I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1882 When did the alchemist of the Sunset Sect become so powerful

Chapter 1882 When did the alchemist of the Sunset Sect become so powerful
"Boss, is that a mysterious beast?"

The young people of the Sunset Sect looked at the fox that was burning with blue energy flames all over its body. Its body was only three to forty meters long, not even comparable to those monsters, but the power it displayed could be described as the power of gods and demons. .

"This thing is really strong. None of the core disciples in the Shenxuan Palace can give me such a strong pressure."

"The feeling that this phantom profound beast gives me is almost close to the feeling that the elders of Shenxuan Hall gave me. This thing is indeed very strong."

"Look, that claw just now is definitely a martial art created by human beings. When it is used, it may be more powerful than the creator of this martial art."

"A phantom beast at the half-step dao level can actually cause hundreds of warriors at the peak of spiritual cultivation and thousands of warriors at other spiritual cultivation levels to fight hard. This is really a team to fight a boss."


"This mysterious mysterious beast is really interesting." Zhang Mengyu immediately said to Goudan, "Goudan, do you have any information about this mysterious mysterious beast?"

[There are, and in the final analysis it is just a kind of energy creature, but there are some subtle differences, and it is not so powerful. I guess even if these people are wiped out, they may not be able to kill this phantom mysterious beast ! 】

Goudan's evaluation is very pertinent, even for warriors at the peak of spiritual cultivation, their attacks only cause some energy turbulence on the phantom mysterious beast.

The structure of their bodies is destined to prevent the phantom beasts from being injured. Powerful attacks can consume the energy of their bodies, and when their energy is exhausted, it will not be far from death.But the energy consumption of these people's attacks on it is basically negligible, and every attack of the phantom beast is comparable to ordinary human beings.
The battle started less than 5 minutes ago, and nearly a hundred warriors at the peak of spiritual cultivation were killed or seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness. A swap happened.

The fantasy beast originally just wanted to see what this place was, but after killing red eyes, they no longer had much reason left, and the violent emotions filled their intelligence. What it wanted to do, It's just to kill this nasty creature in front of you.

"Patriarch, should we help?" After knowing the powerful effect of the mysterious beast, everyone was eager to try.

"Okay," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "This half-step Dao realm phantom beast should be close to the level of a first-rank elder in the Shenxuan Temple. You can try it and try not to get hurt. There will be more severe ones soon." Danger awaits us."


With Zhang Mengyu's consent, everyone immediately flew towards the mysterious beast.

When they appeared, those warriors who were fighting with the mysterious beasts naturally noticed their existence.

It's just that the breath of life on them is only around the third rank of divine cultivation. Among the fighters around this endless gate, they are already considered to be at the bottom, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

However, the power of these people exceeded their imagination in an instant.

"Nine Serene Sunset Technique!"

With a phantom beast of this level, everyone can't help but conserve their strength, and they are all fired up when they come up.

"These people..." The outburst of the young people of the Sunset Sect made their breathing stagnant. At this moment, they even had the illusion that these people were all powerful in the Dao realm.

"Nine Serene Sunset Jue! It's a disciple of the Sunset Sect!"

"Ah? People from the Sunset Sect have come here? Isn't it the least powerful people who advocate using this method to improve their realm?"

"There are only a few hundred people who can learn this skill, how can there be thousands of people at once?"

"Who knows, the power inside the super power, which of us is qualified to know?"


"Get down!"

The person who rushed to the front punched the back of the mysterious beast with a fist, and the terrifying power burst out, which caught the mysterious beast off guard. It suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly on the ground. A big hole was smashed.

"Look at me!"

The second person followed closely behind. He was holding a blue energy ball. This energy ball was still spinning at a high speed, and the surrounding space burst out with ear-piercing friction sounds. He smashed the energy ball into the phantom. The pit of the mysterious beast, and then quickly swept away.


A dazzling blue light burst out from the entire pit, and the roar of the mysterious beast could even be heard. Even the mysterious beast hadn't imagined that these two human beings who appeared suddenly could burst out with such unimaginable power.

It's just that this combo combo isn't over yet, it's just the beginning.

"Turtle School Qigong!"

"The Ultimate Flash!"

"Magic Light Killer Cannon!"

"Magic Flash!"

In the sky, another group of youths were gathering terrifying energy in their hands. It seemed that the attack of the two youths just now was just a smoke bomb. This was the real killing move!
The phantom profound beast struggled to stand up, but several terrifying forces were already heading towards him.


The ground that was already devastated was once again cracked. The power level of this kind of battle has already far exceeded the limit of a martial artist of the spiritual level. next.



More than 8000 people each used their most powerful attacks. The Mystical Beast tried hard to break out of their encirclement, but it couldn't even raise its head!

Under such indiscriminate bombardment, even if the Illusory Profound Beast was extremely close to the Dao Realm, its aura immediately weakened.

Twenty minutes later, the roar of the mysterious beast completely disappeared, and its body also disappeared into the pit, leaving only a wreck of energy that was as dense as mist.

"The phantom profound beast is dead?"

"That group of people, the best realm is the fourth grade of spiritual cultivation, right? Although they are from super powers, but even this is too exaggerated?"

"Eight thousand people, even this phantom beast, which is comparable to a human martial artist, has no resistance!"

"Super power, so terrifying!"


The blue mist rose slowly, almost evenly blending into everyone's body.

"I'll go, this energy is almost comparable to the energy I can accumulate in a year or two!"

"The experience of fighting bosses is really impressive. We are still playing bosses on high-level maps. If there are two or three more such phantom beasts, we can all advance directly!"

"Continuously devouring the power of this level of phantom beasts, these young people are going to be in trouble!" A martial artist who seemed to have been in this place for a long time said to himself.

Sure enough, everyone was still feeling the extremely inflated power. At this time, bloodshot eyes appeared in the eyes of several people, and they felt a violent emotion trying to dominate their bodies.

"Swallow it quickly!" Zhang Mengyu immediately popped out a few pills.

Those young men swallowed the elixir, and the blood in their eyes immediately disappeared.

"His elixir actually has this effect?"

"This is simply a magic pill!"

"I asked the people from Shennong Valley for help before, but they said that there is no pill that can eliminate the side effects. When did the alchemist of the Sunset Sect become so powerful?"

(End of this chapter)

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