I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1840 If he does not die, there will be endless troubles

Chapter 1840 If he does not die, there will be endless troubles

On the edge of an ocean in the northwest of the mainland, extremely lush energy gathers here, and even between the waves of this ocean, there is energy surging.

This is an ancient ocean of energy. Every drop of water in this ocean is condensed from the purest energy. Its existence is even similar to the Sunset River of the Sunset Sect, except that one is the power of luck and the other is The energy of heaven and earth cultivated by ordinary warriors.

But even so, this is already very precious.

But this is a place where ordinary warriors are not qualified to set foot. There is no other reason. Here is the most powerful Shenxuan Palace among the superpowers. Here, anyone except the disciples of Shenxuan Palace will be regarded as an invasion.

Although this area is an unowned land, the strength and dominance of the Shenxuan Palace are well known, so this sea of ​​energy has almost become the private property of the Shenxuan Palace!

At the edge of this ocean, there are no palaces and pavilions. Here is a floating island with nine floors separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It is called the seventh heaven of Shenxuan Temple!
Each floating island is a layer of heaven, and each layer of sky is separated by tens of thousands of kilometers. It is like a series of barriers that divide all the people in the Shenxuan Temple into three, six, and nine classes.

The people of the first level have the lowest status in the Shenxuan Temple, and every time the interns stay in the first level, the cultivation resources and other facilities here are also the worst.

The second heaven is the place where the disciples of the outer sect practice daily, and so on, and the fifth heaven is the place where the elders and other important mission disciples live and practice.

The sixth heaven is the residence of those elders.

The seventh heaven is where the deputy hall masters and hall masters of Shenxuan Hall live.

People in the next level are not eligible to enter the previous level, while those in the previous level can walk in and out at will in the next level, and even do some excessive things within the scope of the rules, not only will they not be punished , and even be encouraged by the Divine Profound Hall.

The reason is also very simple. With oppression, there will be resistance. In that kind of adversity, it is easier to give birth to the strong.

Of course, they also selectively ignored a problem. In such a deformed environment, even if a strong person is born, most people will have some psychological deformities.

This has also caused many people in the Shenxuan Temple to have some psychological problems. This kind of psychological problem may be bound by various constraints inside the Shenxuan Temple, but once they go outside, these deformities will immediately magnify , or even erupt.

The sixth floor of the Shenxuan Temple, all the elders live in this area, except that the direct disciples of these elders can come up to stay for a period of time at certain times, most of the time, this place is very quiet.


Suddenly, a voice resounded through the entire Six Heavens from the most central Presbyterian Church.

"The Sunset Sect is really deceiving people!"

An old man with white beard and hair had a deadly killing intent surging from him at this moment.

Just now, they got the news that the two groups of disciples sent by Shenxuan Palace to support the Xingyu Empire lost contact. They only confirmed the news after contacting the Xingyu Empire. The two groups of disciples were all killed by the setting sun Zong captive!
Now, they have launched a redemption inquiry to Shenxuan Temple, and they have offered a very terrifying price.

An inner disciple asked for 1000 billion divine crystals.

A core disciple asked for 8000 billion Shenjing.

A personal disciple, the ransom price is 5 trillion divine crystals!

This is no longer blackmail, it can even be considered robbery!
Of course, this is not the first time that such a thing has happened. It is normal for these superpowers to have some friction when they are walking in the rivers and lakes, but for the sake of the overall harmony of many forces, this kind of rule has emerged.

In the past, the Shenxuan Temple asked for ransom more than once after capturing the disciples of the Sunset Sect, and even the price they asked for was no lower than these.

Just because this time, they changed from the blackmailer to the blackmailed party, so there was an inner imbalance.

Another reason is that so far, there has never been such a large number of captives. If they really want to redeem this group of disciples, then the price they need to pay is definitely an astronomical figure.

"Great Elder, do we want to redeem people?"

"Nonsense!" The great elder in the middle said angrily, "People must be redeemed, otherwise are you waiting for others to see the jokes of our Shenxuan Palace? The price we pay for cultivating a disciple is no less than their ransom. "

"This money is nothing more than increasing the tax rates of some affiliated countries and forces in the past few years. You can arrange it."

"Yes, then I will prepare immediately."

"Besides, who can explain this matter to me, when did their Sunset Sect become so powerful?" the Great Elder asked, "Moreover, why tens of thousands of core disciples were involved in the battle of a small sixth-rank empire?" And direct disciples?"

"Also, how can there be so many people from the Sunset Sect who can fight us? Are they going all out?"

"Great Elder, let me explain this matter," the elder in charge of the sect's task management stood up, "In the beginning, it was indeed just a not-too-exaggerated task. Hundreds of inner sect disciples dispatched immediately. It can be solved."

"But who knew, the Sunset Sect actually sent a group of intern disciples to compete with us."

"Intern disciples? You mean a group of intern disciples who defeated and captured our elite disciples?" The elder sneered, "You think my words are funny?"

"Grand Elder, I'm not joking. This group of intern disciples is very unusual. When they first appeared, they were at most a force of the first rank of spiritual cultivation. Under normal circumstances, it couldn't be easier for our inner disciples to deal with them."

"Then why is this happening?"

"We later found out that these people are not ordinary trainee disciples at all, and may even be a group of special disciples secretly trained by the Sunset Sect! There are more than 8000 of these people, and everyone has comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Art!"

"What did you say?" The Great Elder shuddered when he heard these words. One must know why he is able to sit in this position now, because the previous Great Elder was punched by Lei Poguan who performed the Nine Nether Sunset Art. The dog's head exploded. "

"So I immediately dispatched 12000 core disciples to go there. The Xingyu Empire's war is small, and the disciples of the Sun Sect must find a way to eliminate them."

"There is nothing wrong with your choice," said the Great Elder, "Then why were they all captured? Could it be that the Sunset Sect sent an elder?"

"No, the elder shook his head, "There was a huge loophole in our intelligence. When our support arrived, the strength of these people unexpectedly increased to the second or even third rank of divine cultivation. I suspect that they hid it from the beginning. strength. "

"And the most important point," the elder gritted his teeth, "According to the news from the Xingyu Empire, the disciples of the Sunset Sect not only have a good understanding of the martial arts and techniques of our Shenxuan Temple, but also know all their characteristics and flaws. even"

"Even what? Don't haggle."

"Even each of them has mastered the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Jue!"

"What did you say?"

"And there is an intern disciple who seems to be the leader of those people. He only has the first grade of spiritual cultivation, but he has 16 divine veins, and now he has awakened two!"

"When did such a genius appear in the Sunset Sect? What's the name of that person?"

"It seems to be called Gu Xiao."

"Gu Xiao?" In the elders' table, an elder suddenly stood up, "I knew this little thing would not die, and it would cause endless troubles for our Shenxuan Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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