Chapter 1877

"However, brothers, according to our current ability, it may not be very feasible to kill the Shenxuan Palace," Zhang Mengyu said.

His current realm has reached the fifth rank of divine cultivation, but even if he has a special physique and all kinds of talents in one body, it is estimated that he is almost slightly more powerful than Lei Poguan back then. That is to say, to reach the level of the master of the Shenxuan Palace, there may still be a lot of distance from the master of the Shenxuan Palace.

Of course, Zhang Mengyu can choose to use the power of the teachers in the Super Seminary, but he plans to avenge this revenge himself!

Also, although other people have mastered the second level of the Jiuyou Sunset Jue, they can basically kill indiscriminately in the realm of spiritual cultivation, but it is far from enough to deal with the many elders of the Shenxuan Palace.

An elder in the Dao realm could easily defeat any of them, but if he wanted to kill him in the Shenxuan Palace now, he might still be defeated in the end.

"Of course, what I said is not what we need to do now," Zhang Mengyu said, "We want to avenge the Shenxuan Palace, but now is not the right time, our ability is still slightly insufficient, so we The goal now is to break through to the peak of spiritual cultivation in a short period of time!"

"Patriarch, this is not easy," everyone sighed, not saying how difficult it is, but that it will take a very long time to cultivate to the peak of spiritual cultivation, unless they enter the last time again. That magical room of spirit and time or use that hourglass of time again.

But it is a pity that neither the time hourglass nor the spirit and time room can be used unlimitedly. In the short term, they cannot use this law of time to cheat.

"Let's go back to the sect first," Zhang Mengyu said, "We have nothing to do, but the suzerain and the others are well-informed, and they always give us some pointers."

"it is good!"


"Senior Brother Gu Xiao and the others are back!" The disciple guarding the mountain gate cheered the moment they saw them.

"What? Brother Gu Xiao is still alive?"

"Didn't Senior Brother Gu Xiao get slapped head-on by the master of Shenxuan Palace? Oh my god, even a strong man at the peak of Dao Realm can't kill him!"

The legend about Zhang Mengyu has long been spread throughout the Sunset Sect. Everyone knows that he brought the group of newly promoted outer disciples to Xuanyun City and turned the entire Xuanyun City upside down. Even [-] elders personally They went out to deal with them, but they were all scared to death by the rescuers Gu Xiao invited.

In the end, the master of the Shenxuan Palace personally acted, otherwise, according to Gu Xiao's temper, those elders would definitely not have a good end.In the end, he took an angry blow from the master of Shenxuan Palace. Everyone thought he was dead, even the super-powerful elders thought he was dead. Unexpectedly, he appeared in front of everyone alive now.

"I knew you kid wouldn't die!"

That sloppy abandoned elder was the first to fly out from the Sunset Sect.He has a good relationship with the elders of several other superpowers. Many people participated in the operation to support Zhang Mengyu. They told Qi Congyun that Gu Xiao was hit by the master of Shenxuan Palace. When they left, they even felt His breath was gone.

But Qi Congyun could vaguely feel that Zhang Mengyu was definitely not a person who would burp easily, and he didn't expect that his intuition was actually right!

"Lao-management almost went to the Shenxuan Palace to fight desperately, no, you made Lao-management so worried, you must give me some compensation!"

"Hey, hey, okay, I don't know you yet!" Zhang Mengyu hurriedly pushed Qi Congyun away, "Tell me what you want, don't come to me with such sensational things, I won't eat them This set."

"Hahaha, do you still have the beer from last time? Give me some more white ones?"

"It's easy to talk about," Zhang Mengyu said, "Elder Qi, can you introduce me to the Suzerain, I might want to ask him for help with something."

"Why are you looking for the suzerain?" Qi Congyun asked curiously, "You can't be beaten and want to ask the suzerain to help you out, right? The possibility is not very high. The only hobby of the suzerain is fishing and playing chess. There's nothing else to do at all."

"Why do you care so much about the handsome guy? You just say whether you can help!"

"You kid still think of me as an elder, do you believe that I will cut you?" Qi Congyun scolded with a smile.

"Come on, come on, cut me if you have the ability, and see who is cutting whom now!"

Zhang Mengyu burst out his aura and cast the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art, the power fluctuations emitted from his body even surpassed the ordinary fourth and fifth ranks of Dao Realm.

"You boy!"

Qi Congyun's smile stopped abruptly, and after only a few days of seeing each other, Zhang Mengyu's own life level has been directly raised from the level of divine breath to the fifth level of spiritual cultivation, and even his real combat power made him feel a little frightened.

"How about it, are you still fighting?" Zhang Menglong looked at Qi Congyun with a smile.

"It's a fool who fights with you, and I want to save face," Qi Congyun said calmly, "You little bastard, when I met you for the first time, you still begged labor and management for help, now it's okay , I will come to you in case of trouble in the future, hahaha!"

"Don't talk nonsense, when will you help me make an appointment with the suzerain?"

"Stay honestly in the sect for a few days first, and I will call you when the appointment is made."

"All right!"

Although Zhang Mengyu and others were still outer disciples, the sect gave them a very high evaluation according to their performance this time, and even directly gave them the treatment of core disciples.

Of course, there is also an unwritten rule in the entire Sunset Sect, you can provoke inner disciples, you can provoke core disciples, but don't provoke outer disciples at all, because you don't know when you will just offend someone who can perform the Jiuyou Sunset Art. Monsters on the second floor.

"Boy Gu Xiao, let's go, I'll take you to see the suzerain!"

It was only a few days later, and before Zhang Menglong had even searched the entire Sunset Sect, Qi Congyun found him.

"So fast?"

"Actually, the suzerain also wants to meet you. Don't talk nonsense then. Although you are better than labor and capital now, you are still a little trash in front of the suzerain."

"Understood, why are you moaning like girls?"

Zhang Mengyu's words made Qi Congyun clenched his fists tightly, but he put them down slowly after a while, there is no way, he can't beat him now!

Passing through most of the Sunset Sect, they came to a small garden behind the entire island. Apart from a relatively large fish pond and various flowers and plants, there was only a wooden hut left. No one thought that the super power One of the patriarchs actually lived such a simple life.

"Sovereign, Gu Xiao brought it here." Qi Congyun said cautiously at the entrance of the small garden.

"Well, you go down first, I will chat with Gu Xiao alone."


Qi Congyun gave Gu Xiao a warning look, then exited the garden respectfully.

Like a ghost, a phantom quickly passed along a path in the garden, and arrived in front of Gu Xiao after a while.

This is a chubby old man, completely different from the Suzerain of the Sunset Sect in Zhang Mengyu's mind, and he doesn't even look like a warrior at the peak of Dao Realm.

"Hello suzerain." Zhang Mengyu greeted.

"Don't be so cautious," the suzerain said after making sure that no one was around, "You fought well in Xuanyun City, and you fought hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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