I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1843 Records Are Made To Be Broken

Chapter 1843 Records Are Made To Be Broken

"Tsk tsk tsk, so this is the inner area of ​​the Sunset Sect, and the living conditions are much better than when I was an intern disciple!"

"Yeah, this is the place where people live. The ghostly place before is really not for people to live in. It's okay to take a shower. You have to fetch water yourself!"

"There are also private training rooms, private cinemas, game halls, music halls... This is just a sect, this is simply a well-equipped city, and it doesn't cost money, no wonder everyone is reluctant to go out after coming , the imperial palace of our empire is not as perfect as here!"

Under the leadership of the elders, Zhang Mengyu and others entered the formal disciple area, where a living area was specially allocated for them, surrounded by many other outer disciples waving to them.

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao, I just walked around the neighborhood. It is worthy of the treatment of formal disciples. We can freely use the people and facilities here. Our Sunset Sect also has senior alchemists and weapon refiners. As long as we pay them one With a pen contribution point, they can help refine medicine pills and weapons!"

"There are various chambers of commerce in this inner area, and all things are traded through contribution points. As long as there are enough contribution points, there is almost nothing that cannot be bought, even the top martial arts and martial arts. Exchange it with contribution points!"

"Brother Gu Xiao! Guess what I saw! You can buy a country with contribution points! A fifth-rank empire only needs [-] contribution points! If I earn [-] contribution points, I can buy a fifth-rank empire Go be the emperor!"

"It seems that here, contribution points are really hard currency!" Zhang Mengyu exclaimed, "No wonder those disciples regard contribution points as life!"

"We have gained quite a lot of contribution points this time. 20000 contribution points are enough for us to practice extravagantly for a year or two, but we still have to find a way to earn more contribution points. Some of us who killed the Matt family Already headed to the mission hall."

"Let everyone be careful. If there is such a situation that cannot be dealt with, remember to send a message back immediately. Everyone can help the leader!"

"Alright, Senior Brother Gu Xiao that we know!"

"Senior brother Gu Xiao, we are going to Luoshen Pagoda now, do you want to go and see it too?" said an outer disciple, "Many senior brothers have gone!"

"Luo Shen Pagoda? What is that?" Zhang Meng asked curiously.

"This is the only chance for our Sunset Sect to get a contribution point for nothing after we become formal disciples!" said the disciple, "It should also be an ancient treasure, which can be obtained through a person's performance in the tower Make an evaluation of a martial artist's basic cultivation and comprehensive strength, and if this comprehensive evaluation reaches a certain standard, you can get a large amount of contribution points."

"Anything like that?"

"I've inquired about it. People at different levels of life have different standards. According to my second-rank spiritual cultivation, a standard basic cultivation base is 1, which represents the average strength of a second-rank spiritual cultivator."

"Another criterion is the increase in comprehensive strength. Whether it is martial arts, secret techniques, bloodlines or other methods, it can be counted. The standard parameter is 3, which means that the real cultivation base of about three times the comprehensive strength will be exerted. "

"After entering the Luoshen Pagoda, it will give the product of two values. If it exceeds the usual multiple, you can get this multiple multiplied by 1000 contribution points. Even if you just meet this standard, you will still be rewarded with 1000 points! "

"Has anyone tried it?" Zhang Meng asked with a smile.

"A few people have already gone. We are practicing the Jiuyou Sunset Jue. It is twenty or thirty times the basic parameters. At least tens of thousands of contribution points have been obtained. Patriarch, go and have a look." !"

"It's interesting!" Zhang Mengyu also showed some interest, "Let's go, let's go together!"


The Luoshen Pagoda is located in a relatively remote area within the entire Zongmen, but this place is very lively, because even if you have already received a contribution point reward, you will still have a chance to obtain contribution points for the next challenge. It's just that the basic reference value at this time becomes the result of my last test.

In other words, you need to surpass your previous performance as much as possible in order to get more contribution point rewards.

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao!"

"Junior Brother Gu Xiao!"

The students who came and went warmly greeted Gu Xiao, and now this name is known to everyone in the entire Sunset Sect.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Zhang Mengyu nodded and smiled one by one.

Zhang Mengyu walked to the edge of the Luoshen Pagoda. Here is an introduction to this pagoda. It is indeed something preserved from the ancient Sunset Sect. Its purpose is to help disciples understand the changes in their own strength. It is used to test the progress of the practice of Jiuyou Sunset Jue.

It's a pity that in this era, this tower has lost its original meaning, because there are only a few people who can comprehend the Nine Nether Sunset Art.

There is a record board next to the Falling God Tower, where the test results of those outstanding disciples are recorded.

Not surprisingly, the number one ranking is indeed the famous legendary character Lei Poguan. On this list, there are three statistics, basic strength, comprehensive strength, and final score.

Lei Poguan's basic strength has reached 18.73, which means that he is nearly 19 times stronger than ordinary warriors of the same level!And the ordinary warriors referred to here are disciples of the entire Sunset Sect!If compared with those warriors in the world, this number may be several times higher!
His comprehensive strength is 183, which means that he has exhausted all his hole cards and can display a terrifying strength increase of 183 times his basic physical fitness!And ordinary warriors in his realm, most of them only have five times!

In addition to the 100-fold increase in the second level of the Jiuyou Sunset Art, it can be seen that Lei Poguan has many other trump cards, which have also greatly improved his own strength.

In the end, Lei Poguan's score was 686. From this Lost God Tower alone, Lei Poguan earned nearly 70 contribution points!
"If Senior Brother Lei Poguan survives, this record may still be rewritten!"

"There is a new record! It was created by an outer disciple!"

"The basic score is 8.6, the comprehensive score is 42, and the final score is 361! I don't know where the original No.2 has been pushed!"

"There are a total of 100 rankings. Now the No. 1 is still brother Lei Poguan's. The remaining 99 are all replaced. Absolutely."

"Damn, this batch of newcomers are all monsters!"

"Good job!" Zhang Menglong patted the shoulder of the outer disciple who had just walked out.

"Patriarch, it's your turn," the disciple said expectantly. Everyone knows that Zhang Mengyu is abnormal, but so far no one knows the extent of Zhang Menglong's abnormality. Now this level can be expressed by a number. Naturally, everyone is very much looking forward to.

"Patriarch, broke the record of Brother Lei Poguan!"

"Although I'm a little embarrassed," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "but to record this thing, it is natural to break it, Senior Brother Lei, offended!"

(End of this chapter)

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