Chapter 1844

"Challenger, welcome to Luoshen Tower!" The moment Zhang Menglong stepped into Luoshen Tower, he was teleported to another space.

This space can't see the edge at a glance, like an empty universe, and he floats quietly in the center of this space.

"Oh, it turned out to be an intelligent system," Zhang Mengyu said to himself. He thought that in this ancient thing, it would be controlled by a tool spirit. It seems that even in that ancient era, extremely The technology of cash is civilized.

"Life-level spiritual cultivation first grade, start to correct the benchmark data."

"After the data is corrected, set the standard value to 1, and start testing the basic physical fitness."

"Muscle Strength: 322; Energy Strength: 289; Mental Strength: 254; Nerve Reaction Speed: 238"

"Baseline data, 309.12!"

"It's not bad, it's more than 300 times that of the ordinary first-grade disciples of the Sunset Sect." Zhang Mengyu nodded with satisfaction, bloodline strengthening, innate advantages, etc., made Zhang Mengyu's body frighteningly strong even in a normal state.

This data was also directly uploaded almost at the same time, and appeared on the data display screen outside Luoshen Tower.

"309! Appeared, 309!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, just looking at it, you know it's another outer disciple, huh? Gu Xiao? Isn't this the leader of the outer disciples? There are hundreds of others, why is he only 309?"

Although this is already a very scary number, when they think of this group of terrifying outer disciples, they feel that something is missing.

So far, the highest score among this group of outer disciples has exceeded 400 points. According to their estimates, Gu Xiao should have a score of 500 or even higher, right?

"Wait!" Someone suddenly responded, "This is not the final score, this is just the basic score for physical fitness!"

Only then did they notice that there were a few words before this number.

In an instant, the disciples outside Luoshen Pagoda were blown away.

"309? Just the basic physical fitness is 309? Does he even need to rely on the most basic physical fitness to reach such a level?"

"Monster! Then how much can his comprehensive strength score be? According to the situation just now, the test results of all the outer disciples are at least 35 points!"

"His final score may cost tens of thousands!"

"It's no wonder that the Shenxuan Palace was brought into this state by him. Under the elders, who is his opponent?"

"Invincible, really invincible!"

"Start the comprehensive strength test!"

At this time, Zhang Menglong in Luoshen Pagoda had already carried out the second test. Following the prompt of the intelligent system, a figure almost identical to him appeared in front of Zhang Menglong.

It's just that this figure looks much calmer and quieter than Zhang Mengyu.

"Testing begins!"

As soon as the words fell, that figure immediately attacked Zhang Menglong. His strength and speed were almost exactly the same as Zhang Menglong in this state, as if it was his shadow.

Zhang Mengyu then blocked a side kick, and the clone immediately reacted optimally, turning half a circle in the air through the inertia of the body, and then another violent elbow.

"Good guy, your strength has increased!" Zhang Mengyu felt keenly that this attack had increased by about 5% compared to just now.

Obviously, the Luoshen Tower is based on the duplicant created to fight with the challenger. During this process, the strength, speed or other attributes are continuously improved until the challenger is defeated. At this time, the degree of increase is the challenger overall strength score.

"It's interesting!" Zhang Mengyu also developed a lot of interest. It's really rare to find an opponent who allows him to completely let go of his hands and feet!

"Five times the king of the world!"

Zhang Menglong's strength and speed soared, and he directly knocked out the replicant in front of him.

However, the replicant flew in the air for a while, and then a strong red arrogance burst out from his body, and he rushed towards Zhang Menglong at the same speed.

At this time, the data displayed in the Luoshen Pagoda also changed to 7, and the combined strength of the ordinary warriors of the first rank of divine cultivation was around 3, and the strength of Zhang Mengyu, who had increased by 20 times, was 7 times the strength of ordinary warriors!
"Boom!" The two collided, and both strength and speed were at a stalemate. Zhang Mengyu exerted his mental power, and the rock meteorite floating in this space slammed into the clone like a meteor.

The replicant also followed suit, and countless meteorites smashed into each other.

"Good guy, you're watching my eight-door Dunjia move, the door of death, open!" The red flames on Zhang Mengyu's body instantly became as thick as blood.

"Death door, open!" The replicant's body was also full of blood, and his hair was also bright red.

"Night Kai!"

"Night Kai!"

The two red beast phantoms collided, and smoke and dust were scattered all over the place, and the burst of energy even made the tower tremble faintly.

On the monitor, the number representing the overall strength score kept soaring, and the intensity of the battle in Luoshen Tower also skyrocketed.

As everyone knows, at this time, a group of people are observing the battle in Luoshen Tower through a device.

"Elder Qi, this time you really got a freak for our Sunset Sect!"

"He hasn't used the Nine Nether Sunset Jue yet, and his strength has increased by more than 100 times, especially the secret technique called Bamen Dunjia just now, the degree of increase is even slightly higher than the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Jue!"

"If this kid advances to the peak of spiritual cultivation, I am afraid that people of the fifth and sixth ranks of the Taoist realm will not be his opponents!"

"Combined with the Nine Nether Sunset Art, his full power burst can even exceed 200 times his own strength! How strong is the body needed to support such a burst of power?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't because his body collapsed and couldn't bear it, Senior Brother Lei wouldn't have fallen back then. This kid's body is simply a monster."

"Don't worry, this kid is far from reaching his limit!"

In the picture, the red arrogance on Zhang Mengyu's body suddenly faded a bit. With a flash of golden light, the length of his hair suddenly increased to nearly two meters in length, and even became golden yellow all over. The increase directly exceeded 200 times!
"What is this? Is it some kind of bloodline power? But I heard that his bloodline is not a unicorn arm or something? How can one person have two kinds of bloodline power?"

"Suddenly increased my physical fitness by 100 times in an instant? It's really enviable!"

"It's not over yet, he has performed the Nine Nether Sunset Jue!" An elder exclaimed, "Can his body hold it up?"

"300 times, more than 300 times! His body hasn't collapsed yet!"

Zhang Menglong performed the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heaven and Fire and the Great Desolation Sutra one after another.

"350 times!"

"400 times!"

"500 times! This is already the limit of this Luoshen Tower!"

"Bang!" The replicant was punched flying by Zhang Menglong, who stepped on its chest, and then disappeared into black mist.

"The challenger's strength has increased by more than [-] times, which has exceeded the evaluation limit of the Luoshen Tower. Please quit the test." The voice of the intelligent system of the Luoshen Tower rang in Zhang Mengyu's ear.

"That's it?" Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes, "What ancient treasures are there? It's just this little ability. I'm really speechless."

(End of this chapter)

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