cost way to protect these good seedlings, so why would they take the risk of heavy losses?A small sixth-rank affiliated empire, as many as they want, even if the Shenxiao Empire is destroyed, it is insignificant to the entire Shenxiao Empire.

When Xiu Miao said this, everyone in the surrounding Shenxiao Empire heard it, and the smile on the emperor's face froze immediately.

This means that the Sunset Sect is about to give up their Shenxiao Empire!
Now that such a large number of Shenxuan Temple disciples have arrived, if they lose the assistance of the Sunset Sect, their Shenxiao Empire may not just lose this battle. There is no suspense about the outcome of this war. Give up that fairy tree!
Not only that, but with the decline of their overall national strength, they may soon be attacked by the Xingyu Empire!Even once they leave, it will be the day when the Shenxiao Empire will be destroyed!

Princess Lingxi also turned pale at this moment, she had just felt some joy of victory and the hope brought to her by the Sunset Sect, and this emotion only lasted for one night.

What do 12000 core disciples represent?That represented 12000 characters who were beyond their general ranks!There are only thirty or so people like this in the entire Shenxiao Empire.

According to the huge disparity in strength between the inner disciples and the legion commander, she has every reason to believe that even only one or two core disciples are needed, and the core combat power of the Shenxiao Empire will be completely wiped out, and they will lose The last point is to rely on.

"Brother, what about you?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"We are also preparing to return," Xiu Miao sighed, "The Zongmen decided that this mission will be calculated based on 50% completion, and our trip is not a waste of time. It is estimated that there will be reinforcements from the Shenxuan Temple for at most two days. We're here, we're ready to go!"

Zhang Mengyu didn't make any comments. This was Xiu Miao's own choice. It was right for them to avoid risks, and he couldn't use his own moral standards to judge him.

"I understand," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

"Then we will see you at the Sunset Sect!"

Xiu Miao turned around and said to the king and others, "Everyone, we have tried our best, sorry!"

The king's lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but he restrained himself in the end.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone, and have a safe journey." At this moment, the king seemed to have aged several decades.

The Sunset Sect abandoned them. How could they find other ways to protect their country in just two days?

"It's running so fast!" Zhang Mengyu looked up, and the spaceships of these inner disciples had already left. It seems that such a large number of core disciples of the Shenxuan Temple really put them under great psychological pressure, even Xiu Miao Before such a situation, most people seemed powerless.

"Patriarch, shall we go too?" Those intern disciples are actually very clear that their current strength can only fight against the inner disciples. More than half of them!
In addition to the three personal disciples, this time the Shenxuan Hall is determined to wipe them all out.

"Let's go? Let's go! They come here to trouble us for such a big battle. If we leave, it would be impolite!" Zhang Mengyu laughed.

"I knew Patriarch, you wouldn't just go there like this!"

"But patriarch, we can't beat them!"

"Shut up, since the patriarch has asked us to stay, it means that he has a countermeasure, and we can follow the instructions in all actions!"

"You...you're not leaving?" The king was a little surprised when he heard the conversation between Zhang Mengyu and the others. Even the Sunset Sect had given up on them, and these intern disciples actually chose to stay here.

"Don't go, we never said we would go!" Zhang Meng said with a smile.

"But they are obviously here for you. According to their lineup...with all due respect, our Shenxiao Empire is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. We can't help you at all. You should evacuate before they arrive. Bar."

"This is the destiny of our Shenxiao Empire," Princess Lingxi said with tears in the corner of her eyes, "Everyone has worked very hard, there is no need to stay here and wait to die with us."

Princess Lingxi knew that even if they stayed, it would be meaningless, unless the Sunset Sect also sent a large-scale reinforcement, but obviously, this was impossible.

"Why are we waiting to die?" Zhang Mengyu said calmly, "It's just a group of core disciples. If we can't deal with it today, it doesn't mean we still won't be able to deal with it two days later."

"Could it be that Mr. Gu has a solution?" After this battle, they no longer dared to use ordinary logic to examine these intern disciples of the Sunset Sect.

"Hey," Zhang Mengyu smiled mysteriously, "You say, there are more than 800 inner disciples, 12000 core disciples, and three direct disciples, how much ransom should I ask for from Shenxuanzong?"

(End of this chapter)

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