Chapter 1841 Calculation
"It really is this little bastard!" Elder Xi, who had appeared during the selection of super-power disciples, suddenly stood up, "I said at the time that if this kid doesn't kill the grass, he will definitely be a serious problem for my Shenxuan Palace in the future. What do you think? He is too young to be a threat, and he has grown to this level in just three years!"

"Are you trying to make a thunderbolt?"

In Shenxuan Temple, the three characters Lei Poguan have always been a very taboo name, but this time, no one came out to refute him, especially the other elders who participated in the selection activities at that time also had a look on their faces. An expression of remorse.

"If you want me to say, you should have turned against them at that time, and slapped that kid to death. Now that he is only the first rank of divine cultivation, he can already instantly kill a person at the level of a direct disciple. He doesn't even need to cultivate to the peak of spiritual cultivation. He only needs to be divine. Cultivating the fourth and fifth ranks, none of us are his opponents!"

Elder Xi burst out all the words he wanted to say in his heart, because among the captured people this time, one of his personal disciples was his student!How does this not make him angry?

"Now is not the time to pursue responsibility!" The Great Elder said, "You all know what kind of terrifying thing the Nine Nether Sunset Art is. Once a step and a half away, Lei Poguan, who had awakened three divine veins, relied on the Nine Nether Sunset The second level of the tactic will make all the dogs and dogs below the deputy head of the Shenxuan Hall restless!"

"Now there are more than 8000 disciples of the Sunset Sect who have comprehended the second level of the Jiuyou Sunset Jue. These people will definitely devote all their resources to cultivating them. At that time, there may even be more than two or three people like Lei Poguan. Well, how can our Shenxuan Palace rely on it to deal with it?"

"One more point!" Another elder added, "This also means that Gu Xiao has almost mastered all the secrets of martial arts and martial arts in our Shenxuan Temple. Now it is obvious that he has already told these secrets among the group of intern disciples They have, and if this information spreads further, then things will get very bad!"

"That's right, the background of our Shenxuan Temple is here. If there is no way to solve this problem, we will compete with others in the future, and the people in our Shenxuan Palace will definitely be crushed and defeated!"

"You have analyzed so much, and you have sold a lot of anxiety. What about the result?" Another elder, who was a bit grumpy and aggressive, asked, "Now I want to hear who can give some effective countermeasures!"

"Let me say a few words!" The Great Elder interrupted their communication, "First of all, these 8000 people must find a way to get rid of them! And they must be eradicated!"

"Secondly, this Gu Xiao will definitely die! If he can be captured alive, that would be even better. His information will definitely increase the foundation of our Shenxuan Temple."

"We all know this!" All the elders were already determined to kill this group of intern disciples from the Shenxuan Palace, especially this Gu Xiao, who had already been included in their must-kill list.

"The key is how to do it?"

"Yeah, to deal with them, ordinary disciples are useless. I'm afraid one-on-one. We even need to send out talents at the elder level to kill them. If it is at the core disciple level, at least a dozen people are needed to be sure. Kill one! Even we will have serious casualties."

"They should have returned to the Sunset Sect by now. According to their meaning to the entire Sunset Sect, they must be well protected. Under this premise, even if we have enough manpower, there is no way to do anything in the Sunset Sect, right?"

"That old guy usually seems to be indifferent to world affairs, drinking tea and fishing every day, but if someone really breaks into the Sunset Sect, he will go crazy!"

"Then what should we do? No one can do anything. When those bastards grow up, we'll just disband!"


After discussing for half an hour, everyone gave a lot of ideas, but no one thought of a real and feasible solution.

"I have a solution!" Finally, an elder seemed to have a countermeasure.

"What clever plan does Elder Wu have?" All eyes were on him at once.

"Since we can't get into the Sunset Sect, let's find a way to lure them out!"

Everyone is very clear that Elder Wu's plan should only be half-spoken. Everyone knows that there must be a way to lure them out, but the key is how to lure them out?
But no one interrupted him directly at this point.

"Most of these young geniuses come from secular empires, sect forces or other organizations, and the number of casual cultivators is very small. I just sent someone to call back the information of these people." Elder Wu opened the information he found.

"The number of intern disciples of the Sunset Sect is 8136 in total. None of these people happened to be solo travelers. Among them, the highest came from the ninth-rank imperial power, and the weakest came from the second-rank imperial power. Most of them were concentrated in the 9- 2 items!"

"Elder Wu, you continue."

"Well," Elder Wu nodded, "These people have been away from their hometowns for more than three years. After the apprenticeship period is over, their first thing should be to return to their hometowns to meet their relatives, so they will definitely act alone when the time comes. , then we will have the opportunity to attack and break down one by one!"

"This won't work!" At this time, an elder finally questioned, "Elder Wu's idea is very good, but this is not suitable for everyone. I don't think everyone will return immediately, right? Want to reconcile with the country? There are many ways to contact family members, and there is no need to go there in person.”

"That's easy. If they don't need to go back to their own country in person, then we will create a reason for them!"

"Elder Wu, don't be a fool!"

"You say, if those disciples hear that their country has fallen into war, or that their family has been destroyed, can they continue to practice in the sect with peace of mind?"

After a moment of silence, it seemed that all the silence had been broken.

"Hahahaha, as expected of Elder Wu!"

"Yeah, who can remain calm when they learn of an accident in their hometown? Once things get messed up, they will give us a lot of opportunities to take advantage of!"

"This method is absolute. If we want to directly deal with those superpowers, even our Shenxuan Palace doesn't have many ways and confidence, but if we just want to deal with the countries behind those intern disciples, it's really too simple."

"When necessary, it is not impossible to hold their family and friends hostage. Now that this is the case, there is no need to care about etiquette, righteousness and shame. Those who make big things don't care about small things!"

"Elder Wu, I will leave this matter to you. No matter what price you pay, you can mobilize the resources of the entire Shenxuan Temple. I only need to ensure one thing, this group of intern disciples must be eradicated! "

"Other elders, you must cooperate with Elder Wu with power. When necessary, you can take action yourself, but it is not good to leave any clues. Don't let anyone find us!"


(End of this chapter)

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