I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1835 This son must not let go of the Sunset Sect

"Divine vein? He also activated a divine vein?"

"It's impossible! How could someone activate the divine veins at the first level of divine cultivation? What kind of monster is he?"

"The Tao is illusory, and it takes a long time to comprehend and perceive it to be able to comprehend it, and the closer to the Tao realm, the higher the possibility of comprehending it. I have never heard of anyone who can comprehend it so easily. .”

Everyone in the Shenxuan Palace was extremely shocked.

For example, to comprehend a Tao is like doing a doctoral research project. It must be possible to complete this project after accumulating a lot of knowledge. Compared with undergraduates, graduate students may not be able to do it. This topic, but graduate students must be easier to understand this topic than undergraduates.

But now you tell me that a primary school student can research this doctorate, which is very difficult for anyone to accept.

"This group of mentally retarded people really dare to choose our patriarch, now they know that they are kicking on the steel plate?"

Regarding this, the disciples of the Sunset Sect did not seem to be surprised at all. You must know that they and Zhang Menglong had been together for several years. , is definitely not comparable to the breakthrough of ordinary martial artists in the spiritual realm.

Even after Zhang Mengyu's breakthrough, everyone really wanted to know how strong he is now, so they proposed a match, a match of 1 vs. 8000 players.

In that small space of the training ground, the 8000 people didn't touch Zhang Mengyong for a moment, and were almost defeated by him in a crushing posture. Zhang Mengyong is so powerful that even the disciples who fought against him can't understand now. .

Faced with such a situation, Wanning was at a loss for a while.

Originally thought that he had already completed the most difficult step leading to the Dao Realm, and the road from now on would be smooth, and today he would certainly be able to avenge his shame, but he did not expect that Zhang Mengyu's progress was even worse than he imagined. Know how big.

"So what if you also comprehend a Tao?" Wanning gritted his teeth, "The difference between the first grade of divine cultivation and the peak of spiritual cultivation has already reached dozens of times, even if you have mastered the complete Tianxuan Sutra, it is three or four It’s just a ten-fold increase, and I still have a ten-fold increase, how can I calculate that I am several times stronger than you, do you think you can beat me?”

"Who told you that I only comprehended one Tao?" A mocking smile flashed across the corner of Zhang's dim mouth, "Why don't you take a closer look?"

As soon as Zhang Mengyu's voice fell, the surrounding temperature began to rise suddenly.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a sun undergoing violent nuclear fusion. The whole area seemed to be scorched by the sun, showing a strange red color, and various mineral elements in the sand on the ground began to explode. Melting and deteriorating, even the ground within tens of meters around him has been burned into a large piece of crystal clear glass.

"He also activated a fire attribute divine meridian!" The disciples of the Shenxuan Palace retreated. If they did not take any measures, it would be difficult for them to withstand the high temperature in this area. A martial artist of the first or second rank of spiritual cultivation entered this area, maybe he would be directly burned to death by the high temperature here!
"Spiritual cultivation of the first rank, activates two divine veins, there is no one before, and there will be no one after. Even in ancient books, I have never heard of such a precedent."

"Yeah, he has just stepped into the first rank of divine cultivation, and he has already obtained the passport of the Dao Realm. Once he advances to the Dao Realm, his strength will be many times stronger than ordinary Dao Realm experts. Two divine veins !"

"Looking at the whole world, there are still quite a few people who have several divine veins, but those who can advance to the Dao realm after comprehending two Daos are simply rare."

"This son must not be sent back to the Sunset Sect. No matter what today, even if we try our best, we must keep him here. Otherwise, our Shenxuan Palace will never have a bright future!"

"The three of us are going to help Wanning," the three personal disciples made a decision immediately, "The rest of you, kill that group of intern disciples in the shortest possible time, kill as much as you can!"

There is an unquestionable killing intent in their tone. Under normal circumstances, when there is a conflict between superpowers, everyone will try not to hurt each other's life.

But with the relationship between Shenxuan Palace and Sunset Sect, and these people have all comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Art, if they are not killed, it will be cruel to the entire Shenxuan Palace, even if they become a traitor. Not too much.

"Okay, let's make a quick decision!"

"Well, it's just a group of intern disciples. Even if they have mastered the Nine Nether Sunset Art of the first floor, they are absolutely impossible to be our opponents."

"There are only more than 8000 of them. We will solve one of them, and the rest will surround the surrounding area to prevent them from breaking out, and try our best to ensure that no one is left alive!"

"it is good!"

More than 12000 disciples of the Shenxuan Palace immediately rushed over with shouts. Almost all the core disciples of the Shenxuan Palace have practiced the Tianxuan Sutra to the current limit, and they can completely increase their strength by 5 to 8 times. It is not much worse than the first level of the Sunset Sect's Nine Serene Sunset Jue, coupled with their superior realm, in their view, this is not a suspenseful battle.

"It's coming, isn't it?"

"They don't want to get rid of us first, and then go to gang up on our patriarch?"

"Silly dog, then you have made the wrong idea. If two days ago, we really had no power to fight back, but now, brothers!"

"It's time to pretend."

"Full firepower, and strive to solve all problems within 5 minutes."

"To die or to live?"

"Nonsense, the one who was going to be alive at that time, how can the dead be worth as much as the living?"


The warriors from the Shenxuan Palace almost rushed to their faces, but the intern disciples of the Sunset Sect were still chatting, as if their murderous aura was like the breeze blowing over the hills.

However, at this moment, the atmosphere of all the Sunset Sect trainee disciples changed.

"Nine Serene Sunset Technique!"

The tenfold increase made everyone's aura almost comparable to that of the eighth rank of divine cultivation.

However, compared with those core disciples, the aura of this level is still several grades behind.

"Hahaha, I thought how powerful they could be. If we hadn't studied the Profound Sky Scripture, they might have been able to fight us."

"Don't be so proud of yourself. Don't forget, this is just a group of intern disciples. Is it a glorious thing for us to defeat a group of intern disciples?"

"That's right, if they grow into core disciples, we will probably be rubbed against the ground by them!"

"Fortunately, this group of people was not protected by the Sunset Sect. We will all die in this cradle of growth today!"

"Don't let any of them break through!"

"Do you think this is the end?" All the disciples of the Setting Sun Sect suddenly showed strange smiles on their faces.

"Breakthrough? I'll hit your face!"

"Nine Serene Sunset Technique!"

"Second floor!"

"Boom!" Everyone's aura increased sharply again on the original basis, some were five times stronger, some were eight times stronger, and some were even directly ten times stronger!
At this moment, their aura is almost the same as that of this group of core disciples, and some of them even far surpass them!
"This..." The people in the Shenxuan Palace were instantly petrified.

"is that a lie?"

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