I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1842 The Outer Sect Disciple Who Can't Be Provoked

Chapter 1842 The Outer Sect Disciple Who Can't Be Provoked
With the retreat of the Shenxuan Palace, the war between the Shenxiao Empire and the Xingyu Empire has also come to an end. The national power of the Xingyu Empire has been greatly reduced. Without the support of the Shenxuan Palace, the war has almost lost its suspense. .

Zhang Mengyu and the others walked away amidst the cheers of the royal family and soldiers of the Shenxiao Empire like heroes.

"Ninety-one points! These people were all caught by us. Why should we split the bill with the sect? Have you done anything?"

"Boy, we exchanged these hostages without the sect coming forward. Do you think it's so easy to get the ransom money?" Six and four split the bill, you six, sect four, this is my final bottom line! "

"Well, let's make a concession each, eight or two points. These two points are considered as the hard work of exchanging hostages. This is already based on the personal friendship between the two of us, otherwise I won't give up a single point!"

"Eighty-two points? You can really say that all the benefits are usually shared with the Zongmen. If there is no Zongmen's resources, you will have the opportunity to enter such a battlefield and capture so many prisoners. Is it?" Qi Congyun also refused to give an inch.

"Bullshit, this opportunity was obviously won by us. The sect let us run away, and we stayed here on our own initiative. How about this? The ransom of the first batch of inner disciples belongs to you, and the ransom of the intern disciples later will be yours." We want [-]% of the ransom, isn't that too much?"

"If you want to say that, then we will have to talk about your disobedience to the order of the sect."

"Damn, old man, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Zhang Mengyu and Qi Congyun argued for a long time along the way, and finally reached an agreement. The ransom was split 7-3 between Zhang Mengyu and the Sunset Sect, but the Sunset Sect rewarded each intern disciple with an additional 20000 points of contribution point as compensation.

When returning to Zongmen, the entire Zongmen square was almost crowded with people.

The news about Zhang Mengyu and others has spread through the word of mouth of Xiu Miao and others. Almost everyone in the Sunset Sect knows that this group of intern disciples defeated a group of inner disciples from Shenxuan Palace, and even captured them all alive stand up.

There have been countless frictions between Shenxuan Temple and Sunset Sect, but the Sunset Sect basically ended in defeat. Everyone was always suffocating, and it was rare for them to be defeated by Shenxuan Palace. For people, it is absolutely delightful.

Later, it was unknown who leaked the news, saying that the Shenxuan Palace had once again sent a group of core disciples to support it, but the group of intern disciples remained on the battlefield firmly.

Since then, everyone has paid close attention to this group of special intern disciples. Even if they all die in battle, they will become martyrs of the entire Sunset Sect.

However, I didn't expect that this group of intern disciples won the victory again through the information feedback obtained from everyone's various channels, and even captured the group of core disciples!Even earned a large ransom!

Now they seem to be greeted with the warmest cheers and greetings like a group of warriors returning in triumph.

"Thank you, everyone, thank you!" Zhang Menglong walked in the front and waved to everyone.

The intern disciples in the back also followed suit, and like Zhang Menglong, they almost floated into the sky.

"I declare!" The elder in charge of the student registration assessment came out of the crowd with a smile on his face, "All trainee disciples, after passing the assessment, officially become outer disciples, effective immediately!"

The elder waved his hand, and the token representing the identity of the Sunset Sect disciple on Zhang Mengyu's body immediately changed from gray to green.

"Oh, by the way," the elder added, "Based on your performance in the assessment this time, the sect can give you a chance to be promoted. As long as you pass the assessment, you can get the corresponding title. Someone wants to participate ?"

"I'll go! What kind of treatment is this, the sect actually opened the back door for them, isn't it too partial?"

"Eccentricity? How dare you say such a thing? Although they are only outer disciples now, you can find a core disciple who can defeat them. If you can find ten, I will cut off their heads and give them to you."

"Ten? Keep it safe? I don't think anyone can beat them except Senior Brother Wu Shuang. They have all comprehended the two-level Jiuyou Sunset Art, and they are almost invincible under the Dao realm."

"Anyway, they are a group of perverts. With their current strength, it is estimated that participating in the core disciple assessment is just a formality. It depends on whether any elders are willing to accept them as personal disciples."

"Would you like it? Is it something that the elders are willing to do? There are so many elders in our Sunset Sect, how many of you have comprehended the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art? ?”

"Elder, no need," Zhang Mengyu waved his hand, "Outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, these are just false names, as long as we become official disciples of the Sunset Sect."

"That's right, we don't bother to participate in any disciple assessment, it's meaningless, and it doesn't mean that we are weaker than others if we don't pass the exam."

"But if you don't advance, you may suffer some disadvantages in the allocation of resources." The elder persuaded.

"There is no difference in those resources. We can earn contribution points to exchange for resources by receiving some tasks casually. We are not very interested in the three melons and dates of the Zongmen!"

"Three melons and two dates."

Everyone's expression is as uncomfortable as eating shit. Every time they increase a level, the cultivation resources they get every month can be doubled. In other words, if they advance to the core disciple, the fixed resources they get are the current four. times!
This thing is called three melons and two dates?This is a resource that many people can't even dream of!One must know that the resources of the Sunset Sect's intern disciples alone are five or six times that of the royal family of the ordinary Ninth Rank Empire.

If this is considered as three melons and two dates, then ordinary people simply don't want to practice!

"Are you sure?" the elder asked again, "If you give up this opportunity, you will only be able to participate in the unified promotion assessment organized by the sect in five years. During this period, you will miss a lot of resources, and it is impossible Make an exception again and give you a chance in advance.”

"We're sure," Zhang Mengyu said, "We just don't want to rely entirely on the power of the sect, and see how far we can develop. We don't need those things."

"If that's the case, let's do it according to your ideas." The elder sighed, and now the young people's ideas are becoming more and more elusive.

"From now on, everyone should be more careful when going out," thought the inner disciple said, "If you offend the core disciples, you may be beaten up, but if you offend the outer disciples, you may be beaten to death directly, right?"

"It's hard to imagine what the martial arts competition between our Sunset Sect's outer disciples will look like in the future. It should be a fight between immortals, right?"

"It's best that people from other sects don't come to provoke our Sunset Sect. If we accidentally provoke disciples from other sects, the end will be very interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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