I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1878 Risk?nonexistent

Chapter 1878 Risk?nonexistent


The reaction of the setting sun suzerain made Zhang Menglong very surprised.

To be honest, what they have done in this period of time can be said to be very excessive. If the Sunset Sect is a school, they and their group are bad students who make trouble everywhere, fight and fight, and even recruit a group of students. The kind where people fight in groups.

As the headmaster of the Sunset Sect, it is already very difficult to expel them from school without holding them accountable. He is still praising them for their good work?

"Gu Xiao, do you think that I will punish you heavily and then expel you from the Sunset Sect?" said the fat old man.

"I thought you would punish me at least a few words," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, not to mention anything else, but he violated the orders of the elders of the Sunset Sect and did not return immediately after solving the plight of the Shenxiao Empire. Zongmen, but chose to continue to fight with that group of core disciples, this is already something that is difficult to forgive in Zongmen.

But it's really strange, after they came back, the elders didn't punish them, judging by the suzerain's reaction, they couldn't be suppressed by him, right?

"Lei Poguan is my most proud student!" said the fat old man, and at the same time, an indescribable grief appeared on his face.

Zhang Menglong understood it all at once, and even saw a lot from his expression.

Love, regret, anger, self-blame?

"I picked it up from a ruin," the old suzerain took Zhang Menglong inside, and the two of them were talking to each other like friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time. "The talent for breaking the level is very good. The best I've seen so far... Except for you, a monster, of course."

"I watched him grow up, and taught him everything I have learned since he was a child. I hope he can inherit the tasks of the Sunset Sect. I believe he can do better than me, and it turns out that he is indeed done."

"Old master, I heard that you fish and play chess here every day, is it related to Senior Brother Lei?"

"Breakthrough is my dream," the suzerain said. "My dream is shattered, and I have nothing more to do. This is considered free and easy, and it is not easy for me to think wildly."

"Haven't you thought about avenging your brother?"

"Of course I thought about it," the old man said, "but the strength of Shenxuan Temple is indeed much stronger than ours. If you want to take revenge, you may have to pay the price of the entire Sunset Sect. I can't ruin the entire Sunset just because I broke the barrier Zong's future."

"Besides, that old guy from Shenxuan Palace is indeed quite capable. Unless I can comprehend the third stage of the Jiuyou Sunset Art, I'm still slightly inferior to him."

Looking at his somewhat vicissitudes expression, Zhang Mengyu understood what kind of things he was carrying in his heart. No wonder the suzerain of a sect became what he is now.

"I wanted to meet you a long time ago," said the suzerain, "you are the most interesting person I have ever met, and you are also the most talented person I have ever met. Your talent cannot even be described as perfect, you are like a person who has opened a cheat in a game, I think this metaphor is more suitable for you."

Zhang Mengyu smiled, this suzerain really knows how to make metaphors, and this is really well compared by him.

"However, I can feel that you will not be bound by anything. You never do things recklessly, but I am very surprised that you can do almost everything just right, especially if you can endure That old guy of yours didn't die with a single blow, and your life is too tough."

"He wants to kill me, even if he is at the peak of the Dao Realm, it is foolish not to pay some price."

"I just like your majestic appearance, proud, but with the capital of pride, you really seem to break through."

"Okay, let's get down to business. What do you want to do when you come to me this time?" The content of the conversation also came to the main part.

"I'm going to smash the Shenxuan Palace," Zhang Menglong said without thinking.

"Hahaha, you are straightforward enough," the suzerain said, "What do you think I can help you with, out of the ordinary?"

"No," Zhang Mengyu said, "We will avenge our own revenge, and we don't need the suzerain to send someone for us."

"You have to think about it clearly. There are more than 8000 elders in the Shenxuan Temple, tens of millions of disciples, and eight deputy hall masters. You only have [-] people. If you want to demolish the Shenxuan Temple, isn't that too much?" Is it somewhat unrealistic?"

"8000 people are enough," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Senior Brother Lei Poguan alone can beat the entire Shenxuan Temple to the ground, and even almost killed a deputy hall master. We have more people, it's nothing Impossible."

"That's right, you've all comprehended the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art. As long as you cultivate to the peak of Shenxuan, ordinary elders can't stop you at all!" The suzerain said to himself, "But if you want to defeat a deputy Hall Master, at least you need the strength of Dao Realm, unless you have already comprehended..."

As soon as the suzerain finished speaking, an unusual aura flashed across Zhang Menglong's body.

"You!" His pupils dilated several times at once, and even the light of surprise appeared in his eyes, "Elder Ai said that after you soaked in the Sunset River, you comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Art, and you thought it was here. Your comprehension is just comprehension of the first level, I never thought you meant comprehension of all of them..."

"If this is the case, no elder or deputy hall master can stop you when you reach the peak of spiritual cultivation, and even defeating the master of Shenxuan hall is not completely impossible!"

"So I hope the suzerain can help me," Zhang Mengyu said, "I hope that my brothers and I can advance to the peak of spiritual cultivation in a short time!"

"Why do you think I can help you?" The suzerain looked at Zhang Mengyu with a half-smile, "Cultivation is a matter of one step at a time. There is no shortcut. Even if there is, there will be huge side effects."

"Actually, first of all, the Divine Profound Realm is just a quantitative accumulation. From the first rank of the Divine Profound Realm to the ninth rank is a process of quantitative change. It is much easier than going from the peak of the Divine Profound Realm to the Dao Realm."

"You're right!"

"Second point, I believe that the suzerain has traveled many places, has seen a lot, and knows a lot of things that we don't know. There are some things that we don't know how to do, but the suzerain may know, and this is what I came to find your purpose."

"Hahahaha..." The suzerain couldn't help laughing, "Gu Xiao, you are really an interesting person!"

After laughing for a while, he calmed down again, "The place you mentioned does exist, and it can take you from reaching the peak of spiritual cultivation in a very short period of time."

Zhang Menglong was overjoyed, he really had a solution.

"But as I said just now, there is no shortcut to cultivation, unless you are willing to accept the disadvantages it brings!" The suzerain said seriously, "You have to consider this kind of risk in advance."

"For ordinary people, shortcuts have disadvantages, but for me, there may not be any!" Zhang Mengyu said confidently, "Risk? It doesn't exist!"

(End of this chapter)

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