"Second floor? It's impossible!" You Yang and the others were about to step forward to help Wanning, but the murderous aura made them stop immediately.

Every disciple of the Sunset Sect is shrouded in a dark blue arrogance, and the power emitted by anyone is no less than that of a core disciple who has used all his trump cards.

Before this, there were only more than 100 people in the entire Sunset Sect who had comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Jue, and only a dozen people could comprehend the second level, and most of these people were above the elder level of the Sunset Sect task, the only exception is the disciple named Wu Shuang.

This person named Wu Shuang, on the surface, is the competitor of most people in the Shenxuan Palace, but secretly, the entire Shenxuan Palace has already regarded him as a target that must be killed!Because he was allowed to develop, many years later, he might break through to become the second thunder.

But Wu Shuang is not easy to kill!

First, his strength is strong. Almost all the ordinary core disciples are instantly killed by him. Even those direct disciples, there are very few people who can survive a few moves under his hands. If you want to kill him, I am afraid it will take a lot of energy. human and material resources.

Second, his whereabouts are erratic, he is a pure lone ranger, no matter inside or outside the sect, he always walks alone, and he will never tell others his whereabouts, so to find him, It is already a very difficult thing.

So far, Shenxuan Palace has launched several plans to attack and kill Wu Shuangzhan, but none of them have been successful so far.

I still remember the time when they were the closest to success, they dispatched more than 2000 core disciples and famous direct disciples, and even 12 elders!
That time, Wu Shuang was out on a mission, and was accidentally discovered by a disciple of Shen Xuan Temple.

After hearing the news, the entire Shenxuan Hall immediately assembled such a troop to follow him.

That battle almost shattered the land comparable to half of the country. Wu Shuang left a total of 122 wounds on his body, 31 of which were fatal. I don’t know how he finally escaped from the siege of these people. , More than half of the more than 2000 disciples lost, 4 elders fell, and the rest were all injured.

And Wu Shuang himself was so seriously injured that he almost fell, and fell into a coma for half a year before being rescued after the entire Sunset Sect tried their best.

It can be seen from this that a person who has learned the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Jue is really terrifying. Even in the subsequent killing operations, those who paid to carry out the mission have psychological shadows, and several of them are still in action. Just quit directly.

And these more than 8000 people have all mastered the second layer of the Jiuyou Sunset Jue. The gap between them and Wu Shuang is only the gap in the level of life, but under the Dao Realm, for any superpower, it is very difficult. If there is no bottleneck period, you only need to invest a lot of resources and time, and sooner or later you will be able to advance to the peak of spiritual cultivation!

These people, after a few years, may be more than 8000 Wu Shuang, and even this group of Wu Shuang, there is a certain probability that a few thunders will break through!

But now, this is no longer an issue they need to discuss. If these people are at the peak of spiritual cultivation, they can all be left behind as long as two or three come out. What they need to consider is how to die, and whether there will be a corpse after death. up.

Fortunately, these people are only at the second and third ranks of spiritual cultivation, even if they are so strong, they still don't have any overwhelming strength.

Of course, their goal of killing these geniuses in their cradles is just a wish.

Now what they need to consider is how to break through and how to return to Shenxuan Hall.

"I must have gone out without reading the almanac. How could I accept such an outrageous task?"

"The 8000 people who have comprehended the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art, what do we use to fight? Do we use our heads? Even if their heads are smashed, they are no match for them!"

"Don't think about how to win, everyone first think about how to withdraw, we seem to be surrounded!"

At some point, the roles of hunter and prey have been reversed. The 8000 intern disciples of the Sunset Sect have surrounded them, and even blocked their retreat intentionally or unintentionally. Not going to let them go.

"Why, brothers, why are you planning to run away before you start?"

"Aren't you full of momentum just now? It seems that you are going to wipe us out, but why are you starting to retreat now? Are you going to leave us with a way out?"

"Don't, it's rare to find a few who can practice, why don't you play with us first."

Those intern disciples were still chattering, when suddenly, a figure descended from the sky, hitting the ground hard like a meteorite.


The entire land trembled suddenly, and the sand on the ground flew hundreds of meters into the air under the powerful impact force like a volcanic eruption.

At some point, the bodies of Zhang Mengyu and Wanning disappeared in the sky.

"What are you all doing? Didn't I say I won't work overtime today?"

Zhang's hazy voice came from the smoke, and after a while, his body slowly appeared in the thinner smoke.

His body was still shrouded in that burst of red high-temperature energy. After he left, the irregular column of smoke and dust had turned into a crystal clear glass statue!It can be seen to what extent the surrounding temperature has reached.

His left hand grasped Wanning's head. He was naked, and even his hair had been pulled out a little later. The whole person was like a long meat ball. Now Wanning seemed to have passed out, as if he had been in a coma. Like a piece of rubbish, it was held in Zhang Menglong's hand, and the aura of looking down on the world when he activated the divine meridian just now was gone.

"I thought it was awesome, I almost killed him with one punch," Zhang Mengyu casually threw him on top of the glass statue, if not for the faint breath, others might have thought Wanning was dead up.


"I haven't even started yet, why is he already finished?"

"The patriarch is indeed the patriarch, he is indeed the fastest man among our outer disciples."

"Let me just say, there is no need to use minutes as a unit of time, and seconds are already very worthy of him!"

"What happened just now?" The three personal disciples were still in a daze. The moment they were distracted, Zhang Mengyu made a move. Even before they saw what happened, Wanning was punched by him It was blown away, and then there was this scene.

They originally thought that even if Wanning was not Zhang Mengyu's opponent, they could at least entangle him for a while, but they didn't know whether they had overestimated Wanning or underestimated Zhang Mengyu.

"Brothers, it's our turn now!"


"Or are the three personal disciples also left to us?"

"I can deal with it alone!"

"Hey, hey, those few hairs are about to run away, hurry up and catch them!"

"Damn! They all ran away? Playing tactics, right? Fortunately, the patriarch also taught us some other skills, otherwise we would really let you run a few!"

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Four Elephant Fist!"


"Flying Thunder God!"


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